Againft Cenforiotl{nefs. Tit. i. 1>ire8ions for tf,e C~~re of jirifut (e1tforioufnefs. Direct~ I· M Eddle not at aU in jmJ._sing of otberJ without a caD. Know firll wheth-er it be any Dire{J. 1 • of your work. If not, be afraid of thofe words of your Judge, Matth. 7• r, 2, ,, 4· S· Judge not, that ye be""' judged: For with what j,.dgement you jHdge, you ]hall be judged, &c. A.nd Rom. 14· 4· !Yho art tbou th.Jt judj{ejl: anotfur mans flrvant? To his ow.u Mlljl-er he Jfa;rdeth 8 r faUeth. And vcrf. 10· & 13· But why do/1 thou judge thy brotlm l Or why dojl thou fit at nought thy brother l We. jlz.>ll all ]land before the judgement fiat of Chriji---Evrry one. of zu ]hall give account of lumftlj to God. 1 Lu Uf not therefore ;udge one anothir any more. 1 Cor. 4· 3, 4) 5· Bttl with meitiJavcry fmaUtbing that IjhoultJ be judged ofyott, or of man; jt~dgement---Therefore judge notbin~ btfllrC the time tiU tbe Lord come, who both wiU bring to light the hidden thiHgJ nfdark..- 1zrji, and wiU mak._e numi[ejl tile counfelJofthe beariJ---Col. z, 16. Let no man judge you in meat or in driilk,., or in re{pfll of 11n holy day, or oftbe ntw Moon, or S.Abhatb. ~eft. But when have I a calt to Judge a1zother l An[w· You may take the anfwcr to this from the anfwer to ~tft. IO· Chap.23· 1it. I· z, If your Office or place require it, as a Magifirate, Pafior, Parent, Mo~lkr, Tuwr, &c. 2. If the fafety of the Church, or your neighbour do require it. 3• If the good of the finner require it, tlut ·you may feek his repentance and reformation ; 4· If your own prefervation or welfare ( or any mher duty ) require ir. Direct. z, Krcp up an bumble fen[e ofyrmr own faultJ, and tbat triU maize you compaf!ionate t9 Direa. 2• otherJ. ~~ that is tr~ vile it~ his own ~-yes,. is leafi indi.ned. w vilitie 'Others.; .And he t~at judgeth himfclf wnh the gre:fifft pemtent feventy, ts the leafl mclmed tb be ctn{ortous to hJs brother. Pride is the common caufe of ccnforioufneiS: He that faith with the Pharifcc, I faft twice a wetJ:.., and p.:zy tyrhe of aU tiJat I have, I am no adulterer, &c. will alfo fay, I am not as orbe.r men, Jzor 4f th~ pub/ican : when the true penitent til'ldeth fo much of his own to be condemned, that he fmiteth on his own breafi and faith, God be merciful tome afinncr. The prouder f<:lf-conceited fort of Chrifiians are eve~: the moft cenforious of their neighbours. DireCt 3· Be mudJ therefore at home in fearching, and watchi~tg, aml amending your oW1: heartr ~ Dirtfl, ;• and then you will tind fo much to do about your fc::lves, that you will have no mind or leHUre tobe cenfuring others: Whereas the lUperficial hypocrite, whofe Religion is in externals, and is unacquainted with his heart and Heaven, is fo little employed in the true work of a Chrifiian, that he hath leifure for the work of a c~nforious Pharifee. DireCt. 4• LaboHr for a deep experimmtal infight into the nature ~J Riligion, and of tvery duty. Dire&l. If• For no men arc fo cenforious, as the ignorant who know not what they fay: whileft experienced perfons know thofe difficulties and other reafons which calm their mind.s. As in common bufi~ nc[s no man will fooner find fault with a Workman in his work, than idle pratcrs who leaft un· dcrfiand it. So is it comrnooly in matters of Religion: TYomen aed yoHng men, that nevi:r faw in· to the great m)'fteries of Divinity, but have been lately changed from a vicious life, and have neither acquaintance with the hard points of Religion, nor with their own ignorance of them, are the common proud ccnfurcrs of their brethrcn•much 'wifer than ttiemfelves, and of all men that are more moderate and peaceable than themfclves, and are more addicted to Unity, and more averfe to Sects and feparations than they. Study harder, and wait till you grow up to the experience of the aged, and you will be lefs cenforious, and more peaceable. . Direct. 5· Thin!;_ not your filver fit Judger of that which you undcrjland "" : And thml;_not propd- Direa. 5· ly that you are Ji~er to un_d£r~fand tbt difficultiu in , _with yo~r jhort and lllZJ jhidiu, t~aJi thofi that in readJHg, mcd,tatton and·prayer have[pent thezr ltvelm{tarchmg after them. Let not pnde make you abufc the Holy Gholl, by pretending that he hath given you more wifdome in a little time, and with little means and diligence, than your betters have by the holy induftry of all their lives ; Say not, God um givt more to you in a ytar, tiJan to others in twenty. For it is a poor ar· gurnmt to prove that God bath done ir.' becaulC: he clln do it. He ea~ make you an A~gel, but that will not prove you one. Provt your 1 w1fdome before you pretend ton, and overvalue tt not; Heb. 5· 1 1, 1 2, Cheweth !hat it is_Gods way to gi~e men wifdom according to their time and meam, unlefs their own negligence depnve them of hts bleffing. DireCt. 6. StHdy to kup up Cbrijfian Love, and t~ kerp it liv£1y : For Love is not cenforious, but Dirtll· 6. is inclined to judge the belt, till evidence ~o~f\rain you to the co~trarr·..ccnforioufnefs is a Vermine which crawluh in the carkafs of Chnfttan Love, when the l1fe ot 1t Js gone. · DirtCt. 7 . Value all G~JJ grace! in biJ fervants: And then you will fee fomething to love them Dirtli· 7· for, whtn hypocrites can fee nothing; Make not too light of [mall degrees of grace, end then your · cenrure will not overlook them. DireCt. g, Remember tee tendermfl of Chri/f, who condemnerh not tile weak, nOr cafieth Infants Direa. S~ out of his family, nor the di(Cafed Out o_fhis Hofpiu~; but dcaleth with t~em in ru,h gracious gentlenefs as bcfeeml!th a tender-hearted SJvtour : He WJU not break the bru1fcd reed; He carrycth his Lan~bs in his arms, and gently driveth thofe with young! He taketh up the wound:d man, when the Prie!l and Levit< pafS him by. And h•vc you not need of the tendcrnefs ofChnlt your felves . xxxxxxx 2 as