Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

- ---------------------- The Contents. 'frufl in G.d. p. I sS Gr. Dir. 13· 1hat the tempcramcJtt of our Religion may be a DEL I CJ.H 'f i11 God and Holintfl· 7.' "'''!'Y Direaims to procure Jt : rnth the Rea– fonsofit. 162 Gr. Dir. 14. Of 'fHANKFVLNESS .'o God our ~rand BenefaGior. 1?e fignr of ~t. Eighteen Dirdliol}J h:rw to obtam and exercife it: 167, &c;. Gr. Dir. '5• For GLORIFYING God. "fm DireGiions how tiJt Mind muj! Glorifie God. "frn DirclJionsf or Praifing GoU, orGloriiJ'ing him with onr To1tf.IICI. 1Yhere are the1\.eafons for Prai{ing God. 1weh•e DireGli01tJ, for Glorifying God by our LivtJ. P· 17a Gr. Dir. 16. ForHeavcnlymindednrfl; and Gr. Dir. •7· For Sclf·drnyal: Only named, M beingformtJly writttn ~fat large. P·.l~O An Appendix of the Reafonsandmeafure of D1vme andSdf-love. P• 182 CHAP. IV. Subordinatt DjreliionJ, againfl the Great jinJ moft dire[ify. contrary tuGodlinejl. . Pm I · DireGiions againj! Vnbeluf. Q_Whether it be V nbelicf not tobelieve that our own fint ate pardomd, and we elc{ltd l C~n a man, b~ [urcr tbat he believeth, than ht Jl that the thmg be– lieved if trHe ? The Article of Remiffi m of fin if to bt beiitvtd applyingly, p. 196. Thirty fix D11. or btlps againjf Vnbelirf. Q:. 1Yhy the Prophtll were Ill ht believed? Part 2• Vireaionr 4f..aiNjt H11rdue{s of Heart. What it i<• . "fht evil and dangEr of it. p. 204 Part 3• Direliiont againft Hypocrifit• What it H, and who are Hypocriw. TheHelps. P• 210 Pare 4· DirfBioNt againft Inordmate ~Ian-phafing, or ldoliz.ittg man ; or that ovcr-vo/u,ng nuns fa· vour which u the fruit of Pride and Caufo of Hy– pocrifie. Whattbejin u, and u not. 1he difficulty of Man-plta{tng. Pltafing God ir our bujimji and End. The Morives to it. "flu jigncs of it. ,., ... ~-~ p.zt8)&c. Part 5· DirenionJ agoin{h Pride and for Humility. ,JVhat they are. 1he inward [temings of Pride thou are not I'ridt. 1he OHIWard feemings of Pride that art not it, p. 229. Tbe Col(nterftits of HHmiliry, p. 23l: Signn of tbe worj! part of Pride , agai~ff God.. P· 23 2• Signu of t!Jt rtfxt dr;.rcu of Prtde •g•rnJ~ (jod. P· 235· Signu of Pridein and aboHt Rehgtous d~tties. p. 237· Sif.nU of P1·ide in common convcrft·P·23.9· Tht dreadful conftqueniJ of Pride. .A fummary of the h•s of Humility. p•. 2+7 Many tonjiderationJ and hElps againji pride. Part 6. Dirrllions agaiHjf Covetoufnefr, Love of Richer and Worldly Cares. p. 2 54• Wl>at Love of Richts if larr>fttl ? what unlawful.? and R>bat u Coveroufnefi 1 The m•lignity of it 1 1he jigntJ of it. CounttrjritJ or f•lfe ]ignes •f onr not Civttous, which deceive many. Falfi figneJ (}T appearanca of Covetnu[ne[s, that caufe many to be fa/fly accujid. Means to dt(froy ir. Part 7• DiremonJ againft the majltr fin, Svifi'– alny, Flejhplrafing, or V<iuptuoufntf,. p. 264. The nature ofFlejh-pleafing. What meant by Flejh 1 •nd ..-bat u mans Corruption. Wlw flefo·pleajing UNnlawful, and horp far a fin. The malit;ni,Y of·thefin. The Plea or Excufes ofFiejh·pleaftrs, anfwered. Counterfoil! of Martification or ttm~ perance, wbich deceive many ficfh·plea{trt. Seem· lngs •f finfN•Iit'y R>hich are not it. The tnmiry of tbefirfo. P• 264 c·a AP. v. FH~tlur fubordintJtt Dir..taio,s for the next gre.:t du::. ties of Religion, neceJ!ary to the right perfor· m~nce of the Grand Dutin. p. 274· ami firft., D trtClio11Jf or Redeeming or well improving Time. IYh.Jt is time here, and wbat are OpportHnititJ l IVbat Rtdeemiug it is? To wh;tl u{es, and from wbat, and by what, Time m~rJf be Redeemed. Dirtliionr Conttmplative, fur imprDving Time. P· 2 76. DireCIUmscontempl:~tive fur t11k,.ing tht due [eafon, p 283. DirelJionsPrallicalfor Im~ proving Time, p. 285. Kules to k,_norv rvhat1ime tnttft be ffient in. "Ihievn or Time-wafttrt to be watthtagainll, p. 288. r. Sloth, 2 · Excrji of fleep ; 3, Inordinate ad()rning ef the hody : ' 4· Pomp trt~d Curiojity i1~ attendance, h{)ufe, [Hr– niturc, provifion, tnttrtaiumcntr, Complement and fervitudt tothe bumottr of Timt-w:zfterr. 5·Netd– lefs Fcafling, glutton)•.md tipling. 6. Idle tall(, 7· Vain andjinful comp 8~ PafiimtJ, inor– diJtatt Recreation!, fporlf, playr. 9· Exce{t of worldly bufin•f- a11d wu. ro. Vain a11dji11ful Thougbts. It. Reading v.zin baokt, Romancu, Play booi{J, &c. a1rd v:~in fiudin. 12. A11 un· godly heart which doth all tbitrgt f or a cornal end' Eight[or11 efpeci•Yy caUtd 10 &edetm Timt. CHAP. VI. DireliiaHJ for the Government of the 7'houghtr. , . p. 294 Tit. I• DirelJio•J again]! evil 4nd idle 1houghiJ. ibid. Tit. 2. Dirtllions _to jimrijh the Mind with good 1'bnu;,btr. 1wmty grtat Suhje8J or Protript~taries _afording matterfor Meditation. p. 298 Tit. 3• DirellionJto mab,_e Goo~ "fhoughuE}Jellual. I· GentrJJl Dirttlirmr for Mediutien or good Thoughu, P· 304. 2. Particulaf' Dirtliionr .ahBut the work._ nf Meditati911· •. p. 306 Tit. 4• 1he difference between a coNtempltitive and 11n ADive Life. Q 1. lf'h:zt U 4 CJnttmpllltivt life ? Q. 2. Is every boHJtrl tu it l Q. 3· Woofe duty U it l Q.4· How far art aU men boum:l tu contemplation l ,A,jWued in twclvt Rreles. p. 309 Tir. 5· Dir~l1ion1 to tbe Me/a,tchvly about their 1houghu. Signrs of Melancholy. 1he Caufes. Dire[iiom f or cl!rt. Sjtci~l truths to be 1{.1toWH for prevenring caufltfltroubles, &c. p. 312;·8(g Tit. 6. Twenty Diremonifur young Studentr for the mofl projitablt ordering of their J!udying 1boughtJ, P• 3'9· Twenty lnjltJnces of cx1reams to be •voided• p:3 2 3 .CHAP. V l!, DirelJionlfr!'t theGovernment ofthe PajprJHJO Tjr. t. DireDions agoinj! aY finful Paf!ions in ge• nrr.l; . P· >•7 TJI. 2·