Dirdlio),ls to truft God. I 1 that trufied in him? or who bath profpered by trufiing in themfelves'or any other, without him, or a~ainH him? Unworthy foul! Wilt thou Atheitlically deny the fofficiency, or truth, or goodntfs of thy God ? Shall thy diilrufi deny him, or blafpheme him? Wilt thou Idohrroufiy fer up a Worm above him? Is there more in man, or any thing tlfe, tp hurt or ruine thee, than in God to favc thee? Whom wilt thou uufi, ifthou trnfi not God? Darefi thou think that any mher is fitter for rhy contldencc? Thou wouldH be quiet and confldent if thy deardl friend, had thy life or wt:lfarc in his hands? ·and art thou troubled llOW it is in the hands of God? Is he encugh to be our. endlefs h<ippincfs in Hea· ven and not to be thyconfidence on eartli? Canll thou trufi him to rai!e thy body ffom the dull, and' not raife thy Hate, or 1 riame, or troubled mind ? Either take him for thy Rock and hope , or ne– ver pretend to take him for thy God. If thou truft not in him, thou mull defpair, or null againfl: him ? And who wi!t thou truli to fave thee from him? Ha..dfi thou no more encouragement to trult him but this, that he hath bid thee trufi him, thou mightfi be fure he never would deceive thee~ La~ent therefore thy difquietment and fclf*tormenting fears : Lament thy injurious dillrufi of thy moft dear All-mighty Fa!)!cr. ChoofCnot vexation, when the halbour of his Love is open to fecure thee. If men or Dc:vils are again(\ thee, fay as thofe believers, D.m. 3· 16, 17· TVe are not careful to anfwer tber in thii matter: our G;dwbom we {trve, ii able todeliver M--Go on with Daniel(6. ) in pray· ing to thy God, and trufi him with the Lions Ja~s. G_ommit tby way '!11tf1 the Lord: 'frufl. i1t him and he jha/J bring it to paji. Pfal. 37· 5· Some trHjt m Ch.trtotr, a11d fome m H.orfoi, but I wtU rememlier tbe name of the Lord our God. Pl3.1. 20. 7• 1ruft in l1im, for lJe ii thy Help and Shield, Pfal. 11 5: 9)10,1 I· • 9· 2 1. Direct. I4· 1akJ not the [ayingt of the 1emp1tr or thy own dijtrujlftel heart, for the fayingt ofDirelJ. 1 + (Yod, 01' for Pit) reafm a~ai11~ tJ~ conjidenct inhim. s.o~C take all th~ .malicioUS fuggcfii?ns of the ) D~vil tOr reafons of theu d1fquJetnefs and fears, as 1t Jt were the Span of God, that ra1fed all the terror,s and moleHations in them, which are raifed by the t1temy ~{God and them: And they [tar wheri Satan bidsrhem, thinking it is the Spirit ofGod; and they dare not 1ruj/God when hecomm1ndeth them for fear kll it be the will of Satan. Some are fo firongly affected with their own cunceits and fancies, that they think God faith all that their htarts or fancies fay; and make onefe,;r the rcafon of another. Thy Heart is nor fo wife or good, as that thou fhouldfl take all its words, for the words ofGod. Thy f/<jh and thy heart may failthre, when God who is the Roe/(_ of thy heart, and thy portion, will never fail. Pfal. 73· z6. Thy heart may fay, I have no grace, no help, no hope, when God never faid fo, Pfal. 77· 7, 8, fl, I~· · Thy heart may fay, I am a reprobate; forfaken of God, he wiU not hear me, the time of grace is pafi, when God never faid fo : Thy heart may fay, I am undone, l can find no comfort in any friend , no evidence of grace within me, no comfort in God, in Chrift, or in the promifes, no comfort in my life, which is but a burden to me ; I cannot pray I cannot believe; I cannot anfwer the Objcd:ions of Satan, I can Urive no longer agaicll my fears\ I cannot bear my wounded confcience: All this is the f,;i/ing of the Heart; but proverh not any failing of God, whofe grace is fullident for th~e, and his ilrcngth is manifelled perfect in thy weaknefs. The heart hath a thoufand {ayings and conceit!, which God is utterly againH. .. §. 2 2. Direct. 1 ~· Whc• ;you cannot<xcrcife a1rujl of Alfurance, txerci[t the 1'u]l of gencr.l faith, Dire/:/. 1 5, and ''"P'•' and the quw fiebmiffion ?f thy[elf•to the holy Wtfl ofGod. The common pretence of difhull is, I /(_now not that I am aChrld of God : a•d rt bt{etmt the un.~odly to ft4r hit wrath : But as the Gofpel is rydings of great joy to any people where it comerh; fo is it a word of hope and rrull. At leall rrut\ God fo far as !,.finite Goodne~ fhould be trufled, who will damn none but the finally ob. Of Hopt and fiinate refufers ofh1s favmggrace. And Wlth Aaron, Lev. IO· 3· hold your peace, when he is glori• Af!141 ·:t, 1 tt 1 fying himfelf in his corrections: Remember that the will of God is never miC-guided; that it is the haye fp<ktn Beginning and End of all things, Rw. 4• 11. &m. 11· 36. that it never willcrh any thing but good : afcer.,rd, . that it is the Cenrcr and End of all our wills: There is no refl or quietnefs for our wills but in the will of God :. And his will is alwayes for the good of them that truly deure to be conf~rmed to it Joy obedience to his commands, and fubmiflion to his difpofals. Say therefore with your Saviour; Father, if it betbywiU, let1hitcup pafs /romme: but not as I wiU, hHtastho11wilt. There is no~ thing got by llrugling againfl the will ofGod; nor nothing lofl by a quiet fubmillion to it : And if r , thou love it, and defirc to obey and plcafe it, Truil in it, for it will furely' fave thee. ,· ... · ' -! '' r ,~ '·' ,t • , . y DIRECT, . , :1. ., e ,t ,., " ; ' ' I ,. I I •,I; •1 rr