Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

How to glorijie God witb ow Lives. dom and meet e:xpreffions, about holy thtngs , becaufe this is IJU work: And as unfit cxpref.. fions and behaviom m a Mmtfier , do caufe contempt infiead of cditying ; fo do thty in 177 difcewfe. ' ·, · · p· · 9· 31 . Direct. 1 o. 1flhcn ever Go11 h~ly Nan:e or 1YIJrd iJ b~;[phenud, or ufcd, zn l~vzty o: }t~ft, zretl. IO• or a holy life if m:~di! a fcom, ur God u notorzozifly abufid or dijhan~ured, b~ ready to reprove tt Wlth gravily where you can; and where y 1u can11nt at lcajl let your deujf.ztian of it be c m~miently m~· ~~[?~~:nr 11 ifcjlrd. Among thofe to whom you may freely fpeak, Lly opl n the .greame[s of .theu fin; Or 1f a'terwf·d. you arc unable for long or accurate difcourfe, at lt:afi tell them who hath htd [ 'Th(JU jhah T~m. 2.. &c. nnt t.J}S the Name of the Lord thy God in v.tin : fo.r the Lord will not h~~d hir;t guiltlej$_ t?at tak.ftb bi 1 N.:Jme in v.Ji1t J : And where your fpecch ts unmeet (as to fomc: S~tprnou~s) or ts hke , to do more harm than gnod, h:t your deputing the room, or your lookt, or ratf1er your tear.s tl1ew your di!like. DireUiont for the.glorif,ing God i11 eur Livu. §. 32. DireCT. r. O:tr Livuthenglorifie God, when they are fie:IJ.J J bi.1 ExceL'wcieJ moft appear iif ~ Dire8. ~~ :AndJhat iJ whw tbey are mo{f Divine. or Holy : when they are fo nunaged, that the world may fee, th~t . . it i 1 God th.a we b:zve c~iefiy rejpefr .unto, and th.a H0 LINE S S 10 1' H.E L 0 !i- D 14 e~lu;;;~£:~~~ written upon all om· f.Iculnn and ajfazr~o So much of G 0 D as appearc~h tn our hves, {? fecu~ docere much they arc nuly venerable, and advanced above the rank of fltfhly worldly lives. God OI;~ly IS qu 3 m vi~·i· : the real gkry of tveJy perfim,and every thing, and every word or alJio1r of our lives. And the natu- P11ul S(llfl;;tr, ra.l confcienCc of the world, which in dtfpight of their Arheifrn, is forced to confcfsand reverence P· 7t8. a Deity; will be forced ( even when they are hated and pcrfecuted) to rever~nct the appearance ot God in his holy ona. Let ic appear therefore, I· That G(Jdt Authorisy cummandetb ynt, ~hove all the powerS ot the earth, and againfi all the power of flelhly lufis : z, That it is the Glory and . Inureft ofGodth.u you live fo~ ~nd.look after principally .in the world, and not your ~wn carnal ~3~e~~~ ~~~ intereji and glury: And that 1t IS b~ work that .Y~U are dowg, and nor your orrn ) and bM[e and lorum::.comme– nor your own thar you arc mgaged in. 3· That HIS his )f"ord and Law tb.Jt ityq:tr Rule. 4· And the mur:tnrur ;i 110example of hisSon that is your pattern: 5· And that your hearts and 1i1Jet arc nu)vtd and aCted in the b1~, .d~q; prx– world, by ~otives fetcht from the Rervard1 w~ic~ he h.zth promifed, and d~e pun.ijiJ~eJJt~ which he hath ~c~:~;~1: ,~~·~';i rhreatned m the world to come. 6. And that .1t IS a fitpe:na:ural powerful prt~clple knt from God non c:1Jiu~t, into your hearts, even theHoly Ghojt, by whtch you are mclmed and al1uated m the tenor of your vel non f:1ole Jives. 7· And that your dail)l cmvtrfe is with God, and that men and other creatures are co~puatively fibi pe,fu:uler.r nothh:g ro you, but are made to l\and by, while God is preferred, and honoured, and ferved by cm~ f.rm~ you : and t~at al\ your bufinefs is wi,.h him, or f or.him in th~ world. . ~~~=~~r:~tur. ~· 33· Daect. 2· 1he more ofHeaven appe<Jretb m your LJVeJ, the more your Lwet do glorifie God. c. 1 s.p ..:p8. 1Yorldly and carnal men are coniCious~ that their glory is a v.anHhing glory, and their pleafure ~ut . . ~ a tranfitory drtam, and that all thea honour and wealth will fhonly kave them in the dull : And Dtreef. 2· .therefOre they are forcc:d in defpight of their ienfuality, to bear fame reverence to the life to come: And though they hne not hearts themfelves, to deny the pleafurcs and profits of the world, and no fpend their dayes in preparing for eternity, and in laying up a tn:afure in Heaven, yet they are con– vinced that tho[e that do fo, are the bcft and wife(\ men ; and they could wiOt that they might dye the death ot the righteous, and that theirlall end might be like his: AsHeaven exceedeth Earth, even in the•reverem iZCk._nowledgwmtt of tl'le YVorld, though not in their prtJ{iical cjlecm and choice : ro HcavtnlyChriftians have a reverent ac"nondedgement frotn them ( v;-hen maliCe doth not hide thc::ir Heavcnlinefs by fianders,) though they will not be fuch thernfelves. Let it appear in your liVes, tha"t really you [eek a higher happinefs than this wo•ld affordeth, and that you verily look to live with ChriH, and that as Honour, and Wt:alth, and Pleafurc command the lives of -the ungodly, fo tht! hope of 'Heaven commandeth yours; Let it appear that this is your detign and bufinefs in tl1e world, and that your Hearts, and converfation arc above, and that whatever you do or fuffcr, is for this, and not for any lower end; and this is a life that God is glorified by. §· H·· Direct. 3· It glorifieth God; byjhewing tbe excrUency of faith, whm n·e contemn tbe ricbtt . and !JontJurs of. tiJC w~rld, and live abov~ the JPorldlfJtgt lift, tzcco~nting that a dc{picable tbing, whicb DJi'~Cf. 3• he accoumt hu happme[t, and lf)feth lmfoul fur. As men dc:fp1fe thetoyes of children, fo a believer mufi take th~ traniirory vanities of this world, for matters fo inconfiderable, as not to be worthy his regard, fave only as they are the matter of his duty to God, or as they relate to hiin or the life to come: Saith Paul, 2 Cor. 4• 18. JYe loo}{ ntJt at tiJe thi»gJ which art Jeen ( rhey :ire not worth our obferving or lo:>king at} but at the things whiciJ.are not fecn : For the thingt which are few are temporal~ b~t the tbrngt whzch ~re not [ten, are eternal. The world is under a bc\ievc:rs feet, while his eye 1s hxed on the. cc:elei\tal world. He travdleth through it to his home, and he will be thankful if his way be fm, and if he have his daily bread: but it is not his home nor doth he malic any great matrer, whether his ufage in it be kind or unkind, or whether his In~ be well adorned Or nor. He is aImoll indifferent whether for fo !hort a time, he be rich or poor, in a high or in a low c?ndirion, further tha? as it tendeth tb h~s MaHers fcrvice•. Let. men fee that you have 3 higher b~rth than they, and h1gher hopes, and h1gher hearts, by ft:ttmg light by that which their hearts are fet upon as their tdicity. When feerning Chrillians are as worldly and ambitious as others and inake as great~ matt.e~ of their g~in, and ~ealth, a~d honour, it ihewc::th that they do bUt cove'r the bafc and ford1d Spltlt of worldhng•, With the v1for of the Ch1illian name , io deceive themA a 2. (elves,