Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

The Contents. CHAP. x. VirLliioHJ for tbt Government of tbe Body. ,. Part I• Direliion abvnt cur LJbour and CaVJ11gs. P·447 Tit. I• Direllil)nJ f or the rif,ht choice ofour La· bour.J ur Caliings. Ql• b L<Jbour nece.ff:Jry ~" aV? Q..2. What Vbour i1 nrctffary ? Q}. WrV R..eligiotz cxcu[t u1 from Labo:cr l 9.:-+· 1¥111 Kichrs rxcufi JU? Q S· JYby Labour ~ ntctffa.ry. <fhe r,ood of it. QMay a man b.:JVe a CaUtng confijling of varirus zmctrlai~ work.!? Q.?· Mal one h"vediverJ'trades or Callmgs at oNce? Dt· relii<HII• P· 447 Tit. 2 • Dirdiion1 againft Sloth tmd Idlenefs. J-Ybot it i 1 , 1 md what r.ot. 1he 6Jggravation.r of it. 1'he Sigttl of Sloth. The Greatne[! uf the fin : Whojhould be moft cart/tel to avoid it. P· 451 T ir. j• DirdJio'HJ agoinjt Slo1b and Lazi_n~fi in thing; fpiritual, and for Zeal and DJ!tgence. The ~ind1 of falfe Zeal. The mi[chi~fl of f•lft Zeal· The Si~n1 of holy Zeal. The cxceUcncy of Zeal ar.d Diligence. Motiver to excite SH to it~ Oth<r htlp~o P· 456 Part z. Direliions atalnfi fin in Sports and.R.ecre– atianr. p. 460· W!Jat Lawful Recreation H: Eighteen neccff~Jry qualifications of it : or eighttex forti of finful recreation. Q Muj! all wicf<td """ forbear recreations~ Q Wh~t tn judge of 8'tage– playet, Gaming,.Carelt, Dice, &c. 1he evil of them opmrd. 1welve convincing ~eftions 10 them that uft or pl<ad for fuch paj!imu,. Seven mure Confiderati!JnJ for vain andJportful Youthr. Further Direftionl in the ufe ofRecreation/. Part 3· Diretiianr abou' Appartl, and againft the fin tberein co>nmitttd. Qr. May pride ofGra– vity and Halinefi be feen i11 •ppareP Q..2. How elfe it appearerh. Q 3· May nor a dtformity be hid by Apparel " painti~tg ? Q 4• May''" foUow the f;~jl,ions ? Fttrtber JJirelJions ad P· 46;, &.. TOMB IT. Chrifl:ian Oeconomicks. CHAP. I. Dlrellions about M<1rri~ge for Choice and C~nm/J. P475 Whether Marriage be indifferent.? U7bo are caUed to tn!lrry : 1Yho may not marry l Q /'?bat if Parmrs command it to one that it wiU be a hurt to? Q U'hat if I havt a corporalnectfJity, when yrt marriage U lik.._e to he a gr'tat incommodity to my foul? Gf Parent! prohibition. QWhat if Parents f orbid m:~rriage to one that cannot. live chajUy without i't .? or n-·hen affellion; are uJt– cnnqucrab/e ? Q.1Yhat if tbe child have promi– fcd marriage, and the Parents be againjl it 1 Of tbt finfe of Numb. 30· How far fuch promife mu,1be h,tpt. Q_Wbar if the Partiet be •/Jt<aUy m:~rried without Parents conftnt? Q_May the aged marry that are frigid, impottltt, jttrile l The incommodities of a tnarritd lift to be confidertd by them that need r~tfraim. E[peciaUy to Mini· jicrs. p. 482. Further Dire{lions. How to cure lujfful Love. Several Cafes abou~ m.srrying with an tmgodly per[on. Q I· What Rule to foDow abor<t prohibited dtgrw ufConfanf..ttinit.y .? 1Ybetbtr tl1e Law of Mofes, pr of Natttre, or tbe Laws of tbe Land, Br Clmrch, &c. P• +86 Q2. What to do iftht Law of the Lan~forbid more drgrw tb.mMofes Lao>. P• 487 Q 3· Of tbe Marriage df Coufi;z Germanu, before hand. Q._4• What [uch jhould do 4rer they are m.rried; Q. S· Wb.Jt mu{l they after do that art married in the dtgrus not forbidden by name, Lev. I 8. and yrt of tbe fomc ncarnefl and rea[on. Q..6. If they marry in a dtgreeforbidden, Lc~.%8. maj not neceffity make it lawful to continue it, as it made lawful the marriage of Adams Sonr and DaHghterr. Q 7• Wh"her a Vo"' ofChaftit) or Celibate may be brocyn, and in what cafi1• P• t88 CHAF. 11. .. Direllionr for rbc cboice of I· Servanl1 1 2·Maft.erJ. P· fj)O CHAP. 1,11.'' Difput. Whether the [olemn Worffiip of God in 4Ba by familier at fucb, be of Divine iSpp,intm~~i 1 Alf. proved againft the Cavil! of the propbane, and fome Seflariu. p. 45'3· Wba1 folemn Worjhip it. What afamily. Proof a1 to Worjhip in general: Family-advantagu for Worjhip. The Natural obligation on families to worjhip GPd. Fami– lia muft be fanflijied focitrifl· l•ftrulling fami· lies is " duty. Family difcipline is a tluiy. Solemn prayer and f"ife i1 af•mily duty. 0~· je/Jionl anfrpered. Of the freqHency ana {tafons offamily rmjhip. I· Wherbtr itjhouldbeev&y day 1 2· JPbctlnr twice aday, - 3• Wbethtr Morn~ ing and e-ve!ting. CHAP. l·V~ General Dir2llions for the holy Gfvernmmt of fa– miliu. Ho"' to lr,eep up Authofity. Of 1kjV in Governing. Of holy WiVingnt[s. p. 509 CJIA P.