Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

Make confcience of the ilr~ty of Sclf,denyal and Mortificabioiz. DIRECT. XVII. Gr.Dir.Jj. _As t/;e .fozd mztjl be carried up to God, and de1Joted to him , according to all the f oregoing Direltions, jo muft it be deli1Jered from camal jelfifhnefs, or flejh, I pafsnot tb;, pletzjing, which is the grand enemy to God and Godlinefs in the zvorld ; and ~;,~;,~~·~I from the three great brancl>es of this Idolatry , viz. the Lo)Je of Jenji~al plea, 6;~t~ f(.,~r, jiwes the Lo1Je of worldly zvealth, and the prozld dejire and Lo1Je of worldly d". Foe r bonozZr and efteem: And the mortifying of tbefe muft be 1tmcb of the labor~r :1~:k~~:< ,{ / ' died byFaith o 1 your t1Jes· inChr1tt, with the full Dcny– al ofour c~r- . " h . .,. :r. .~ !fd I d . h m! {e!..,, to OF this alfo I have wntten1omuc, JO ~uelh;e o 1 Sel- mya, an manor er called'fhe.Cru-bethc_fu.IT!-of cifyi~tg of the World by the Crofs of Chrift, that I !hall now pa!S by all , fave what Will be all Rehgton. more feafonable anonunder the more Particular Dired:ions, in the fourch Tome, when I come to But bec.1ure ~ fpeak of Seljijhnr[s, as oppofed to the Love of others. :r~~f~~ ...; a duty by faying but a little of it i And rh~t~fore defire tbe Read~r who ftudieth for Prallice, and needeth fuch hc:lps, to pcrufe the: ~cnt{! oned Books Gf Stl{~dMJ«l, and Crw.ifju:g the Wttrid. I . Have now given you the Genertl/ Grand DireG/iont, containing the very Being and Life ofGodline[s and Chriftianity; with thofe pmicular {ub-direG/iont which arc needful to the performance of · them : And I mull tell you, that as your lift, and ftrength, and eomfori principally depend on thefe, fo dorh your fucoe!S in refiiling all your particular fins: And therefore if you lirll obey not thefe Gtntral DireliUuu, the more particular ones rhat follow, Will be almofi ufelcfs to you, even as branches cut off from the Stock of the Tree, which are deprived thereby of their fupport and life. But upon fuppofition that lid! you will maintain thcfe Vital parts of your Religion, I thall proceed to Direct you lirll in fome particulau mofi near{y {ubordinatt to the forementioned duties, and then to the remoter branches.