DireElions f or Works of (!wiry. 199 thinks he is re1ig1ous? becaufe he faith 1 his prayer J tbi~ way, z.nd.anorhrr becau[c hepraye 1 b another way. ~nd thus diad ~ypoc~tttJ, whofe hearts wen: never qutckcned wnh the powerful Love of God, ro love h1s forvantJ, theu 1mghbour.r, and enemiu, do perfwadc rhernfclvcs that God will f..tve rhtm for mo..::k– ing and flattering him wit·h the fervice of their deceitful lips : while they w.mr the Love of God whi~h is the root of all Good, and are poffdfc::d w irh the Love of monq, whir.:h is the root of all evil: 1 Ttm. 6. 10. and areLovtrJ ofpleafurumore than God, 2 Tim. 3·4· They will joyn thernfdvcs ~orwardly to rhecheap and out tide actions of Religion: but when' they hear much lcfs than [ 01~e than~ thou yet wamejf: fill aUthat tiJrm haft a11d dijl,·ibtttt to the poor, and time {halt have IS tr~afore m Heaven: ] they are very {orronful, bcc,.m[e tbey are very. rich, Luk. 1 8. ~2, 23. Such a fm1tlcfs love as they had to mhers, Jam. z, fuch a fruirlefs Religion they have as to thcmfelves: For pure Religion and undefiled before God, is to vifit the futlu rlcj i and rvidnn·~ in tiJfi;• ad– verjity, and to kJtp your [</vu unfpotted from theworld,j1mcs r. 27· Seer Joh. 2. I)· & 3· '7· Wbifu bath this world! goodJ, and feeth hu broth(r hatb 1tted, and jhuttrtb up hiJ bowclt rf comp.Jjfionfrom bim ; how dweYeth the love of God inhim l There are fpecially three T~.·xts that defcribe the cafe of fenfu~l ~tncharitable Gemlemen. . I• Lu'k. 16. A Rich man cloathed in purple altdfilk.. (for fo, aJDr. Hammond noterh, it !hould rather be tranflated ) and fared jttmpt«oujly every d>y, you know the end of him. · 2 • Ezck. 16.49• Sodomsfin was, Pride, [ltlnrfi of bread, tl11d abundanct of idluuji, 1teither did foe ~ jlrengtbm the hamJ of the poor and needy. , / . 3· James 5· r, to 7· Go to now, yt rich men, n•eep and howl fur the miffritJ that jhaU come upon you- -- Yehave lived iu pleafore on tarth, and been wanton : ye have nouriftud your heart I, ai in ( or f or ) the day of fl(Jughter- Ye have condemned and kjUed the juft, and be doth Jtot refzft you - And remember Prov. 2 t. 13· Wh4o ftopprth hif <arJ at the "Y of the poor, he alfo jhaUay himfilf and jhall not be heard. And Jam. 2. 13· He Jhall bave judgemwt wiJbout mercy tb(Jt [herved uo mercy, and mercy rcjnyceth againft judJ!.tmen1. Yea in this life it is oft obfnvable, Prov. I I· 24. There i1 tb.:it {caueretb, tmdyet increafttb, and there i1 th.Jt with-holdetb mfJreth:m is meet, but it tendrtb topoverty. Tit. 2. DireElions for 1vorks of [hm·itj. , J:,irc6t. I· LOve God, .and be renewed to biJ image; and then it will be nat~tral to you to do good ; Virctl. 1. and his Love will be in you a fountain of good works. Direct. 2 • Loveyour Neighbour!, and it will be eafie to you to do therri all the good you can: As it Diretl. 2t is to do good to your {Clves or Children or dearefi friends. DireCt. 3· Learn ftlf-denyal, that felfijhnefi may not caufe you to be all for your [elves, and be SJ- DireG/. 3• tans Law of N:~ture in you, forbidding you to do good to others. D irect. 4· Mortjfie the flejh, and the vices of [tnfi~ality: Ptide and Curiofiry, Gluttony and drunkw V irel1. 4 . c:nnefs, are infatiable gulfs, and will devour all, and leave but lirtle for the poor ; Though there be ncverJo many poor fami lies which want bread and clothing, the Proud perfon mull firtt have the other t-ilk Gown, OT the other ornaments which may fet them out wirh the forwardeft in the mode and fafl1lon : ~nd this houfe mu!l tirl\ be handfomeJyer built, and thefe rooms muft tir(\ be neatlier furnifhed; and thefe Children mufl firtl: have finer cloaths ; Let Laz ar:u lye never fo miferable at the door the fenfUaliil rnufi beclouhed in purple and filk, and fare dclicioufly and fumptuoutly d~ily, Lt~k._e' 1 6. The glutto~ muf\: have .rhe difh a~d cup which plcafeth his a_Ppctire,. a?~ muft. keep a ~ull T able for the cntertamment of h1s compamons that have no need. fhefe miauable v1ces are l1ke Swineand Dog-., that devour all the .Childrens bread• . Even vain recreations and gaming (hall have more bcHowcd on them, thanChurch or poor ( as to any voluntary gift.) Kill your greedy vices once, and .then a little will ferve your turns, and you may have wherewith to relieve the needy, and do "hat which will be better to you at your reckoning day. Direct. 5· Ltt not {elfif1mcfs mak.!yout Children the inordi11att objetls of your charity and provifio;r, v· a tota~ up tbat whiciJ jhou!d beothtrwife cmplo;'ed. Carnal and worldly perfo.ns :vould .perpetua.te their :re ' 5• vice ; and when they can live no longer themfelves, they feern to be half alive m theu pofienry, and what they can no longer keep thernfclves, they think is belt laid up for their Children; to feed them as full, and make them as fenfual and unhappy as thcmfelvcs. So that jufl and moderate provifions will not faristie them ; but their Childrcns Portions muH. b! as much as they can get~ and aImoll all their Elb.tes are fibi & fuiJ, for themfelves and theirs: And this pernicious vice is as ddiructive to good works, asalmofl any in the World. .That God who hath faid that he is worfe than an Infidel who providcth not for his ownFamily, will Judge many thoufands to be worfe than Chrifiians, and than any that will be faved muft be, who make their families the devourers of all which fhould be expended upon other works of Charity. D.ircCl:. 6. "1ake it aJ the chiefeft extrinfecal part of your Religion to do good ; and ma!z.e it the trade or Dirtli· 6. bufimfi of your livu; and N.Ot as a matter to be done on the by. Jam. I• 27· Pure Religion and und(jiierl bef~Jre God and the Father i1 thiJ, To vifit the Fatherlefs and Widows in their aj]lillion, and to b.!cp himfllj' unfpotted from the wJrid. If we art created for ~oodwork,!, Eph~f. 2· IO· and redeemed and purified to be zealous of good workJ, Tit. 2. 14· and mun. be judged accordmg to fuch works, Matth. 25. then certainly it fhould be our chicfcl\ daily care and diligence, to do them with all our hearts and abiliCc,ccccc ~ ties,