A_ recital of tiJe fins deteEfed by tl;e former 'DireEfions. CHAP. IV. St1bordinate 'DireEfions againft thofe Grand heart,ji11s, Jvhicl' are direWy contrary to the Life of Godlinefs and Chriftianity. THE pofltive VirellionJ to the EffentiaiDutieJ ofGodlinefs and Chrifiianity have already given kTherecit:tl of Y?U Dire{lion_s ¥- agaioft the contrary fins ;I ~s in the tir~ Grand D~reaion ~ou ha~e-helps againJl: fuchJim " d~tc&Vnbtluf: In the fecond you have VtrdlionJagamfl Vnbeluf, as It figmheth the not th~e _form~r ufing and applyingofChrifi according to our various needs. In the third you haveDire6ti- ~~ficovedi>'.J': ons againll tall rrfifling or ncgltlling the Holy Ghoft. (Which were firll;becaufe in P~a&ice we mull ,.'a"andoar-' come by the Son and the Spirit to the faving Knowledge and Love of the Father ) In the fourth you to.l help have Directions-< aga~ll Atbcifm, Idclatry and Vngodline[t. In the fifth you have Directions againlt· agoinll. felf-idolicing,and filf-aependance, and unholineji in an alienating your (elves from God. In the fixtn you are Directed againll RcbcUion and Vi{obtdience againll God. In the feventh you have Directions t <?~ t~e finagainfi VntttJcbablenrji, Ignorance and Error. In the eighth you have DireGtioos againft lmptnitency, }f;!; dh~fi Vnh~tmblednefs, ImpHrity, Vnreformednefi, and all fin in general asjin. In the ninth you are direCted I bavewriu:n againll t Stcurity, Vnwatchfulmfj, and yielding to temptation!, a:.nd in general againfl all danger to the 2 fpe~ia!Trca- foul. In rhe tenrh you are directed againfi Barrennr]J, Vnprofitablenefr, and Sloth, and VncbtJritah/e– tJ[e mmy ne[r: and againfl mifla~u in matter of duty or good works. In the eleventh you are direCted 11 (';'!;d~b~"fl againll all Avrrfnefi, Difaffetlion, or cold Indiffercncy of heart to Goa. In the twelfth you are di– D n t 1 • rc:Clcd againfi Diftruft, and finful C•ru, and Ftar1, and Sorrow!. In the thirteenth you are djreded • Sinct the againll an over fad or beartlefs fervingofGod, as meerly from fear, or forcedly without delighr. w•itingofthis, In the fourteenth you are directed againllVntbankfulnefi. In the fifteenth you are ~ire/J:ed againfl I.have puball unholy or dijhonourable thougbt.t ofGod, and aglinfi aii injurioul [peechu of him, or b•rremuji of ~Bled the the tongue, and againfi all fcandal or h11rrennefi of lift. In the Books referred to in the fixreentfl 1 :~~~ ~o:;' and feventeenth you are directed againll filfifhneji, ( Ji/fejleem, [et/:love, filf-conceit, felf-wiU, filf– RM[o111 D{ tbt fetkJIIg ) and againll all Jl'orld/inefs and f/efh/inefs of mind or /ife: eur yet kfi any necelfary helps C.h~i/li.t-t Rt: lhould be wanting againft fuch heinous fins, I Chall add fomc more particular Dircftiom againil fuch ~;"tr::[ mof them as were not fuUy fpoken to before. - - F•ith. t Of Prefumption and falfe hope, enough is [-id in the SAints Rcjl , and here about Temptation , Hope , :ind other HcJ.J, afterward. PART I. 'DireEfiom againft UN 'J3 EL I EF. ~,,'I Know that moll poor troubled Chrillians,when they complain ofthe fin ofVnbe/i,f, do mean by it, their not Believing that t~ty art fincere believtrJ, and perfonally jujlified, and fhall befwed; ~Wh~~er Aud I know that lomc Divines have affirmed, that the fenfe of that Article of the Creed r 1 ~~~tt~Y fie~e . believe the Remi~on .of fin.t J is [I bcli,tvt my fim ~re aau~lly forgivem J Bur the rru_d1 is, ~o bt~ are p:1rdoned, ltevt tbat I am tlell or JUflified, or that my frn.t art fotgJven, or th.zt I am a jinrere Beluver, JS not beindeedlln- to Believe any 'Riord ofGod at all : For no word ofGod doth fay any ofthefe; nor aoy thingcqui– belief? valent; nor any thing out of which it can be gathered : For it is aKtitionat Condufion; and one of the premijiJ which do infer it, mull be found in my felf by reflexion ; or internal fenfe and felf– know!cdge : The Scripture only faith [ Ht that truly bclievtth;, jujlijied, and jhaU bt favrd. ) But ... it