Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

DireElions againft Eypocrijie. §. 4 , By thiS it is plain, that among us in En~land all men that are not Sainu ar: !!YpocriteJ, bccaul~ that all ( except hc:re or there a Jew ot lnhdel ) profefs rhem,felves ro be Cbrifh;•J; and every ttue Chriflian is a S.Jint.· !hey know th~t none lxtt S.~ints or Godly ptrrons llnll be fav(d; And there iS few of them that w!ll renounce theu hopes of Heaven; and therefore they mull: pre– tend to be all godly. And_ is it _not moft curfcd horrid hypocri~c, fo~ a. man ro_ pretend to Reli– gion as the only way to his, (alvatton, and confi_d~ntly. c_all h1mfdf a Chrdban, whtlc; he hateth and dcride<h tht power and pra/Jice of <hat very Rehg<on wlnch he dorl) profds > Of thJS fee my Treat. 111 of 'the Vain Religion of tfu F~rma_l H)pocrliC· . . . \ ; §· 5 . ThC Hypocrites Er.d; m h1s prc:tenfes ~nd ddfemblmgs arc not all the hrne: One i~ ~~~~~~<fr(h the pkaflng of P~rents or fomc friends on whom l<e dorh depend that will elfc be difplealed wi<h fp"k"h of him and ~liink m of hiffi: Another intendeth the pleafing of theh1ghc:r powers, when Jt falls out otherse'xtol– that' they are friends to Godtincfs: Another intends the prcferving ?f his eficem with religiolls linghiH:c– pcrfons, that they may not judge him wicked ~n? propho~ne: Another mtcndeth the hidi?g of fot~C dd~~;~'hi~e p:uticular villany, or the fucctfs .of fame ambitiOUS ente~pn~. ~ut the moll con:mon end rs ro qutet own negleCt and comfort thcirgllilry .fouls, with an Image of that HolmcjJ whtch they are WHhouc, and to Heal of it, Ego fame peace to their Conrciences by a lie: And fo becaufe, they will nor b~ Rdigious indeed, they n~o?obene will rake 'Up fame tb~\v or image of Religion, tO make thcmfelves as· well as ochc:rs believe that they ;~~~~!1~:i!t~1are Religious. rani fl~;.erem Ven:cf:. g'o:il eO, de folo ve1borum fplc.nJorc f.1mam qu:rre:re. Confcienti~m ?Otiusquam fam1m 2ttenJe. Falli fzpc potcrit (;:ma . Con!cicn tla ~un<Ju:nn. Sw c. §. 6. Dirctt. I· To efcapt HJ?ocrijie under/land rveU wbmin ''" lift and power of Godlincji dotb confift, Dire[/. 1. and wbmin it differrtbfrom the lifeleji Image or Corpr of Godlineji. The life of Godlinefr is exprdfcd in the 17 Grand DireCtions in Chap. 4· Ir principally confil!eth in fuch a fa i<h in Chrill as Caufcrh us to Love God above all, and obey him before all, and prefer his favour and che ~apes of HcJVUt before all the plea[urcs, or ~rofits ~r honours of the world: and to wor{hip him iM fpirit and truth according <o the direction of his word. The lmager of Religion I thewed you before 9. 3,• Take hwl of luch a lifelefs Image. ?· 7· Ditdt. 2· See that your chief ftudy be about tbe fleart, th.Jt tbere G·Jds Image may be pl..rnted, VirdJ. 2 • and hi.r intcrrjt advaHct:d.a1td the intcrejf qf tbe WIJrld and jlfj/J fitbdued, and t~e L-JVe. of •very fin c~{f out, a11d"the Love of H'Jlme{s fucccr:d: and that you crmtem not your fetvu wtth (cemmg ID d, gbcd m outward dUJ, WIJen yort. are bad your felueJ, and flran~ers ID the t.rtat inurnal duti.u. The fir"fi and Sic v\'cr.dnin great work of a Chrillian is about his het~rt. Tl;leie ·n is that God dwclleth by his fpirit, in his eft 'l~lfi in Stints; And rftcre it is that fin and SJtan reign in thc:pngodiy. :rhegreat dutiu and the great fiJtJ ~"d~edu vi– <lre thofe of. theheart. There is the root of Good and Evil: The. ton&ue and life are but the fruits t·:n-::m · S1 c . and expreffi0t1s of r~ar which dwellcth Within. The inward habit of fin is as a ftcond 11 atul'e; ;lo;.~~;J11~~J7And a finfi'l n.ttltre IS worfe tha~ a fin[Hl_all. Keepyour bearu with all diligence : f or from theme quis pcftu~·in~ are the i.!Jites of lift. Prov. 4· 2)· Make the tree good, and rhe frHit will begood: But the viperolff gc- umum prcf?t– mratiou that are CJJil, cannot fpcal(gQorJ: f9r ~ut of the abunda~ce nf the heart the mouth !pcaJ?.tth are poHir. Math. I2· 33, 34· Till the fpitit. have·regenerated the foul, all outward Religion will be but a dead ~nuc.d and pi~tiful thing:. Though there_ is fomething which God hath appoincc:._ci an q~~1mo~~~nxef~ to do m order to h1s own converhon, yet no fuch antecedent aCt will prove that the .pcrfon is }Ufii- t1mes r.oO:ras: tied or reconciled to God, till he be converted. To make up a Rc:ligion of drJing or{aying fomc. Vi~~nempithing that is good, while the heart is void of the fpjrit of Chrifi, and fandifying ~race, is the Hy- :.m_ 1"v<;nics, pocritcs Religion. "Ram. 8. 9· , ;~;~~~a~~io . . . .. . . ~- · ~~ torcs conrCientJ2 noilr3--(upo!uzt : Gc V!VIffiUS Ut Jeprehendl fit bbJtO :~.fpici. S(r.(C. £_'. 96• §. 8. Direct. 3· Mai(e con[cience of the fins of the thoughts and the defict ann other affeaions or paffi- Dirc/J. 3· nu of the mind, aJ wtUa; of the fim of tongue or hand: A lufiful thought, a malicious thought, a proud, ambitious or covetous thought, efpecially if ic proceed to a wifil or contrivance or confcnr, is a !in the more dangerous by how much the more inward and ncer the heart : as Chrifi hath fhew- .ed you Mat. 5· & 6. The Hypocrite who mofi refpeCl:erh the eye of man, doth live as if his Thoughts were free. ?· 9• Dirett. 4· M11~ ctin{cicnce of{ecret fim, 'R'IJicb are committed om t>f the [tr,ht if men, andmay •Dire{J. 4· be concealed from them, a; wrU M of nptn and notoriour fim. If he can do it in the dark and ftcure . his reputation, the Hypocrite is bold : But a fincere believer doth bear anverencc to·his confcienct·, and muc)l more to the all-fceing G9d.• ?• ro. Dircd. S• Be fairhfitl infccrtt dtttics, which have no witucfi bm Godand Con~imce : As rpe· .DirdJ. 5• di(ation a11d [elf-examination, and fccrec prayer: And be not only Religious in the"tlght of men. ?· I I• Dired. 6. In an publick,.worjhip be more lab~riMff ::-ith the beart, than with tlutongrte or k,_uce: Dirdl. 6. and,-fcc tbat yo»r to11guc ovcr·fltit not yOut heart, and lear~e it not b[hi1zd: Ncglc:Cr nor che duecompo· fure of your words, and dLJe behaviour ~f yo_ur bodys·: But take mu~h more pains for che exercife of holy defiw from a believing, loving, fervent foul.