Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

Moti"Vts to Good works. Humility mu(\ r~ach you ro give place to the pride and wrath of others, and to eonfefs it when you have wronged them, and ask them forgivenefs : And i~ th!y have done the wrong toyou, yet mu{\ you not refufe to be the firfl movers and feekers for rcconcJiauon. Though I know that this rule bath fame exceptions ( as when the ene~ies of Religion or us are fa malicious and implacable, that they will bur make afcorn of our fuhm11fion, and in other cafes, when it is like to do more harm than good ; it is then lawful to retire our fclves from malice. Diretl. ro. Howrotr ltt the EHmity bt ;, tbtrn alone: Watch your own hearts with a double care- VireQ. to. fulncfs, as knowing wharyour temptation is; and fee that you Love tbtm, whether they will love you or nor. Dim'l. r r. Do aD1bt good for 1bcm lhaliall'jMUy you can. For benefits melt and reconcile : And Dirt£1. r r. hold on rhough ingratitude difcouragc you. Direct. 12. Dalbtm good firft ;n tbo[t lbings 1ba1 they are mofl c.pablt ofvaluing andrelijhU.g. That Dirt{l. 12• is ( ordinarily ) in corpora.l commodities: or if it be not in your power ro do it your felvct~ pro· vokc others to do it ( 1f there be need) And then they will be prepued for greater bcnchts. Dircd-.r3. Btdftopnot in JDHr tHtmiu ~orporal good, and in bH rtC!IHciliation to your [elf: FfJf' tbtn DirtO. 13 • it wiU•PP'"' 10 bt aQ bu1 a[tifijh dtfig• wb1<h you art about. But labour to reconcile him to God, and Cave his foul, and then it will appear to be the Lo•e of God, and him that moved you. Dircd . 14· But ftill remember that you arc not bound to Love an r.nemy as a friend, but as a man DireQ. 14~ fo qualified as hcis; nor to Love a wkkcd man who is an Enemy toGodlincfs, as if he were aGodly m•n : but only as one that is capable of being Godly. This precept of Loving enemies wa. never intended for the levelling all men in our Love. CHAP. XXX. - [ afes and 'DireHions about works of Charity. Tit. t. [afes of [onfcimce about Works of Charity. ~Cl. l• WHat art tf.e grounds and rea{on1 tJHd moaivti tocbaritablt 'R'trk.f; li?.!!!fl· Anfw. " That dai11g good doth m•;_e us lik_ejl10 G,d: He is tht univerfal Father Morivu, and benefaltor to the world : All good is in him or from him, and he that is be{\ and doth mofi good is likcfi to him. 2 • It is an honourable employment therefore : It is more honourable to be the Bt/i maH in the Land, than to be the gruttjl : Grtotntf/ is therefore honourable, bccaufe it is an abilily to d, good : And Wif– dom is honourable bccaufe it is the si(!Oof doi•g good : fo that Goadntfl is that end whi<h maketh them honourable, and without rcfptr!t to which they were as nothing : A power or skill to do mifchicf is no commendations. 3 • Doing good maketh us pleafing and amiable to.God: bccaufe it makcrh us lilt,.t him ; and be· caufc it is the fulfilling ofhis will. God can love nothmg but Himfclfand his own excellencies or imilge appearing in his works; or his works fo far as his attJibutes appeu ad are glorified in them. 4 • Good works are profitable to men. 1it. 3· S. Our brethren are the better for them: The bodies of the poor arc rclu~ved, and mensfouls are faved by them. _ 5 . In doing good to orhers we do good to our fdves : bccaufe we are liviog members of Chrifis · body, and by Love and Communion feel their joys, as well ~s pains'· As the hand doth maintain it felf by maintaining and comforting the flomach ; fo ?ot~ aLo~mg Chnfl"? by good works.. . 6. There is in every good nature a fingular Jtlrgbt m domg good:.It 11 the pleafantc{\ hfe m all the World. A M:rgii.rate, a Preacher, aS'hoolmaficr, a Tutor, aPhyficJon, aJudge, a Lawyer, hath fo much true plcalure as his life and labo•rs are fuccefsful in doing good : I know that the Confcience of hon<{\ wdcavours may afford folid-comfort to a wiUing though unfucceflful man : and r.,U.Jaing may be pltah.nt though it prove not adoing ~ood to others : But it is a double, yea. a multiplycd comfort to be fucctfstul : lt is much if :m honefi unfuccefsful man (a Preacher, aPhyfic10n, &c.) can keep up fo much pLaCe as to fupport him under the griefof his unfuccesfulnefs : But to fee our h01ufi laboun profpcr and be 1he better for them, is the pleafantc{\ life that man c1n h:re hope far. · Bbbbbbbb 7.Good