Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

1>ireEtiolls againjl: Hypocrijie. t~ be accounted go!ld, let ir make you think how much more n~cclfary and d_,firabl~ it_ is t? be good indeed: To be godly is ro be an heir of H~aven :. Your [llvatim followet~ H. But to be ~feemed Godly is of little proritto you. . . . , §. 17 , Dirc:Cl. u. Overvalue not m::;r, a;!d {tt 110 rnore by the 4pprohatum or applau{e of h~ thoughu Dire{/. 12 or [peechn of yo~t tbJn they are wortb. Hypocrilic much c~nfillech _in. ov~rva~u~ng. man, and makj~g • too great a matter of his thougbtJ and word1: The Hypocntcs Rchg10n rs Dnmu m N.1me,_ but Hu_- ]lm incccle711.z,:e in deed: le is man that hef~rveth and obfcrveth moll: and the £1llmeof th~ world ts the evillii~ dh. qu'f- ~ which he moll fiudioufly avoideth : And the high ellcem and commendJtion ot the world is his ru :tu.r, & . Reward. 0 think what a filly worm is man ? ~nd of how liulc moment arc his thoughts or fpeeches f~~~~:n~f;~~~of you, in comparifon of the Love of God? H1s thoup~ts of you make yo~ n~t the b~tcer or the pltcit:. ·c ~ · worfc ; And if they eithe~;.lift you up ~r trouble you, IC IS your proud and fooh(h f.mraf1c that doch pnriwc ver– it when you might choofe. If you havenot loll the key and government ofy0ur htJrts, fhut you the boru·n, qu:.!i d~r, an·d keep all thence, and. let me.ns reproaches go no further chan_your ears, a~d then what t!1.c ~ a~t;l::tft~m worfe will you be for all the hyes.and flanders of the world? And behdcs the pleahng of an effem1- ria tonv:nitur Jlare mind, what the betcer are you fc:g their appiJufc? wt phuru\ cir-. cumfbntLUn fnfcitcnmr, ut or.ttio rlt; to.icx :.r:is f.tCltl menduio quafi.qua:d:lm mer.rricu!l prt'ccda~·in, non tl:n c:mJ:nna popu\os, ljlllnt bv,:;rtm pvpuli 9uxfimr:t --Hh.o1. iu;r:r[. l. )· i.1G:1L1t. 9· r8. Direct. 13· Loof<. ztpon a~ men .that J'OU cmv~r{e ~~th, M rcaly to dirand mrn to d:tft and"Dirc!1. I3· pafFng into that world whtrt you '?'U b~ lmle c~,tcerncd t •J thezr ctnjitre. or e{feem of you. If }:?U. do any thing before an infaJtt, you Imle care for h1s prefence or obf::rvauon of you: Much le~ tt ~t be before the dead : If yoct knew that a man were to die eo morrow, though he were a Prince, )'OU would not be: much follicitous to avoid his cenfure or procure his. applaufe; becaufc his thoUghts all pctilh with him; and it is a fmall matter what he thinks·of you Tor a day. ~~cing therefore that all men are hafiing to their dull, and you are certain _that all that applaud or cenfure. you, will be quick· Jy gone, how little (hould you regard their judgemebt? Look that man in 1he fJce whof~ applaufe you dellre or w~o(C cenfure you fear, and remember that he is a br.e.~thing clod of dJy ; and how many CUch are now in the grave, whofc: tbo1tght1 you OtlCC as much dleem"d ! and this will make you more indifferent in the cafe. · 1 • • 9• 19••D:rcct. 14. At lcajl remember that yau are p.sffittg out of the worltl ymr [elvn and lBok.. 'Vl'i)• Dtreti•. I 4• mmmtt when yoH are calltd away, a1td certain?y 1tnow that yutt 'fhaU be hcrt hut a little wbilt. And is it any great matter what tlrangers think of you as you arc palling by ? You can· be contented that your name, and worth, and vertues be concealed in your Inn, where you lby hue a night, and that they be unknown to traveiJers that meet you on the road : The fooli(h c:xpetl:.nion of more time ori earth rhan God hath given )'OU warrant to expect, is the: caufe that we overvalue the judgement of man, as well as other earthly things; and is a great maintainer of every fcnfu:1l vice. . 9· 20•. DireCt. 15. Sa your .filv~J to the m_ortifjing .of ~df-J,Jve and Pride: For Hypocr(/it is but Dir;[l. I 5· tbe c.wrcife of theft. Hypocnfie JS dead fo far as Przde IS dt:ad; and fo fJJ as felfdmi 3 l and lmmility prevail. Hrpocritie is a prJud defire ro appear better than you are. Be throughly humbl.t4 and vile in your own eyes, and Hypocrifie is done: 9· 2 I· DireCt. 16. Be mojf fufPicioiU nfyour hearts in c.;fu n'hue {el{-intercft or PaffionJ are tng.J· Virctl. 1 o. gtd: For they will cafily deal deceitfully and cheat yom [dvcs, in thr [moke and dull of fuch dittempers. lntcrtjf and Paffion fo blind the mind, that you m3y verily think you are defending the . truth, and ferving God in fincerity and zeal, when all the while you are but defCnding fame error of your own, and ferving your [elves, and fighting againfl God. The Ph1rifees thought they took part with Gods Law and truth againll Chrifi : The Pope and his Cardinal, and Prel.res think (as in charity I rnufl think) that it is for Chrifl, and Unity, and Truth, that they endeavour to fub~ jc6t the world to their own power : And what is it but lJ:tcrrjt that blindeth them into fuch H)'pocrifie? So palfionate difputers do ordinarily decei¥e themfdves, and think verily that 'hey arc zealous for the faith, when they are but contending for their honour f)f conccits. P.~.ffion covefs muCh d"cceit from the paffionate. . · ~· 22. Direct. '7· S~tfi!r[J your filvrs m'!fl amnn;: thtfreat, /he wifi, tht ftarncd a~td the g•diy, or Dite:t. rf. any whofe favour, opinion or applaufe you rnojf cjleem. t is eafie for an arrant Hypocrire to defp:fe the favour o~ opi?ion of the vulgar, of the ignorant, of the prophaiic, or any wl'lofe judgerhent hC contemnetlh ~t JS _no great honour or dilllonour to be pnifcd or difpraifcd by a child., or (oo~ Or a perfon that (or Ius ignorance or prophanefs is become contemptible. But HypJi.:ri!i:: and Pride do work moll to procure the c:fieern of thofe·whofe judgement or plrts you mofi adinire. One mofi admirc:th tviJTIJiy grtatntfi; and fuch a one will play the Hypocrite moll, to fhtrr:r or pl~afe rhe great ones he _admirtth. j\nothc.r that is wifer, ffiore admircth rh: judgement of (he rVifi· and learned; and he ~tll play the Hypo~ntc ~o p~ocure th: good eflcc_m of [rtch, r.houg1, he cJ~ Jlc:ight a thoufa?d o_f the l$norant ;__(and h~s pnd: ~t felf. Wtll make hun flc::Jght thtm ). Another tHat js yet w&r JS convmced of th~cxctVcncy of Godlr men, above all the Grear and LcJrncd of che wOrld ; And this ~nan is more ~n danger of Pride a~d Hypccrifie i~ feckmg thCgood opinion of the Godly; .a~d therefor~ can dc~p1fc the gr~a~cft rnul~Jtudcs of the ~~~~rant and ,prophane: Yea pride it. felf w.Il make him take!! "an additiOn to hiS glory, !0 be v!IJf"d and oppofcd bi' ru,h rriifcreants as • thcfr;