Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

174 Ho1v great a duty praifing God is. that his Glorious excellency might be vifible in his works, and be admired and extolled by the rational creature: For this all things wen: created and arc continuc::d: for this we have our undcrfr:mdingand our fpceciJ:This is the fruit that God exped'Lth from all his works. Deny him this and you are ~uilty of fru~ ilrating the whole creation, as much as in you lieth. You would have the Sun to (hine in vain, and rhc Heavens and Eanh to fhnd in vain, and man and all things to live in vain, ifyou would~not have God have the praik and Glory of his works. Therefore Sun, and Moon, and Starrs, an~ Firma, ment arc called on w Praife tbe Lord, Pfalm 148. 2, 3, 4· as they are r.he matter for which he mull by us be praiied. 0 praife him therefore for his mighty aCts: Praifc him according to his excellent greatncfs. Pfalm I 50. 2. 0 that men would praife the Lord for hi! •oodntjJ, and declare'hi1 wo1idrou 1 . work! for the cbltdren ofmen: Pfalm 107. 8, &c. Yea it is the end of Chr#t in the B .. cdemption of the world, and in faving his elu1, that God might in the Church in Earth and Heaven ~ve the praife a 11 d glory of biJ grace. Ephcf. I· 61 I 2, J 4· By him thm:fure let IY offer the facrifict of praife to God comi– -1tllal[y th.zt if, tbe fruit of our lip1, giving thank.! tohiJ name Heb. 13. 15. And let the rtdeemedof tbe Lotd fay th,;t hiJ mercy endureth f or ever: Pial m 107. 2· For tl!is all his SJints are a chofingeneration a royo~l pricjfhood, a boly n:~1im, a ptculi:zr people, that they jhould fhew /ortb th( praijtJ of him tb 3 ; hatb called them out of dark.!tcfi into hiJ marvellozu light, I Pet. 2· 5, 9• 9· 16. 3· The Praift ofGod iNhe highrjl and noble}/ worl;.in it frlf: I• le h•ch the bighejl oljdl: even the glorious excellencies of God. Thankfgiving is fomewhat lower as having more. refped: ro our {elves and the BcnrjitJ received: Bur Praife is tcrrniflated diied-ly on the perfeaitJnJ of Go~d himfelJ. 2· le is that work that is moH immediately neereil on God as he. is 01tr end : And as the end as fucl1 is becccr than all the means fet together (as fuch ): fo are the final dHtiet abouc. the end greater than all the mediate duties. 3· It is the work of the mofi excelknr cre'atures of Go.d, the holy Angels : They proclJimed the coming of Chritl, by way of Praife, Luke 2· 13, '4· Glory to God in the bighcjf: on earth peace : Good·wiU toward! mm. Pf31m 103. 20· & 148. 2. And as we mufl be equ~l to the Aligels, it mufi be in equal Praifing God_, or elte ir will not be in equ.,/ity of Glory. ~· le is che work of Heaven , the place and llatc of all perfection : And chat is belt and highetl: which is near(fi H~aven : Where they rejl not d.1y mr night, faying, Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God AUmight), which WM and iJ and is to come -1hou att worthy O.f ....rd to receive glory and homul' and power, fl)r tboze hajt created all tbing!, and fdr tlry pleafore they, arc and were created, Rev. 4 . 8. 10· Rev. 19· 5· A _voice c.1me out of the throne[ayh'g, Prl.lije our God aY ye hi1 forvantJ, and ) IC that fear him both fmall iind·great. verfe 6. And I heard M it were the voice of a great m~t'ttftude, and m tbe voice of m.sny wattrJ, ~nd ar the voice ~f mighty thundringJ, faying, AYelujah: f or tbe Lord God onmip ttnt rezgnetb; Let IH be glad a14d rejoyce and give honaur to him, for the m;Jrri.age of the Lamb iJ come, and his wife bath m.:Jde berfolf rci.ldy. 9· 17· 4· It be{eemetb zu a;rd much concernetb UI tiJ leant and txt.rcife tb;;t wJrl{. which i;z Heaven JVe mujt do for ever : and ·that is, to Love a1rd joyfuUy Praife tbe Lord. f or e.mb is but rhe place of our apprencifhip for Heaven. The preparing works of mortifying rep~nrance mull in their place be done: but only as fUbfer-v-ient to rhcfe which we mufi: e;;er do: When we lhall fing the Htw [ong before! the Lamb, 7'hote art worthy--- For t!Mu wa(l jl.Ji;z, and hajl redeemed tu to God by thy blood, out of every kJ.ndrtd, and tongue, and people, and n-.Jtion, and haft made zu Kings and Priejh unto our God, Rev. 5· g, 10. Therefoie the Primitive Church of bcl~evers is ddCribed as !l10ff like ro Heaven, Luke24. 53· witb great joy they wert continuaUy in tbe Temple Praifing aJI(/ bleffing God. 0 Prai{e tbe Lord therdi:.lle in the congrcg.;tionJ of the SaintJ: Let lfrael rrjoyce ilt him made hiiiJ Let tbe childrm of Zion be joyful in their King. Pfalm 149· I, z, Let tbe S.JiiiiJ be j Jful ivs g!Jry: Let the high prai{eJ 9[ God be"in their mouthJ, verfc 5, 6. 9· 18. 5· 1h~ttj!,b rve ate yet di[ra[td fimurJ, and in our wa~fare, amo11g emmiu, dangel'J a__nd per– plexititJ, yet Praife iJ feaflnabl!! and {ttitable to our c1111dition hcl'e, ilf the g!·eatcjt if' our ditt)', which all the reji mu;t but prumote. Pretend not that it is not tit for .you bccau~t: yon art:. finnerJ, and that hu– miliation only is Cuitable to your flare. For the defign of your redemP.tion,, the:tenour of rhe Gofpd; and your own condition, engage you t0 it. Arc they not engaged to l'raifc: the Lord, that are brought fo near him to that end? I Pet. 2,5)9· that are r~conciled ro him ? T0 whom he h:ahgiven and forgiven fa much. I 1im. I· 15· 1it. 3· 3, 5· Pjdlm I03· I,2, )· that .llJ.Vt: fo many grcatandprc– cioiH prfJini[cJ l 2 Pet. I· 4· that are rhe Templu 1{ tbeHOJly Ghojf, whl) dwellcth jn rhcrn, and fo.u– aifietb chtm eo God> Thlt luve a Chrifi inttmding for them in cl1e highell? KDm. S. 33, 3+· That are allways fafe in the arms of Chrifi; that are ·guarded by Angels; and Dtvils, and c:ncmies !or– bidden to touch them, further than their father ft.eth necdfary tor their good? Thar have the Lcrd for their God, P{alm 33· 1.2. &4· 8. That have his Saints for their companions and helpers? That have fo many ordinances ro help their fouls? And fo many creatures and comforts for theii bodies? That live contilltually upon the plemy of his Love~ That have received fo much, and art Hill receiving? Should we not bicfs him every day wich Praife, that bldfcch us every day with brnefi<S? Should we not praife the bridge that we go over? The friend that we have· trytd fo oft? And r(folve as Pfalm 145• 2. Every day wiU I blefs thee: I wiU praife thy n.Jme fnr eve!' and ever: PfJlm 63. 3, 4~ Becaufe tby lovi~g kJ.ndnc[r iJ better th.m life, my lip! jhJ!J prai[e tbce ~ 1/ms wiii I blefi thee while I liN: IwiUli.ftup mylu;ulJ m thy name. Are they not bound to prai{~ him on tarth, that mull: · reigu with Chriti for ever in Heaven? Rom. 8. 17, 33· Rev. J, 5,6. Col. I· 12. I P"ct.J. 4·. 6. The Praifes of God do exercifc our higbejf Gracu: Praife is the vc:ry bn.arh of Lcrve, and Joy, and Gratitude: It tendeth to raift: u·s above our felves, and make our hearcs ro burn within us, while the glorious name of God is magnified ' le hach the moll pure and fpiricual and elevating effect . upon