Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

11-4 ~-··· you may tiufi your fouls with God. 4· Thus thofe that are not able in an argumentarivc: way to uy their fhte to any full fatisfadion, may g<t that cpmfort by fttliffg and txptrimce, which others gt-t by ratiocination: For the vny exercifc: of Love to God and man, and of a Heavenly mind, and holy lif<, hatha f<nfiblc pl<afur~ in it felf, and ddighteth the perfon who is fo employed : As if a m2n w_cre to take the co~fOtt ?£ hi~ ~earnin~ ?r Wifdorn, one way i.s by the ~i1Cerning his learning w<l..;W1fdom_, and,th5nce_mfern~g hts own f~hc1!Y: But another way 15 by tiet!rcijing t.hat learning and Wifdom whtch-~~.h~th, m readmg and meaaatmg on fome excellent Books, and makmg difcoveries of fame myficrious e>fcc:ltencies in Arts and Sciences ; which delight him more by the very acting, than a barc.conc1ufion of his own Learning in the general, would do : What delight had the inventers of the Sea-Chart and magnetick traction, and of Printing, and of Guns, in their inventions? What pleafure had Galilr1« in his Tdefcopes in finding out the inequalities and !hady parrs of the Moon, the Mcdictan Plant:ts, the adjunCts of S11turn, the changes of Venur, the S1ars of the Via lalJea, &c. Even fo a'ferious holy perfon, hath more fenfible pleafures in the right excrcife of faith and Love and holincfs, in Prayer and M,editation, and convcilC:rwith God and with the Heavenly hofis, than the hire difcerning of finctrity "" afford. Therefore~hough it be a great important dut}' 1 to txamine our felves, and judge our felves before God judge us, and keep clofe ~cquaintance with our own hearts and affairs, yet is it the addition of thedaily pralii~J of a Heavenly life, which mufl be our chiefeft bufinefr and delight. And hethat is faithful in them both, !hall know by experience th< excell<ncics of ,Cbrijlianity and Holinrfl, and in his way onEarth, have both a projpea of Heaven, and a forttajle of the Evlrlafting I\eft and Plta[t<r<l· F I :A( IS.