Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

214 DireEfioiiS againft I-lypocrijie. Direll. 18. §. 23· Dirdt. 18: Remember the perfe{liom ofth:Jt God whom )IOU worjhip, tbat ht i1 a Spirit, and tberefore to be worfoippe'd in Spirit and in trrttb, and that he U moft great and te.rrible, and tbtrefore 10 b_e wor.JT:ipped with ferio~t{mfs and rwcrence, ~ud not to be .dallyed with OY [trved with toyer or Jifele[s hp-[ervzce; 41rd tbM be zs mojl holy, p1l're and )talous, and lherefore to be purely worjhipped: and th:zt be UjhU prt[ent with yore, and aU tbing1 are 1t~Jk._cd aJJd ope_n to him with whom wz have to do. The knowledge of God, and the remembrance of his aU-{eeing prefence, is the mofi powerful means againfi HypoC'rilic. Cbrifi himtelf argueth from the Nature of God, .who is a Spirit, againfi the hy– pbcritital ctremonioufncfs of the Samarita111 and JewJ, Juhn 4· 23, 24· Hypocrites. otfcr · that to (;ad, which they know a man of ordinary wifdomwould fCorn if they olfered it to him: Ifaman knew their hearts as God dorh, would he be pleafcd with words, and complements, and gcflures which arc not accompanied with any fuitablc ferioufnefs of the mind> would he be plea!ed with affected hiHrionical actions? Onc.that feeth aPapifi Pridl: come our in his Formalities, and there lead the people in a Language which they un.!er!\and not, to worfhip God, by a number of Cere– monies, and canting, repeated, cuflomary words , would tliink he faw a Stage-player acting his parr, and not a wife and holy people, feriouOy wor01ipping the mo!1 holy God. And not only in worjhip, but in private duties, and in converfe with !f1Cn, and in all your lives, the remembrance of Gods prcfmce, is a powerful rebuke for all hypocri!ir. It is more foolifh to fin in the fight of God, becaufe you can hide it from the world , than to fl:eal or commit. adultery in the open .Market-place \>tfore the crowd, and be careful that Dogs and Crows dikern it not. If all the world fee you, it is not fo much as if, God in fecret fee you : Benot deceived, God ff not mock.!d) Gal. 6. 7· · Dir<ll· 19 • 9· 24· Dir<Cl:. 19· Rem•mber how Fljpocrijit iJ T>attd ofGod; and "'hat ptmijhmmt ir appoinudfor Hypocritu. They are joyned in torment with unbelievtrJ: and as wiCked mens punifhmcnt is ag~ gravated by their being condemne4 to the fire prepared for the Devil and his Angels; fo the pu– mfhment of ordinary ungodly perfons, is aggravated by this, that their pmion fhall be with hypo– crttcs and unbelievers. How oft find you the Lamb of God h~mfelf, denouncing his thundering Woes •gainfi the hypocritical Scribes and Pharifees ? How oft doth he inculcate to his Difcipks} Be not ar 1he HypucriteJ, Matrh. 6. 2, 5, 16. And no wonder if Hypocrites be hateful to God, When they and thtir firvictJ are lifelefs Imago, atJd have.nothing but the Name and vrdjide ofChrillianity, and fame anrick drcfs to fer them off, and humane ornaments of Wit and Parts , as a Corpfe is mou drdl: with Flowers than the livin,.g, as needing thofe Ceremonies for wan.t of life tokeep them fweet. And a Carrion is not amiable to God. And the Hypocrite puts a fcom on God; as if he thoughtthat God were like the Heathens Idols, that have eyes and fee not, and could nor difoern the fecret diffemblings of his heart> or as if he were like fools and children thlt are pleafed with fair words and little royes. God mull needs hare fuch abufe as this. Direll. 20. 9· 2 5· Direct. 20· Come irttQ the Light that your heart/ and lives may be throughly kn.own toyott: Permanent Love the ~o~ fearchingfaithul Nii~ijlry and BofJb.! '~ and be tb~nkful torefrourJ an~plain deal~ngfrirnd1• tepidi, ignavi, Da~kn~fs 15 I_t that chc~Hheth dccel~: h js theoffic-e or the Lt~ht to rnantfdt. .Jultly do thoie wretches mgltgcntes, pcQCh m thelJ hypocnfie, who w1ll not endure rhe hght whtch would undcce!VC them; but fly from Vani, leves, -a pktinand powerful Miniihy, and hate plain reprqof, and fet themfelv<:s by cxcufes and caviLs ro ~~~~i~~~f;:~- defend their own deceit. · moda corporis fuperflua fdbntu~, full m compendium in t~mmbus CJ.UZrunr, ubtcunquc hono•cm & t'XIll matiOnCm nomm" fut Jnt<'gta fer1are poflimt: Imus prcpnx vo!untad 'pertmactter add!dt, trreftgmtt, m1ntmc :bueg:tt! , fuperb1, cunofi, & comumaces funt m ommb11., Iicct etterne coram hohlinibus bene mor:1ti videantur. In tentatio;n.Tbl!S imp:u,cntes,_ amari, J>IOCJCC!, iracumjJ, t'ri!lcs, aliis mo[elf,, verbis ramen .insen~oqUe fc~oli, -·-:-~In profpcri~ nimitim e1 at~ & h1l~res : In a\.lv.~rlis, wrb.1:i 'lunt & pt,tfil'_ammes_: A!rorum temer.lrii funt JUdtcc~: altOrum VJtJ::I aaurattOune perrcru:an, de ahorutn defctbbus frCCJUet\ter g:L·-nre, at glonan cgregwm putanr. E:. ill is & fimilibus operlbus hcillirnc cognofci pbtCrUl\t: nam morii:!UI gcfttbufque li\i~· n·u forex quifpi:Hh 1uop;t: f.::m~.:t judicto pro· dum. ']baNter. fior. p1g. 65> 66. Dire[/. 2 r. Dirtll. 22. Dirdl. 23• §. 26. Direct. 2 r. Be very'diligent i1t the rxaminl7tf! of )'Ortrfuarts and aUywr atrionr by-tbeTP(Jrd ofGod... a11d eaU your felves often toa jlriti accomtt. Deceit and guile will nor endure flrH~t exami– nation. The,Word of God is quick and powerful, diCcovering the thoughts and imaginltions of rhc heart. There is no Hypocrite but might be delivered from his own deceit6 , if by rho aili!!:lnce of an able Guide, he would faithfully go on·in the work of fclf-trying , without partiality or floth. . 9· 27. DireCT. 22· Live ·continuaVy aJ oue tb.:tt is going to be judged, at the b.zrr ofGod, w};ere all Hypocrifit wiU he opened and Jhamtd, and HJpocrim ~~ndemntd by the AU-kmwillg God. One thou?ht · of our appearing before the Lord, and ot the day of hts nnparual Judgem~ntl one would thtnk fhould make men walk as in the light, and reach th·em ro underltand, rhat the Sun is not eclipfed as Dft as they wink, nor is it night becaufe they draw the Curraim: What a will it be to have all your diffimulation laid open before all the world? Luke 12· 1,2) 3· Beware of the /even of th.e Pharifees which is Hypocrifie: For there is ~totbi;tg covtrcd) rvbicb fh.JU not be revealed, neither hid, tbat jhall1tot be lzumvn: 'Therefore w!J.Jt evtr }'e ba:1e fpuk,_w i1t d;rk.J!tfi , jhall be heard in the light; and that whiciJ J'e have Jpok,flt in tbe edr i1t clo[ets, jha/J 'be proclaimed 011 the houje tofJ• 9· z8. Dire6l:. 23· Thin)t not that you avoid Hypocrifie by changing tht expref[wnr of it ; but fee that )IOU run not into a more fubti/e Pjnd, -,v/)i/e you avoid a -groffe~'· ·There is 110 ()UtWard war of WOf– fhippingGod, nor no opinion in Religion fo found, bm an Hypocrite can make a cloak of ir. You. fc> an ignorant ridiculous Hypocrite, fuch as Bifhop HaY defcribeth in his character, that can pray up