Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

How to glorifte God witl> tl>e Heart. DIRECT. XV. Gr.Dir·'5· Let tlry f'tJery l>eart be Jet to GL 0 !f\)FIE G0D, tlry Creator, ~deemer To Glonfic aud SanEtifter, botl> 1vitl> the Ejlimatio11 of thy Mind , the Praifes ofthy Mot~th God. mzd the Holinefs of tlry Life. ' §. J, THe GLORIFYING of GOD being the End of man, and the whole Creation, mull be the highett duty of our lives; and therefore t.h:ferveth our difimd conllderation. I Cor. 10. 31· 1Yhttlur ye tat or drinJt, or rvb.ztever ye do, do all to tbe gfory nfG,d. I Per.4. 1 1, "1hat God in aY tbinp.J may be·glorifie_d tbrough Jefus Chrijt, to whom be pTai[e _and domi11ion for ever aJtd evtr. Amen. I fi1all therefore hrH thew you what it is to glorifie God, and then give Diretlions how to do ir. Heb I. J. 9· 2. To glorifie God, is not to add to his df~ntia1 perfe[fjmtJ, or felicity, or rral glory: The AB:s?·H · f!,lorynfGod is a word, that is taken in thefevarious fcnfcs: J,Sometime itflgniticth thccjfentiiJl Rom. 3· :.3. tran{cendrnt ExcrYotcicr ofGod, in himfelf confidcrcd~ So Rom. 6. 4· Pfal. 19. 2· 2. Sometime Rcv.2t.J1. 1J· it tignific:th tlut glory which the Angels and Saints behold in Heaven: w~at this is, a fvul in fldh Ju;e 2 4· cannot formally ·conceive or comprehend: It feemerh 110t to be the Effince of God, bccaufe th:tt ~ c~;.~·. ?S. is every where, and fo is not that glory: Or if any think that his Effence is that J¥ory, and is every where alike, and that the creatures capacity is all the diJf~rence betwixt Heavt:n and Earth , he feems confuted in that the glory ofHeavm will be feen by the glorified Body it felf, which its thought cannot fee the Effince ofGod. Whether then that Glory be the Effenceof God, or any immediate E>tJali,Jtio;z from his Excellency, as the beams and light that are ff:nt forth by the Sun, or a crtattd glory for the felicity of his Servants, we !hall know when with the bleffcd we enjoy it. 3· Some– time it is taken for the appeara~ce of G6ds pt·feliioNJ in his creatures, either natural or fret agenu, as difcerned by man, and for his Honour in the efieem of man. J~hn 1 I• 4· 40. I Cor. I I· 7· 2Cor. 4· I5· Phil. I· 11. & •· 1 t. Jfo. 35· 2.' & 40. 5, &c. And fo to glorifie God, is l· Objc[live– ly to rcprr{ent his Excellencies or Glory: 2· Mc1ttally to conceive of them: 3· And Verbally to de· clare them. I fhall therefore diflin&ly Dircll you, I. How to glorifie God in your Mindr : 2· By .,.,ur 1ongues: 3• Byy:ur Live!. Dire[/ionr for Glorifying God wi1h tht Htart. Dirt[/. I· §. 3· D:re~. I• Abhor alllila[phemottr reprt[mlationr and lhoughtr of God, and think, not ofhim Ltf.t G 4 ffi 11 di lamely, rmrqHally, or diminutively, 1tor as Hndtr an¥ corportal Jhapt? nor think._ nil to comprebenJ Oration. iu11- him; but reverently admi,-e him. Conceive of him as lncomprehenhble and Infinite: And if SJ– gtrr4.l.inInflitur. tan would tempt thee to think meanly of any thing in God, or to think highly of one of his Per· Aflronom. fections, and meanly of another, abhor fuch temprations; And think of his Puwtr, Knorrledgt and Goodnefr equally as the Infinil< ptrftmonr ofGod. Direl/. 2 , 9· 4• Dire&. z, Behold hir ~lory in the gl•~ry nf bir wor/t,} of Nalttre and of Gract, and fee him in aU as the foul, the Glory, tht AU of the whole Crvtion. What a Power is that which made and pre~ ferveth all the world> What a TYifdom ls that which fct in joynr the Univerfal frame of Heaven and Earth, and keeptth all things in their Order: How gntld is he thl[ made all guod , and g'lve the creatures all their goodmfs, both natural a;~d fpirituJl, by Creation and Rrncwing j!.rilce. Thus [ 1be IfeJvwJtieclare tbe gloryofGod, aJtd tbe Fitmamtnt .fhervetb bir IJandy work._, Pfal. 19. r. Hil glory covtreth the Heavens, and tlu earth iJ [ttU ofhi! pr.Jift, HJb. 3• 3· The voice of the Lord UHp:m tbe rvaterr: tiJtGod of glorylhundere~b, Pfal.29· 3· Pfal. '45·] Vircl1~ 3• 9· S· Direct. 3• Behold him in tbe Perfon, Miracles, KefurreDion, Dumini'm and Glory ?f hi1 blcf!ed Son. IYho is tbe brightmfs of his glory, and tbe expreji image o} his p!r{tm, 1tpboldim!, aU ~biugs by the word. of his power, and having by bimfelf purgid our fins, fatt dQwn at tberight hand of tbe M.J· jejly on high, bei11g made brttcr tban the Attf!.els, &c. Heb, J. 3, 4· By him it is that glory iJ givtJt ta God in tiJe Church, Eph. 3· 21. God hath highly exalted him, and given hittJ a name above tvery name, rhat at the name ofJrjitJ every J? fooHld bow, of tbi.ngs in Hraven, and tbings i11, .smd things under the Earth, aJtd tbat every tongm~ fhould Cdnfr{s, that Je[tu U Chrift totbl! glory of God tbe Father, Phi!. 2· 9, 10, 1 I· Pray therefore that the God of our Lord Jejiu Chrijl, the F:;t!Jfr of glory., may give you the Spirit of Wi[dom and Revelation in the ac~towledgrment of him; the e;•rs of your underjlanding being wligbmcd, that ye may Jtnow what is the hope of bis .f:Il!ing, and wh~t the richu of the glory of bis inberitance in the Sainti; and whtrt i1 the exctedi1tj, greJwefs of h:~ power to mward who believe; according to tlu workJng of hi1 mighty powtr rvhicb he wrouglit in Ckrij~, when he raifi.d him from the de:ld, ar.dfit him at hU right hand in tbe ccrlejiia/s :; for above aYprme~~ pality, and power, a;td migbt, and dnminion, and every name that iJ named, not only i11 tbiJ wvrld, but 3n that which H to come; and bath put all thingJ under his feet, and g:1vt him to bt Htad ov.r aU thingr to hir Clmrch, Eph. I· 17, &c. 1bt Father batb glorifie~ hir name in bi! Son. Jobn tz. 2~· 6' 13. 31, 32• & I4• I3· 6' 17• I• ~· 6. Dired. +