How to make Jure of Pardo11 from Sin. Tit. 2. f>ire8iom for obtai11ing Pardo11 from God.· Din&, I• uNderftandwtU the Office ofJefu! Cbri~ a1 our Redeemer, 11nd wbat it i1 that he Dire{/. I · batiJ &me for finHers, and what he Hndcrt.skph further to do. For if you know not Chrifls Office and undertaking, you will either be ignorant of your true remedy , or will de. ·ceive your felvcs by a prefumptuous trufi, that he will do that which is contrary to his Office and Will. DireCt. 2. Vnderftand well the tenour of the Covenant of Grace ; for there it is that you mu(i Dire{/. 2~ know, what Chritl will give, and to whom, and on what terms? Direct. 3· Vnderftand weD the nature of true f aith &nd rrpmtanee: or elfe yo~ can neither tell how Dircll. 3• to obtain pardon, nor to judge of it. Dire&. 4· Abfoiulely give up your [tlvu toChrif!, in aU the Office of a Mediator, Prieft, Prophet Dire/1. 4• aHd King: And think not to be jufiificd by one ad: or part of Chrinianity, by alone believing jg Chril\ as a facrificc for fin. To be a nue Believer, and to be a true Chrillian is all one : and is the faith in Cbrifi which is; the condition of jullification and falvation. Study the Baptifmal Covenant ; For the Believing in God the Father, Son and Holy Ghoft, there meant, is the true faith, which is the condition of our pardon. Diw:9:. 5· Be· fore that j o•r Repcnt,znce cont•in in it a Defire to be perfil1ly holy and free from all Dirtll. 5·~ (in, a~d .:1 Kefolminn ag.,inft aU k.,nown and wilful finning, and particularly that you would not commit tlu fame fuu, if you haJ ~tgain tbe fame t!mptations ( ~uppofing rhar we fpeak not of fuch infirmities as good men live in: which yet -you mufi heartily dell[e to forfake ). DireCt. 6. Pray earneftly and bclievingly for pardon through Chrift: Even for the continuance of Direa. 6. ~ 1·our former par-don, and fOr renewed pardon for renewed fins. For prayer is Gods appointed .means, ;nd included in failh and repentance which are the fummary conditions. Dire&. 7· Set all right buween you and your neighboHrJ; by forgiving others, and being recon· Direll. 7• ciled to them, and confdling·your injuries againfi them, and making them rellitution and farisfadi~ on : i'or this a\[o is included in your repentance, and exprefly made the condidon of your -pardon. Direct. 8. DtJPife •ot tht Sacrame•tal delivery of pardon, by rhe Mini(!m of Cbrij!: For this be- Dire/1. g, longeth to the full invefiiture and poffeffion of the benefit : Nor yet the fpiritual confolation of a skilful faithful Paflor, nor publick abfolution upon publi<k repentance, if you !hould fall under the need of fuch a remedy. Direct. 9· Sin no more: I mean, Refolvedly break off all that wilful fin of which you do re- D' {I pent : For repcntings, and purpofes, and promifcs of a new and holy life, w~ich arc uneffedual, 1ft ' 9 • will never prove the pardon of your fins : but'thew your Repentance to .,e deccHful. Direct. 10. Ser your ftlvtJ faith[11lly to the 11[e of aU thofi holy mean1, which God bath appoinwl Dire/1. 10• for tbe 011ercoming of yqur finr; and to that life ofHolinefs, R.ighteoufoifi, Lroe and Sobriety, which if eomrary to them. Othc:rwifc: your Repentance is·fraudulent and infufficient : Thefe means and no Jcfs than all thefe, mufi be ufcd by him, that will make fuxc: of the pardon of his fins from God : And he that thinketh all thefe too much, muG look for pardon fame other way , than from the mercy ofGod, or the G!ace of Chrifi: for ~ads pardon is no~ ~o be ha~ upon any other terms, than thofc ofGods appomtmcnt. He that Wtll make: new Cond1t10ns of hts own, mufi pardon him· (elf if he can on thofe conditions. For God ,will not be tyed to the Laws of finners. Dddddddd 3 CHAP.