How to glorifie God by our Lives. 179 Spirit it of great price in the fight ofGod, 1 Pet. 3, 4· An Ornament cornmended to wemen by the ScriprurC ; which is amiable m the eyes of all. . . §. 39· Direct. 8. It bonouretb God and your prnfif{ion, when )'0" abound m love and m good Wf/rk_!: Dire{l. S. Lo< ing the godly with a [peciJI love, but aU mm r.;ith [o mucb love, as m.1Jtu you earm(fly deflrous of their wrlfare, and to love ynur enemiu, and pm up WI'OJtgt, a~d to {fudy. tv do good to all, and hurt to none. To be abundant in love, is to be lib$ to Glid, who IS LOVE u felf, 1 John 4· 7, I I· and lhcwcrh that God dweUtth ift JM, v. 12· AD mwm.;y know that we art Cbrijlt Difciplu, if we love om anotber> Jobn 13· 35· This is the new and the great commandment: The jJtlfilling of the Law, Rom. I3· Jo. John 1 5· 12, 17, & 1 3· 34• You will be known to be the childttn of your heavenly Father, it you love your enemiu, and blrfl them that cur[e ynu, and pr<iy for. them th.-zt ha!e and_per[ecutc y~u, a·nd dtfPightfuUy ufe you : Matth. 5· 44· Do aU tbe good that pollibly you can, If you would be hke him that doth good to the evil, and whofe mercies are over all hts works. Shew the world that you are hiJ worlzmanjhip created to go9d work..f inChrift Jeftu which he ord.Ji.ned fiJt' you to w.-z/1(. in, Eph.2. 10. Herei(t Myour Father glorified, tbtytbring fortb much fruzt, John 15·8· Lctyvur light {o fhine before men, that tbcy may fee your good work._1, ~1td glorifte your. Father wbic? i.s. in Heaven, Mauh. 5· 16. HonoHr God with thy fobjtance, and nmh the firft frmtJ of .zU thy znc(eafe, Prov. 3· 9. A;zd .tbofe th~Zt hon~Jur him, ~e wiU honour, .x Slm. 2· 3.0· When barren worldly hypo– crites, that honour God only with their lip1, and fl.lttermg words, (hall be ufed as thofc that really dithonour him. 940. _Diwol:.9. 'the Vnity, Concord ~nd Peace ofChrij!ian!, dotb glorijit God and their pro[effio~: Direl/. ~· when tbe:r d:vifionJ, comentwnJ and maizc:ouJ perfecuJtJnJ of one another dotb dijhonour hJm. · Men reverence that faith and pradice which they fee us unanirnoully accprd i.n. And the Came men will defpife burh it and us, When they fee us together by the ears about it, and hear us in a Babel of confufion, one faying, 1bU U the way, and another, Tb:zt Uit: one faying, Lo here i1 tbc true Church and Worjhip; and another faying, Lo it i1 there. Not that one man or a few mull make ~Shoo ms._et for his own foot, and then fay, All that will ttot dif!'~'to~r God by difcord, muft wtarthu Shoo: Think., aJ [think, and fay. as I fay, or elfe you are SchijmatJck.f. But we mull all agree in believing and obeying .God, and waLkjug by the j11me rule fo far aJ we b:we attained, Phi!. 3· 15, 16. 1he flrong mujt bear the infirmitieJ of the wealz, and not pteajf tbemfelvu; but every one of uJ pJeafe hir neighbour for good to edi{icatio1J: and be lik._e minded one toward! another, according lo Chrift JejuJ,tbat we may with one mind. and o11c mmth glorifie Gud: Receiving one another, aJ Chri[t 11l[o receivedu1 to theglory ofGod, Rom.xs· 1,2, 5,6,7. §. 41· Direct. xo. Jujtice commutative and diflribmive, private and p•biick, in bargaining/ a;td in Direll. IO~ Governmem...and Judgement, doth• honour God and our profeffion in the tyeJ of aU: wben we do m wrong, ' but do to aUmen as we would thtyjhrm/d do to'"' Mltrh. 7· 12· That_n~ ma11 go beyond or defraud. bil brctber in aJry matter : for the Lord U the avenger of all.fHch, I 'J!hefT. 4··6. That a mans word be his Mafier; and that we lye nut one to another, nor aquivocat-e- or. deal fubtilly anCL deceitfully, but in plainnefs and finglenef.S of heart, and in fimplici!y and godly tin\:erit~ have our converfatiOn in the world : Perjured perfons an'd Covcnant\breakers, that dlfi'ol\re rho bondS of humane focit:ty,· and lake the name o(God in vain,!hall find by his vengeance that he hol<krh thOrn.not g~iltl$fs. §."42· DireCT.zr. ltmucb glorifiethGod towor:fhip him rationallyandpure/y,iJtSpiritandintruth, v· N. u .. -.... according to the glory of hU wifdom and goodmfi, and it dijhonoureth him tube worjhipped ignOraNtly and zrcc. carnally, with fpcUJ and mimic.::[ irratiunal aflion1, as if he were lefs wi.fe than feriouJ grave mtder– derjlanding mm. The worfhippersofGod have great cauferotake heed how they behave themfc:!ves. Left they mm with the reward of Nadab and Abihu , and· God tell them by his judgements, that ht wiU be fanllified in aU tiJCm that come nigh him, and before aU the ~eople he wiU be glorified Lcv. 10o1, 2.3. The fecond Commandmcm is entorced by the Jcaloufic of God about his Worfhip. Jgnprant, rude, unfeemly words, or unhanfome gefiures, which tend to raife contempt in the au- / ditors; or.levity of fpeech which makes men laugh, is abominable in a Preacher of the Gofpel, And fo is tt to pray irratiomlly, incoherently, confufedly, with vain repetitions and tautologies, as if men rhoughttobeheard for theirbabling over fornany words, while there is not fo much as 4\11 appearance of a well compofed, ferious, rational and revc:rent addrcfs of a fervent foul to God. To worlhip God as the- Papifis do, wirh Images, Agnm Dei's, Crucifixes, Croffings, Spictle,Oyl, Candles, Holy Water, kiffing the Pax, dropping Beads, praying to tht: Virgin Mary, and to other Saints, repeating over the Name of Je[JH nine times in a breach, and faying ii.tch and.fuch fcntenccs fo ofr, praying to ~od in an unknown Tongue, and faying eo him they !mow not ~hat, adorinr; . the confecrated Bread as no Bread, but the very fle{h of Chrifl: himfelf, choofing the tutelar Saint whole name they will invocate,fafiing by fcafiing upon Fi(h intlead offlefr>,fay;ug fo many !>!a!Tes a day, and oiferingSacritice for the quick and the dead, praying for fouls inPurgawry, pun:hafing Indulgences for rheir deliverance out ofPurgatory from the Pope, carrying the pret~nd~d bones or other ReEfrs of their Saints, the Popes canonizing now and then one for a Saint, pretending Miracles to delude rhe people,goingon Pilgrimages to Images, Shrints otRelicks~oflcring before the Images,with a multitude mort of fuch parcells of Devotion do mofi heinoutly difhonour God, and as the Apoll:le truly fairh do.make tmhelievtrJ fay, 11Jty are ~a4, "I Cor. I4· 2~· and that ~hey are chiidrm in tmd£rjfandin,q,, and not mm: v. 20. Infomu'h as 1t {ecmeth one ot the gn:ateft Impediments to the Converlion of the Heathen and Mahometan world, and the chiefeft mean~ .of confirming them in rheir Iofide-liry, and rnaking them hate and fcorn ChriHianity, that the Romifh, and the Eafi~.:rn and Sourhtrn Churches, Within their view do worfi>ip God IQ difhonourably as they do : as ifour God were like a little Child that