Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

210 Hypocrifte 4iftribed. PART III. 1Jireflions againft :Hypocrifie• . Hum olcu~ln· · iigiiJlU indc.:etl. A]Coning in Rcdigion to be what you are not, or to do what you do nor. il 1u.t1<;hri~ 9· H ·rpccrifie is the ading the par~ of a Religious perfln as upOn a jl.tge, by one that is not Re- :~~~;:n~~u~liud .. Or a t11Jf.mbli11~ or c~'tmterfeiting that piety which you have not: T~ counterfeit a }fate of c!l 41.\iir,:~.\iud GudlincfJ IS the fm only of the unrcgcnrrate, wh'b at the prefent. are m a Hate of mifery; }(11.1'!.uA;;~ : To cont~J1feil (bme pJrticular a{l of Godlimfi, or fome higber degrte, iS an"oel1ous fin, butfuch as a rege– A~r.R·u!uU\ r ncrate perfo!1 may be ttmpttd into. This atc of Hypocrijie cloth not denominJre the perfon an Hypo111 Stmttt. arr. crite ; bUr tfic}bte of #ypocrifie doth. Every Hypocrite therefore is an 1t1t(odly pcrfon feeming G_odiy: ~;c~m Stoici or one tH<it indted is no true Cbrijlian, prnf'tffing himfelf a Chrif\ian. Of }lypvcritu there b::: two l:tp!ultesr!lC forts : ddire to ~ecci11e otiJerJ but nor themfelvn, but k_now them[elves to be but di1femblers; fin~c~~h vband thefe att commonly called, Grofi Hypocrite/: And f'Jfl1C deceive both tbemfelveJ and otben, and ~c;;;;;{~ntite think they ate "o Hypocritu, but are as c.ontident o.f their honefiy and finceriry, as if they were "? nequid cl~ fe d!JTembltrs ar all :. But ytr they are as venly Hypocrztu as t~e former, bccaufe they {eem w be Reh– melimqulm g10us and fi;tccre whc.n mdeed rhey are not, though thty tbmk,. they are: and profefs rhemfelves to be fit commentrue Chrijlia 1t1l whe1i they are nothing lefs. Thefe are called, Clu{e Hypocrite~, bec.aufc they know 1ul;~r:::~~~us not themftlves to be. H.;opocrittl; ( though they. might know it it' they would.) This is the Cfltm31i<Jil~ nula monelt fort of H;pocn~es. . t~ccuir;, & §. 2· Thtre arc aHO two Degren of H>•P!Jcrittl: Some of them have only a Gcmr:zl proftJF.m of bona qux in· fbrijtianity and Godlinef; wliifh is the profetfed Religiort of the Country whtre they live: and thef~ fun.tipp:~rele are Hypocrittl bccaufc they proflji to be what they are not: And others m:1ke a greateF .and extraur– f~cic~:'ije're dinary pr()jff(zoHoffpctialfiridndS in their Religion, when they are not fincere: ·And cl1cfe are Em£.. :~~i~ onmcm mntly calltd HypvcrilCJ: Sut'h as the Pharifees were dmong the Jews, and many fryers, and Jdi.tits., fltio~e~1. and Nuns atn6ng the Pjpjfis, who by their feparatingVows, and Orders, a11d Habits) profe(s rxtra– Lat.rn:rz~~o/lt. ordin:~rily an extraordi~t!lry mcafure of devotion, whih: they want the Ujf of GodlinrJi. ;~~~;~~?iiffi9: 3· In all Hypocritie th.ere is ~onfidcrab!e, 1..The thingprcttitded : 2· The prete~ce,. or means of ci!i~ efi, ut fiemmg, or the cloke of rheu dece1r. ..._ The thmg pretended by common Hypo~rztes IS to be true emnel limu· Cbrijliait!, and firvJntJ of God, and beirJ of Heaven, though nor to be fo zealoM m it as forne of a !are m:~gn1 fit higher degree. The thing prt'tcndcd by Eminent H)'pocritrr is, to be z.ealoit-f eminent Cbri/li.Jm, or r~rsp~1!0Jvat leaf\: to ~e fiucerc: in a fpecial manner, while they difcern the common Hypocrite not to be finccre. 1~n7} .Vf ' 2. The clo.1k.. of pcming or pretcnfe by which they would be thought to be what rhey are nor, is ;:~v,.:.~· ore uf any thing ~n gem:ral rhat hJrh an appearan:: of GJdlimfi) aud is apt ro make others think them the liomjil godly. And thus there are diver[,: fortJ ot. Hypocritu according to the variety of their clo:zkJ or Llw~o[ the; w"y1 of diffimulatioJt: though hJpocrifie it !elf b~.: in .all of them the fame thinb· As among the (~;,~~ru:~~e v.ery Mabvmeta11u, au~ J-leathr:111, there oft ari[e fome nota~le Hyp.JcritrJ, that by pretended Revr/.J– audeto p':~.c.l- tmu and au.fltrity qf life, profefs themfelves (as n,[.Jbomet.d1d) to be Holy perfons, that had fome re doflb iram exrraordina1y_fa_~ilia.ri1)' with.G_od .or Ange!s. So among rhc P.apifis there arc, hel~dcs the common ttHeJ's DccrumJ as-·many forts of H)'pvcritu as tluy have felf-devifed OrderJ. And r.vcry whtre the clofll\_ of rh~.: L:CJtnot~f:n common H,ypoctite is to thi" and ltanfp.zrent, that it fheweth his nakednefs lo the more intelligent fort·: ~are~:~oe And this puts the Emi1tt1tt Hypocrite upon fome more laudable pretwfe'that is nor fo trantj:>.ucnr. :~b(uttol}'~ As for inllacce, the Hypocrife of tommon PapiH.s.whofecloak is made up of penances and ccremo– pclle tf.c<J;(· nies} of faying over latine words, or numbering words and beJds ft)r pr3ycn, with all the refr of r~~l~~ds~y their trumpery before named (Cb!lp. 3·. Gr. Vir .. I'>·. ~lr.' I I·) ~s ~0 thin a cloak rh:tt it will not f:ltisl~ ~uif1s] :;i,. fome among thernfclvrs, but they wHhdraw mru d1fimfr focJettes and orclt:JS, C.che Cbttrcb and.thc He mutt av- profdfion of Chrijli!.~nity being not enough fOr them) that thly may be ](c/igiaus, as if rhey f.1w J:e:~.fe the~\ that the retl are not Keligioilf· And then the common fort of rwg,odly Prote]tams have fo mndl hrft by re or- wit as to fee through the cloak._ of all the Popijh Hypocrifie: and therefore they rake up a firrer fi·r ;;;~~~n[cithemfclvts: and that is, the name nf a Pr11tejbnt Rtformed Relit)nn and Cb.ucb , i·>yncd ro tht.: enli.\ p1oduc Common Prnfiffio~t of Cbrijli:mity: The Name' or Prnfiffion of a Cbrijhm and 1 Prottjbm with goii!g 'U.It. ~ ' 0 t to Churcb, and a heartle{s lip-Jcrvice or {aying their PrayerJ, is the of all tt!tgodiy Protcjbnt.r. ~~c~i~i;~t:~e- Other~. difcen~i11g th~ thin~Lfs of thM cloak._, do think ~o make rhemfelves a better : an.d they take up br~ timet. the jlrdlcjt- opminnJ m Rchgirm , and own thofe wh1ch they accounc the jtrilic}f party, and own Sw~. that which they cHcem the purcjt and moll JPiriw.d worj11ip; The clo1k of theft men is theiropini– OIJJ, purty and tvay of r.mjhip, while thei~ carnal lives detect their Hypocrilic. S,)!TIC tint fee rhiongh .-.11 thefc priw{t:r, do rab: up rhc moli excellent cloak of all, and d~:lt is~ A1t appear(tnce of flriozu [pitittulity iJJ Rdigi.m, ~vitb a due obfirvation of all tbe otttw.zrd p(lrtJ (md me.:ou, aJZd a Re– f111'mation of' lift, .iJt wodv of pict_y, J•'.ffice and charity; I fay, An appe,zr.wc.: of all thefe; which if they had indeed, they we1·c ]i11.:uc, Jnd fhould be faved : in whjch the Godly Cbri{lian goeth be~ y~d them all. §. 4· By