Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

102. DireCt. 3· Dirrli·4· Dirca. 5· Vircft,6. Dirrt1·7· Dird{. S. Direli·9· Dird1. tr. Ditec7. 12• Dire/i·l· 'DireUiom for awell grounded Faith. ~. 22 •. ~irU}. 3· 7'bink._ wtU ~otb l~w Holy the nffi~e and tvorl{_ of tl~e Holy_ Gboft iJ, and h11n1 gre. 1 t a nurcy 1t u 111 m : Shall God h1mfelt che Heavenly hght come- down uno 3. hnful heart, to illun 1 inare and puriht i1? and-yet £hall I keepmy da.rkndS and detiltmenr, in uppolition to fi.tch wonderful mer– cy> Though .u fin again!\ the Holy Ghyl be not the unpardonable bla!phemy, yet all is aggr<vutrd hereby. • §. 23· Din:Ct. -t• Kuow aud confider the wonderfitl Uve a;:d Mercy of G,,d, and tbink.. wh.1t be batfJ d rne for yci'; and you wiU hate fiu, ami be ajhamed of it. Iris an aggr<~.V'ltion which makes fin odi– ous ~..vcn to common reafon and ingenuity ; that we l'hi:mld offend a God of intiniteGoodncfs) who hath filfed up our lives with Mercy? Jr wit! grieve you if you have wronged an exrraordimry friend? H_is Love and kindlldS will come into your thoughts, and mai<e you augry wirh your own unkind– ncfs. Htrc look over the Catalogue ot Gods mercies to you, for foul and bod}'. And here obfcrvc that .S:ttan in hid in*? the Lov; of Go_d :rorn you, and tempting you under pretence of humility, ~ode. ny hxs grcatefi fpec1al mercy, doth !eeK ro deJiroy your repentance and humiliation alfo, b)' bxding the grcatd1 aggravation of your fin. 9· 24: Din .. Ct .. 5· Tbinft r.vh<~t the fo_rd of man it made for, and (hould be ufed to, evm to l.IJve, obey and glJri.fie our [r'l..' : and thmyou wzll fee wlnt fin i.r which 4ifoblah and pervertetb it. How ex~ ctl\enr, and hjg!1, and holy a work are we created for and called ro? and fhm,\d we detile the Tt:tnple of God? and krve the Dtvil in tilthin~:fs and folly, where we fhould entertain, and ferve and magniti:: our Creator ? 9 ~ 5·. Direct. 6. 1hinZwell rrh lt pure a;zd [wcet delightr a holy foul '?~Y enjoy Ji'um Gad, in bit holy fcrvzce : and tlmt )'Oil. wiU Jfe fin is, wbic!J rubbt:tb hi.m of tiJtje deiip,hl.r, and preftrrub firJI'J luj!t before tb,m. 0 how happily might we perform every duty t and how fruitfully might we ferve our Lord? and what ddighrs fhould we find in his Love and acceptation, and the tOrefight of cverlafting blclf~dncfs, if it were not for fin? which bringeth down the foul from rhe doors of Hc:a· ven) to wallow with Swine, in a beloved Dun~hil!. · 9· 26. DireCt. 7· Brtbi~tlz Jmrt what a life it i.r which you muJf Jive for ever, if jurt live in Hea·vm; aud rvh<Jt a lift the Holy uneJ there noz'.J livt!: and then tbink.. wlmhcr fin, rvbicb i1 }Q cuntr..Jry to it, be uo; .z vile and hutcfnl tbiJtg l Eid1er you would live in H~aven; or not. If nor, you are not thofe I !peak ro. H you would, you know that'tliere's no finniug! No worldly mind ; no pride, no paf.. tion, no fltfhly lull or pkafi.1res tht:re. 0 dtd. you but fee and htar one hom, how thoiC blcffed Spi~ rits are taken up in loving and magnifying the glorious God·, in puri1y and holinefs? and how tlr they are from Iin? it would make you lorhc tfn ever after, and look on finncrs, as on men in Bt:dlarn wallowing nJked in their dung. Efpecially to think, that you hope your fdves to live for ever like thofe holy Spirirs, and therefore li11 doth ill bcfecm you. 9· 27. Direct. 8. Looft but to the }fate and torment of the:.d..J1'iHTCd, a11d tbinl{ rveU ofthedijferoJff bttwixt 4ygelJ and Devi!J, and yozt m:ty know wbat jiJZ is. Angels are pure; Devils arc pollurd : HoliJJtji aljldfin do make the difermce. Si1t dwells in HeU, and holimjf in }leaven: Remember tha:c every temptation is from the Devil, to make:: you lik,_e bimfelf; as every holy motion isfmmCht~l to make you likebim{elf. Remell)ber when you tin, t~at you are learning an~ im~tatingofthc I?cvil, anJ aro fo far lii(,e him. John 8. 44· And the end of all IS, that you n11y fed hiS pams. If Hell.hre be not good, then tin is nor good. 9· 28. Dir<Ct. 9· Look. alrvayes ou fin aJ ~m•. th.Jt iJ rtady to dye, a;td confi~ler borv aUmen }udge of it at the I.Jjt. \Vhac do men in Ht.tven fay of• ir? And what dd tmn in Hd! fay of it ? And what do mtn at death fay of it ? And what do converted fouls, or awakened conf.:iences fay of it? ls it then followed with delight and fearlefnefs as it is now' Is it then applauded' Will any of them fpcak well of it? Nay, all the world fpeaks evil of fin in the general now, even wheu they love and cOmmit the fe· vera/ aUs. Will you fin, when yoUare djting? §. 29· Direct. IO· Lt)IJ/(.,alw.:~yc.r on fin r.~nd judgement tor.etber. Remember that youmuil anfwcr for it before God, and Angtls, and all the world; and you will the better know ir. SS· 30. Din&. J I· Look.. 111JW but uponfick,prji, poverty, jhame, dt{p..Jir, dc,ub, aJtd_rottemu,P i1t tbc grave, and}t ma_y a little belpyJzt to ftnow wb,;t fin ir. Thefe are thi~gs within you~ f1ght or feeling:. You need not J"i•b to tell yo" of them. And by fuch effects you m1ght hav, fomc little knowledge o1 the cauft'. §· 3 I· DireCt. I2· LtJok._but HfJlt fUmeeminent holy perjc1t.r ttpon earth, and upon tbe, propb~nc, malignant rrorld ; and the dijfcrenr:e may tcU you in part wbat ji1t M. Is there nm an amiablenefs m a holy blarnelefs perfon, that liverh in love to God and man, and in the joyful hopes of life c:ternal? Is not a. beafily Drunkard, or whoremonger, and a ragi11g Swearer, and a malicious pcrfecutor, a very defOJmed loathfome creature? fs not the mad, confufcd, ignorant, ungodly Hate ot the world a vrry pittiful fight? what then is the lin that all this doth confiH in? . . Though the priucipal part of the Cure is in turning the WiU to the b ..urcd offin, and IS done by th1s difcovery of its malignity, yet I (hall add a few more Dittftiunt for the execwive part, fcppofing that what is faid already have had its etlect. . . 9· 32· Di.rect. I· IYhen you bave found out your difeafe and danf!.cr, give up yuttrfllvu to ~hrzJt ~~ the Saviom·andPbyficion of fimiJ, and to the Hoty Ghajt a.r your SanClificr, remembrinr. he 11 fitJfcz· tnt and wiliing to do tbe rvorft which he bath un,dertak,.CJt• It is nor J'UU that are to be Savtourr and ,:,.n:– liifierJ of yonr felves ( unlelS as you work under Chrifi ). But he that hath undc:ruken it, dorh take Jt for his glory to perform it. 9 . 33 • Direcl. '.