Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

Dirtll·~> Dirtll· •• Dire/1. 3• Dirrll. +• Direll. 5· Direll. 6. Dirtll. 7· Dirt/1.8. 'Direaions for the Cenfured. I <ontentions <ould not be heard, till the fmart of either party in their fulfering forced them to ho: nour fu<h; whom in their exaltation again they defpifed or abufed. Thi• l• the true fumm of all the Traga:dics in Britain of this Age. Tit. 4· :Dire8ions for thofe tiJat are rajhly cenji~red. Direct. I· REmtmber wben you art injured by Ctn{Hrts, tfJat God it now trying your Humility Charity and Patimce: And therefore be moft ftudious to exercift and prcferve the/t tbm. I· Take heed ldl Pridt make you difdainful to the cenfurers: A humble man can bear con– tempt: Hard cenfurcs hurt men fa far as they are proud. 2. Take heed lcfi imbecillity add to your i~patience, and conc~r withpridt: Ca~not ~ou bear greater things than thcfc ? Impatience will dtfclofc that badnefs m your felves, wh1<h will make you cenfured much more : And it will fbew you as weak in one refpcd: as the ccnfurers arc in another. 3• Take heed Jell tbeir fault do not draw you to overlook or undervalue that fcrious god1inefs which is in many of the ccnforious: And that you do not prcfcntly judge them Hypocrites or Schifrnaticks, and abate your chuity to them, or in– cHile to handle them more roughly than the tendcrnefs ofChrifi alloweth you. Remember that in all ages it hath been thus : The Church hath had pievi01 children within , as well as petfecuting enemies without: Infomuch as Paul, Rom. 14· giveth youth~ copy of thefe ~mes, a~d giveth them thts counfel, wh1ch from htm I am gtvmg you. The weak m knowledge were 'en[ortauJ and judged the Jfrong. The firong in knowledge were weak in Charity, and contmmed the wtak: Jull: as now one party faith, ['the[< art [uperjlitiout per[ont, and antichrijlian; J The other faith, [What giddy Schi[maticllJ art lht[e 1 J But Paul chideth them both; one fort for cen[uring, and the other for de– fpijing them. Direlt. 2. 'ta~t httd left while/1 Y"' are impatitnt und<r their cen[um, you faU into ~bt fome fin your [elvtt : Do they cenfure you for differing in fame Forms or Ceremonies from them. Take heed left you over·cenfure them for their cenforioufnefs: If you cenfure them as hypocrites who cenfure you as [uperjlitiom, you condemn your fclves while you arc condemning thtm. For why will not cenfuring too far, prove you hypocrites alfo, if ir prove them fuch? Direct. 3• Remembtr that Chrift beartlh rPitb their wuzknefi, who if R'ronged by it more than you, and is more againft it. He doth not quit his title to them for their frowardnefs, nor ceafe hi~ love, nor turn every Infant oat of his family that will cry and wrangle, nor every Patient out ofhis Hofpi– tal, th~t doth complain and groan : And we mull imitate our Lord, and love where he loveth, and pity where he pitieth, and be merciful as our heavenly Father is merciful. Direct. 4• Remember how amiable a thing the leaft de1.ree of Grace ir, even whm it is clouded and blorud mth infirmitiet : It is che Divine Nature, and the Image of God, and the /eed ofGlory: And therefore as an Infant hath the noble nature of a man, and in all his wcakncfs is much more honou– rable than the. befl of Bruits ( fo that it i• death to kill an Infant, but not a Beafl) : So is the mofl infirm and froward true Chrifiian more honourable and amiable, than the moO fplendid Infidel. Bear wirh them in love and honour to the image and intereft of Chrill. , DireCl. S· Remember that you ~ere once we.aJt in Grace your JCiveJ; And if happy education under peace.sble Guides did not prevent it, its two to oHe bHt you were you,. [elver cenforiour. Bear there– fore with others as you bear with crying children, becauf, you were once a child your fclf. Not that the fin is ever the better, but you ihould be the more compaffionate. Dired. 6. Remember that your own ftrength and iudgement i1 fo great a mercy, that JOU jhoufd th~ eafilier wi,h • cenforiouf tongHe. The Rich and Noble can bear with the envious, remembring that it is happy to have that worth or felicity which men do envy. Youfuff<r foolt gladlyji<i;tgy•uY'"' [</vet are ,.ifi. If you are in the right, let lofers talk. Direct. 7· Remember that we jhaU be jhortly together in Htavm , TPilfre thry wilt recan1 thtir cen~ fxm, and you wiU tafily forgivt them, and perfdily kvt them. And w_ill not the forefight of fuch a meeting caufe you to beat with them, and forgive and love them now ? Dire. et. S. Remtmhtr how incoHjiderable a thing it U a1 toyour own inttreft, to be judged ofman : and thatY'uftand or faU to tht judgement of the Lonl. I Cor. 4· 3, 4· What are you the better or the worfe for the thoughts or words ot a man? When your falvation or damnation lyerh upon Gods judgement. It is too much hypocrifie, to be too much defirous of mans d\ecm and approbation, and too much troubled at his difctleem and ccnfure, and not to be fatistied with the approbation of God. Read wh~t i-s written againtl Man·pltafing, ~om. J. DireCt. 9· Ma~ fome ·advantage 9/ o'htr mens cwJHrtJ, f~r yoHr DWH proficiency. If good men cenfure you, be not too quick in concluding that you are innocent, ~md jufiit)'ing your felves : But be fufpicious of your fclves: left they Chould prove the right ; and txamine your felves with dou– ble diligence. If you find that )'OU are clear in the point that you are c~onfurcd for, fufped' an~ ex~ amine ldl fame other (in, hath provoked God to try you by thdo cenfures : And if you find noc any