166 VireElions abattt Trufts and Secrets and ngainft Selfijhnef. Tl!e meaning oftiJe 1oCom. Tit. 1. VireBio11s about Trufts and Secrets. DireQ. I· Dired:. I· BE not riJfo i11 receivingfocretJ, or any other tmfts; But firfi.confider what you are thereby obliged to, and what difficulties may arife in the performance ; and forcfee all the confequents as far as is poffiblc, before you undertake the trull; that you call no(your felves ineo fnares by mccr inconfideiatenefs, and prepare not for perplexities and repentance. Direll. 2• DircCl:. 2· Be very careful what perfons you commit either trujlrorfecrets to : And be. fure they be trufiy by their wifdom, abilify and fidelity. Direa•.3• Dirctt. 3· Be not tsoforward in rwealingy11ttr ow1t {ecrr:t/ to a1rothers truft : For, J, You cannot be ~od taci· certain of any ones tccrefie, where you are moll confident. 2. Y.ou oblige your felf too much to pleafc .,. :::i:r~~~~s that perfon, who by revealing your fecrets may do you hurt : And are in fear lefi carelefnefs, or un– ri>. Si tibi faithfulnefs or any aceidcnt !hould difclofe it. 3· You burden your friend with the charge and cm Qf non impefccrefie. nUi, quomod_o • • . :ab alio filenuum fperas ? MAlt m. Vumwtf. demonb. Dire{}. 4· Dirrll. 5• Dirc[/.6. Dircl1·7· Dire{}. 8. Dirtl1·~· Direct. 4• Be faithful to your fritnd that d111h tnlrojl you ; rcmembring that perfidioufnefs or falfencfs to a friend, is a cdme againfi humanity, and all fociet)', as well as againfi Chriliianity; and l\igmatizeth the guilty io the eyes of all men, with the brand of an odious unfo'ciable perfon. " Direct. 5· Bt not inlimatt w;tb too 'many, nor confidtnt in too mony: For he that hath too momy intimates, wHI be openii1g the fccrcts <5f one to anothH• Direct 6. Abhor Covetoufmp and amliiti"': Or elfc a bribe or the promifc of preferment, will tempt you to perRdiO\lfnefs. Th(re is no trulling afelfi!h worldly man. Dir<Cl-. 7• Remember thatGodi< the avtnger of perjidinujiuft, who wiU do it feverely: And that even the)' th~t arc plcafed and ferved by it, do yet fccretly difdain and detell the pcrfon that doth it : beoaufe they would ndt bt fo ufed thcmfdves. . Dire&•. 8. Yet tal;y not friendjhip or fidelity to be an obligation to perfidwufot{s to God or the King or c;:ommoM·wtaltb dr to anolbtr, or to anyfin.'~r>hatfo~vtr. ,) i o:.• ·, CRAP.' ~XVf. . ~"· THJ;:,(wo T~bles of the ~aw, arc fummcd upby our Sa_vioui in two comprthenfivc pre– : .: -:- cepis: T-boxJh_altlo~t '.!;' I.:ord tBj<;od, with aU tby h. tart and foul and might : an~Thet< - ' . · · jhalt I:.ovtihy ~eigbbihir aJ .tby[elf. ln!he>pecaloguc tht f:irO·of thefe il the tnie meaning .,, •. •'·'• < of iHe·lirft Conlmaifdmen'l;·prlt filllfJCcaJfe'it is theprinciple of all obedience: And· tht fecond is the true JT!Caningof the,tenth Commandment, w~ich is thereto{e put bfl,~ becaufe it is the 'ebmpftbinfibe[~<m of ilttlthtr duties, t~ 0\JI Nei~hb!rur'or injuries againO him, which any other pirti– ~lar inllanmmiy tbntain ;· ana'"al\o 'tlfe·ptindipli of 'the duty ta or fin againfl' our Neighboul'. The meaning of the ,te~th Comma~dment is variouflYc6njecrured•at by Expofitors : ·Some fay that it Tpakelh againllln«<a\'d' corlcuplfernoe'and tile finful thoughts of the heart : Bu.t.fo do all the reO, lrr thetrue meaning Bf t~em, and jhb£1·riOt· be..flJ[fpofed to forbid tHe dutJ:ard 'a'ttiori only, nqr tq lie iriy'way 'defecMe1"1 Somc (iflliat'it'[ofbid'dttb Covtti'ng and. coth!nahderh cohwtlfmnt with our llate : fo doth the eighth Commandment : yet there is fame part of t~e1thtth in hotli thefe. And the plain truth is (as far as I can underOand it,) that the fin forbidden is SELF l SHNESS as oppofitc to the Love vf oth<rs, and the duty commanded is to L 0 VE our Neighbours ; and that it is as is faid, the fum of the fccond Table, ThouJhaltlovt thy Neighbour at thy [tif: As the Captain leadeth the Van, and the Lieutenant bringeth up the rear; fo 1hou jhoJ/t Lo::r God abow aD, is the firfl Commandment, and Thot< ]halt Lovt thy Ntighbour at thy [elf, is the !all, for the aforefaid reafon. I !hall therefore in thcfc followin~ J?ir~Clion~fpea.k to the two parts of the tenth Com– mandment. Direct. , , The firO help again!\ SELFISHNESS is to .underftand weD the nature and nu– lignity ofthtfin. For want of this, it commonly prcvaileth, with little fufpicion, lamentation, and oppoGtion. Let me bric:tly therefore anatomize it. . -~. 3• 1. It it the Radical pofitive Jjn of .the foul, comprehending feminaYy, or caufaUy aU the rrjl. The Corruption of mans nature, or 1\.is-radical fin, hath two parts, The Pt~fitive part, and the Priv.:.. tive pm: ThePojitivt part "is S.E.LFISHNESS, or the inordinate Love of Carnal Self: The Privativt