Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

11Je Nature and Malignity ofSelfifhnefs. DireUions forth~ [ttre of it. 167 Ptivative part is UN G 0 D LINES SE, or want of the L 0 V E of G 0 D. M<ns fall was his rurning from G 0 D to H 1MS EL F : And his regeneration con!illcth in the turning ofhim from HI MS EL~- to GOD; or the geneming of the L0 VE of G 0 D (as comprehending faith and obedience ) and rhe mortifying of SELF-LOVE. SELF ISH N ESSE therefore is all pofitivt fin in One , as want of the L 0 V E of G 0 D is all privt~live fi~r in One. And SE. L F DENYAL and the L 0 V E of G 0 D are aU duties virtually; For the true L 0 V E of M AN is comprehended in the L 0 V E of G 0 D. Underaand this, and, you willunderlhnd what original and actual fin is, and what Grace an~ duty is. ~· 3• 2· Therefore SELFISH N ESSE is the caufe of all fin in the "'orid both Pofitive and P1ivative, and is virtually the breach of every one of Gods Commandments. for even the want of the LOVE of GOD is caufedbytheinordinate LOVE of SELF. Astheconfumingof other parts is caufed by the Dropfie, which turnitieth the belly. It is only felfifhnefs which breaketh the fifth Commandment, by caufing Rulers to opprefs and perfecute rheir Subjects, and caufeth fub– jeds robe feditious and rebellious : and caufeth all the bitrt:rnefs, and quarrdlings, and uncom· fortablencfs, which arifeth among all relations. It is only fllfiftmefJ which caufcth the curfcd Wars of the earth; and defolation of Coumreys , by plundering and burning; the murders which cry l for revct,ge to Heaven (whether Civil, Military or Religious): Which caufeth all the railings, fightings, c:nvyings, malice; the Schifms, and proud overvaluings of mens own underfiandings and opinions, and the contending of Pafiors, who (hall be the grcarefi, and who llull have his Will in proud u{iupations and tyrannical impofitiOns and domination: It is fclliflmefs which hath fet up, and maintaineth the Papacy, and caufeth all the divifions betWeen the Wcfiern and the Eaficrn Churches: and all the crutlties, \yes and treachery exercifed upon that account. It is felfifhnefs which troubleth families, and Corporations, Churches and Kingdoms; which violateth Vows, and bonds of fricnd(hip; and caufcth all the tumults, and firifes, and troublc5 in the world. It is fdfifh. nefs which caufeth all Covc:toufnefs, all Pride: and Ambition, all Luxury and Volupruoufncfs, all furfetting and drunkc:nnefs , chambering and wantonndS, timc:-wafling, and heart-corrupting Cports, and all the royots and revcllingsof the fenfual; all the contendings for honours and prefer– ments, and all the deceit in buying and felling, the fiealing and robbing, the bribery and Simony, the Law-fuirs wtiich arc unjufi, the perjuri(s, falfc: wimeffing, unrigbteous judging, the opprcffions, the revenge, and in one word, all the nncharitable and unjujt a6l:ions in the world. This is the true nature of Carnal-{eljijhne{1, and it is no better. 9· 4· 3. SE L F I SH N E SS E is the corruption of all the faculties of the foul. It is the fin of the mind, by f<lf-conceiredneji and pride : It is the fin of the will and ajfellionr, by folf-love, and all the feltifh paffions which attend it; Selfifh defires, angers, forrows, difcontents,jealoufies,fears, audacities, &c. It is the corruption of all the inferiour faculties, and the whole converfation by felf– fcekjng, and all the forcme:ntioned evils. 9· 5• 4• Seljijhneji is the commonell fin in the world. Every man is now born, and hath it more or lcfs: And therefore every man fhould fear it. 9· 6. 5· Seljijhneji is the hatdefl fin in the world to overcome. In all the unregenerate it is pre– dominant: For nothing but the fanCtifying Spirit of God, can overcome ir. And in many thoufands that fcem very zealous in Religion, and very mortified in all other refpects, yet in fome way or mher felfifhne[s doth fo lamentably appear, yea, and is fo fi:rong in many that are fincere, that it is the greatefi: dithonour to the Church of Chrifi, and hath tempted many to infidelity, or fo doubt whether there be any fuch thing as true fand-ificarion in the world. The perfons that feerned rhe moll: mor– tified Saints, if you do but crofs them in their {tlf·interfjl, or opinion, or will, or feem to flight them, and have a low efleem of them, what fwellings, what heart-burnings, what bitter cenfurings, what proud impatience, if not Schifrns and feparatioii.s will it caufe ) God hath better fervants; but too many which feem to themfclves and others, to be the befi, are no better. How then ihould every ChrHtian abhor and Wltch againfi this Univerfal Evil? §. 7· Dired. z. Confider oft how amiJZ!Jle a creature ma1J would be, and wbat. a blc~ri condition the DireQ. 2· wurld and aU [ucietie1 would be in, 1 if jelfijhnefi wtre but overcome. Ther~ would then beno pride, no covetoufncfs, no fenfuality, no tyranny or oppreffing ofthe poor, no malice, cruelty or perfecution: no Church-divifions, no fcandals, nothing to diChonour Religion, or to hinder the faving progrefs of the Gofpel; no fraud or treacheries, no over-reaching or abufing others; no lying nor deceit, no neglect of our duty to others: In a word, no injullice, or uncharitablcntfs in the world. 9· 8. Direct. 3. Judge of good and evil by fober Rea[on, and nol by btuitijh fenfe. A•d tbm ofe Direli· 3• confider wbethtr really thrre be not a more excellent end than your {elfifh inttreft l Even the publick... good of m:Jny, and tht pleafing and glorifying ofGod? AHd whether aU medi~te good or evil fhould. nat be judg<d of principally by 1ho[e bigbefl endr. Senfe leadcth men to fclhfhnefs and privatenefs of de- (ign: But true Reafon leadeth men to prefer the publick, or any thing that is becter than our fclf-intereft. §. 9· DireCt 4· NQtbing but returning by co1tvertin.g Grace to 1he true LrJVt of God, and ofMan for Dire[/. 4• hi1 falze will conquer Jelfijhneji. M•ke out therefore by earneft prayer for the Spirit of Sanctifica- 'ion: And be fure chat you have a true apprehenfion of the fiatc of Grace; that is, that it is indeed 'the Love •fGod and Man. Love is the fulfilling of the Law : Therefore Love is the Holimfs of the foul: Set your whole tludy upon the ex01cifc and increafe of Love, and felfifhnefs will dye as Love reviveth. ' Yyyyyyy 2 9· to.