Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

The true 1)J8rine of good works. 9· · 3 • 1 • Nothing is more certain, than t?at God ~o~h not nee~ the fervice of any creature ; and that he receiveth no addition to his perfeCbon or fehcay from 1t; and confcquenrly that on terms of commurative Jujlice ( which giveth one thing for anocher, as in idling and buying) no creature is capable of meriting at his hands. . . . 2 . 1r is certain, that on the terms of th~t Law of 1Vork.f, ( wh1ch rcqu1red perfett obedtence as the condition of life ) no finner can do any work fo good, as in point ofdi{fributive gQverningJuftice, fhall merit at his hands. 3· It is certain that Chrifi hath fo fulfilled the Law ofWorks, as to Mt·rit for us. 4 • The Redeemed are not M~ftir/cfs, bur have tlill a LtJT1, who hath .now a double Right t~ govern them: And this Governour g1vcth them a Law: An! th1s Law rtqUJreth us to do good ryfJ1"1{_r, as much as we are able, (rhough not fo terribly yet) as obligingly as the Law ofWorks: And by this Law (of Chrifi ) we mu!\ be Judged: And thus we mu!! be judged according to ow,worb,s: and to be~udged is nothing clfe but to be Jujtiftcd or Condemned: Such works therefore: arc Remardable ro c::E:l the Dijlributive Juflice of tbe ·Law ofGrace, by which we inufi be Judged : And the antient fathers who ( without any oppofirion ) fpoke of Gocd woriJ as MeritorioZHwith God, meant n.o more, b~r that they were [uch as the RigbitoUf 1udge of the world will Rttl'ard according to the Lawn[Grace, by whlch he judgeth us. And this doctrine being agreed on ~s certain truth, there is no conrroverf~e left with them, but whether the word Merit was properly or 1mproperly ufcd: And that both Scnpture and our common fpeech alloweth the Fathers ufe- of the word, I have !hewed at large in my Co;ifeJJion. 5· Chrifi is fo far ·from Redeeming us [tom a necetlity of good worb,J, that he dyed to refiorc us to acap. 1 city and ability to perform them, and bath new-made us for that end: Ttt. 2. 14. l-Ie gave hirnftlff ur m, that he might redeem Ul from all iniquity, and purifie to bimfelf a peculiar people zealout of god wqrb.f. Ephef. 2· 10• For we are hM worl<_manjhip cretJttd in Chrijt Jefiu togood WJrk.f, which God bath before ord.1ined that we jhould walk,. in them. 6. Gordwork.f oppofed to Cbrijl, or his far isfaction, merit, righteoufrtcfs, mercy, or free-grace in the ·.;..::l matter m· JuihJication or Salvation, are not good work.f, but proud fe1f-conJidence and lin : But g9od work..J in their drte [ubordinatio1z to Gods mercy, and Chrifis merits and graCe, are necejfary and Rewardttble. 7• Though God need no~e of our "'ork.!, yet that which is good material/y pleafetb him, as it tendeth to hH glory, and to our own and others benefit, which hedelighteth in. · .8.1t is rhe com~unicating of his t,oodm[s and exceUencies to the creature, by which God doth glo– rihe himfelf in the world : and in Heaven where is the fulleft Commuttication, he is moll gloriliec;J..: Therefore the praife which is given to the creature. who receiveth all from him, is hit own praifi; And it is no d!lhonour to God, that his creature be honoured, by bting good, and being efttemed good: Othcrwif~ God would never have created any thing, IeO: it fhould derogate from himfclf : Or he would have made them bad, lell their goodnefs were his dijhonour; and he would bemoll pleafed with the wick,.td, and leall pleafed with the bejl, as mofi difhonouring him: But madnefs it felf ab– horreth thefe conceits. 9· Therefore as an aCl: ofMercy to us, and for his own Glory (as at fir!\ he made all things very good, fo) he will make the new creature according to his Image, which is a,Jy, and Jufl, and Good, and will u[e IM in good work.! ; and it is our honour, and gain, and happinefs to be lo ufed by him; As he will not communicate Light to the world without the Sun ( whofe glory dcrogateth npt from his honour). So will he not d. good work.! in the world immediately by himfelf only ; but by . b ll ~is [trvanu,. wh?fe calling and dai~y bu['nefi it. mull be, as that which they are made for, as the Smt ~~f P~~Je~ ts made to gtve !JgiJt and heat to mfer10ur thmgs: Ephef. 2· 10. Matrh. 5· 16. Let yottr li.gbz fo qu 1 bus p~· jhine before men, that they may fee your giJod worJv, and glorifte your Father which is in Heavtlt. tdl, noct't . Chrifl: was far from their opinion that think an sood works [hat are auributed to good men are dif- :lUtCOl l~('~1lhonourabie to God. · ~~ Ppi;~~~g. . . . . . . . , E\'2ngc!icum Mmdl:rum, :rgrotum vditare, xenJO 2llquo recreate, famchcum CJb:~rao faltem p:tne pafcere, nulum operire, paupcr:m cui nu, efl adjutor, a divimm ca!umniis & potenti~ erip!!re, pro 2ffi1ais principem m)giA:ratumve ronvenire: rlm f:undiaretlt confiJi.;:. .all!e';. gere, moricmibus fedulo &. benigne albre, lites If. diffidil compontre, &c. Ac11jt~t L. -i· c. 18 p. 418. "' 10. He is moll: beholden to God, that is mofi exercifed in .good ~orks: The moicwe do, the mote we receive frqm him : And our very doing it felf is our Receiving: For it is he that giveth .us botb to wiU and to do by his operation in us, Phil. 2. 13 -. Even be without whom we can do nothing: John r5· 5· . 11· The obligation to good work.!. that is, to works ofPiety) Jufiice and Charity) .is rffential to us as forvantt &f the Lord: We arepra{iical Atheijfs, if we do not works of piety to God: we arc '"rrbeUt agai1tjf God) and enemiu to our filver, at,d unmeet for humane' fociuy, if we do not rhe w9rks wLicP, arcgood for ottr [elves. and for other!, if we have ability and opportunity.. This is O)lr fr 11 it which God cxpeCl:eth, and if we bear it not, he will hew us down, and call us into the tire. 12• Though doing no brtrt wjll not ferve turn, without doing good, yet it is not the fame :work,.J that are required of,.all, nor in the fame degree, but according to every mans talent and opportunities, Ma11h. 25· 14, 15,&c. 13. God looketh not only nor principally at the external par~ of !h< work, but .much more to the · Heart of him that doth it : nor at the length of time, but at the fincerity aad diliJ(enci of hij ferS .2 vants,