Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

Ho1v to glorifie God with Heart and Tongue. ------- 9· 0 . Dire&. 4· Behold God M the End of the whole Crwion,.and inttnd him M the End of aU the lJirell. 4• a[iions of thy /ifi. You honour him not as God, if yo~ pr~lhcally efleem lum not _as your ulum.;te end; even the Pleajing of his wiU, and the honouring h1m m th~ world. Ifany thmg elfe be made your chitfift end, you honour it _before him, ~nd ma~e a <?od of Jt. . . . 9· 7 • Dire&. 5· Anfwer aU hu bleffid attrzbrmsrrnth fi<~table affelltOn.', (as I have due&ed m my Dircl/. 5 • Trearife of the Knowledge of God, and here bmfly Dlf. 4•) an~ hu Relatrons to tu w'.'h the duty which they command (fubjed:ion, Love,&c.~ as I ~avc o~encd 111 the ~oregomg D~reCbons. We gloritie him in our hear;ts, w~en the Image of Ius Attnbut~s ts there rcceJved. . . , 9· 8. Dire&. 6. Behold him by0faith M aUwaJ1 prefint wtth you. And then every Attnbute will Direll. 6. the more affeCt you, and you will not admit difhonourable thoul\hts of hi.m: Pray to him as if you (aw him, and you will fpeak to him with reverence. Speak ot h1m, as tf Y?U law htm, and you dare not take his name in vain, nor talk of God with a common frame of rnmd, nor in a common manner, as of common things. By faith Mofes forfook.. Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the King: for he endured "' ficing him that i1 invifib/e. Hcb. I I. 2 7· God IS contemned by them that thmk they are behind his back. 9· 9· Dire&. 7• 1hinlzof him"' in Heaven, where he iaev1a/ed in Glory to the blcffid, andmagni- Dircl/. 7• fied by their bi~b --cver/Jj!ing Proifi. Nothing fo much helpeth us to Glorifie God in our minds, as by faith ro behold himwhere he is moll GlorioUf. The very readmg over the defc:ription of the Glory of the New J erufalem, Rev. 21· & 22. will much affed: a believing mind, with a fenfe of tht G mioulnefs ot God. Suppofe with Stephen we faw Heaven opened, and the ancient of daies, the G•tat J ·"ovah Glorioufly illuftrating the City of God, and ]efus in Glory at his right hand , and th~o i1uumlrable army of G!orifyed Spirits before his throne, Prayfing and magnifying him wich rhe hl!:)hrtf :~dmirations, and joyfullefi acdamations, that creatures are capable of; would it not nifl' U: t1 1\,.nt ur the fame admirations? The foul that by faith is much above, doth mofi Gloxifie Q, 1) iS Leing neerefl to his Glory. 9· 10. D ire&. 8. Forefoeby faith the coming of Chrifo and the day of the tmiverfa/ Judgement, when Direll:i. Chrift .foau '""e in flaming fire with thoufand! of bis holy Angels, to be Glorified ill his S•inu, and ad– mired in all themtlhltdo believe. 2 Thef. I· to. 9· ll· Dire&, 9· Abhor aU Dollrinu, which Yla[pheam or dijhonour the name of God, and would Dirtif· 9• blemijh and hide the Glory of his Majefty. I give you this rule for your own prefervation, and not in imication of uncharitable firebrands and dividers of the Church, to txercife your pride and imperious humour, in condemning all men, to whofe opinions you can malicioully affix a biafphemous confe.. quence, which either followeth but in your own imagination)or is not acknowledged hue hated by thofe on whom you do affix it. Let it fuffice you to decefi falfe doctrines, without derefl:ing the perfons that you imagine guilty of them, who profefs to believe the contrary truth as lledfallly as you your fdvcs, ; . I2. Dire&. IO· 1a/zy b,d ofjinkJng into f/ljh and earth, and being diverted by things finjible from v· a the daily contemplation of the Glory ofGod. Ifyour beUy becomeyour God, and you mfnd earthly tbings, ~re • 10 " and are fet upon rhe honours, or profits or pleafures of the. world; when your conver[ation jhuuld be in Heaven, you will be glorying in your jbame , when you Chould be admiring the Glory of your Maker, Phi/. 3· 18, 19, 20. and you will have fo much to do on earth, that you will find no leifure ( bccaufe you have no hearts) ro·look up ferioufly to God. Dirtllions for Glorifying God with our tongues, in hi1 Praifis. §• 13. Direa-. J. Conceive of this duty of Praijing God accordi;rg to itr [uperlative rxceUenciu, a~ he· Dirett. r I• ing the bi~hrft firvice that the toHgue of mtn or Angels can perform. To Ble[t, or Praifi, or Mag 11 i... How ~rear a fie God, IS not to make him Greater or better, or happier than he is; but to declare and extol his duty _Praifing Greatnrfi, G,.dnefi and felicity. And that your hearts may be inflamed to this excellent work, I will God .15 • here fhew you how great and neceffary, how high and acceptable a work it is. 9· '4· I· It is tht giving to God his chiefej! due : A fpeaking of him as he is : And when we have Ch•ifri.,useU fpoken the highell, how far.fall we fhort, of the due expretlion of his glorious perfections. 0 how homodic~ns -great Praife doth that Allmight·inefs deferve, which created aHd conferverh all the world. and over~ &fac~~sm~ rul~th all the ~ons of men, and is able to do whatfoever he will ? Great is the Lord and Greatly to be ~.,~~n2~bolo ; pr_aifi~: 11nd hu Greatntfs is unfearcbable. One Generation foaU praife hir ~Jrk._s to another and decl:zrf gloriamDei, hJt mtghty ails : 1wiU JPeaJ.t uf the gloriozu honour of thy Maje]iy, and of tby wondrous w(IT'k..f: And ·~ltoris_ vitae menjhaU (Peal{_ of the might of thy urrible ~as, and I ~ill declare. tby Greatnefl, Pfalm 145• :;, 4 , 5 • a f:alu1~~ ~u:r. What Pratfe doth that l{_nowledge deferve which extendeth to all thmgs that are, or were, or ever fhall EHch~ .,~ · be> and that wifdomwhich ordereth all the world ? He knoweth every thought of man, and all the fecrets of the heart. Pfa!m 44· 21. & 94· u. Known unto Gotl. are aUhir rvorl<f, from the begimtintr of tl.e world; Acts I5· 18. Hi1 ~nderj!anding i1 infinite Pfalm '47· 5· What praiiC doth that Good". mfi and Mercy defcrve, wh1ch •.s d1tfufed throughout all the world, and is the life and hope and happintfs of men and Angels? Hu Mercy z.s Great unto the Heavenr, and his Trmb unto the Cloud! : Pfalm 57· Jo, 0 how f!..reat ir hi; GQsdmfs to them that fear him? Pfalm. 31. 10. and therefore how grw fi•ould be his Praife. Whocon utter the mighty a{ls of the Lord l and wbo con ]hew forth aU bis Pr•ife , Pfalm Io6. 2· Fo~ great inhe Glory of ·the Lord, Pfalm .'38· 5• · 9· J 5· _2· It uthe end of aU Gods rvondroiH work,.t, a1zd efptcJaUy the tl'!d which man war made for, that aY tbmgs <ife might Praife him Objeaively, and men ('and Angels) in ejlim.tion and expref!ion. That