Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

1>ire8ions againft Hypocrifie. \lp to a PilJar, w~cn hi~ heart knoweth ~ot ~hat his to~gue is doing, that babbleth over a few words to God while he IS dreffing or wathmg h1m, and talkmg between to rhe fl:anders by; who of~ fereth to God the Sacrifice of a fool, and knoweth not that he dorh evil, Ecclef. 5· 2· that fcrveth God with toyes and antick gcfiures, and faying over certain words which were never acquainted with the feeling of his heart ; nor fcarce with his underUanding : And to avoid his hypocrilie perhaps )'OU can merrily deride him, and make a formal Popi(h Bypocrite the· fubjed: of your jealls; and you can your fdves with good uoderllanding poure out your felvcs many hours rogtthcrs in orderly and meet exprdTions of prayer: But remember that many an Hypocrite make1h hirnfclf a cloak of as good fiuff as this: And th~t a~ Prideharh more. advanra~e ro work .upo~l your greater know– ledge and better parts; fo Hypocrifit IS bu_t the off~fprmg ofPnde. All th1s wahour a Heart entirely devo1~d tmtoGod, is but a carkafs better drdl ;· as the rich have more, curious monuments than rht poor. There is no outtide thing, in which an Hypocrite may not feem exc<:llenr. . ~· 2!}· Direct. 24· Be true toConfoienee, and heark.!n diligently to aU it {..lith, and bt often treati;tg Du£ti, 24· with it, and daily conver[ant and well a~quainted with ~t. Hypocrites bear..little ~everen~e to th:ir ::c~~~~o~:co~ct: Confcicnces: They make fo often and lo grofly bold With them, that Conlc1ence IS depofed from us oc.ulos hom 1office at the prefent, and f.ilenced by them, lefi itihould gall them by preaching lO t~em thoie hard nllm :mrc~q; hyings which they cannot bear: And perhaps .at .IaH ~t is fe~red or bribed t~ rake part with Iin: v~.~~:.e? ~Xl::2 But ufually an Hypocrite bath a fecrct ]ud5c wtthm lum wh1ch condemneth htm. Take heed how c.u-b,!cntt~ you ufe your Confcienc;s, a<i you lov~ yo~r peace or ~appinefs._ N:xr ChriH, it n:urt .be your beft !.~;c;~~1 ~;b friend, or your greatdt enemy: Palbare It how you wtll at prelent, tf you~ound 1t, It will frnart a_u e1~1 in f~at Iafi. 'And it is tafiu w bear poverty, or fhame, or rormenr, than to bear HS wounds, Prov-1 ~. 14. h u.d;re .an:n1. 1 , Mark thl. very pril:ciples and former judgement of ~our Confcicnces; and if they are changed, ~'0$hhtta 11 know what ~hanged them~ 2· Hea~ken to all t~e fecret COlt~fd and repr~ofs of Confcience : efpe- ~~~~~t ~11:ne. a cially when 1t fpeaketh oft and ternbly : Turn It not off wHhout a heanng: yeJ,-¥:now the rea- fa:is, om~es fon of its very fcruples and doubts. 3· when it is fick and difquiered, know what the matter ls, fcia1:t: Si. Pfal, 53· 5· and vomit up the matter that juf\ly ~ifqui~ts it, whareva __ it ~o.t1 you: and be Cure you ~~~~;~'ne;~;~ go to the bouom, and do not leave the root behmd. .4• Open your Confc1ences to fome able trufiy nem fCJre, guide when it is ne.ceffary; though it coil you (hame.An over-tender avoiding of fuch fhJme is the Hy- cum m tu fci..;, pocrites fin and folly. _Counfel is fafc in matcers of {Uch importance. 5· Prefer Confcience before a~ : 0 r' mi– all men how great foever : None is above it but God. It is Gods mdfeng~:r when it is Co11fcie;zce in- Ccmn~ !\con– deed: Remember what it (aith toyou, and from whom, and for.what eud. Let friends, and neigh- ~:~~~15• ;~ ... c hours, and company,· and bufinefs, and protit, and fports, and honour Hand by, and all give place Ep.96. whilfi Confcience fpeakerh. For-it will be a better friend w you than any of tht:fe, if you u{f it as a Mmh. 2J. l.h friend. Ir would have been better to Judar than his thirty pieces were. 6 Yet tee that ir be well r.q,,S,tJ,th informed, and fee its commiffion: for it is not above God; nor is i,t maflerlefs o.r bwltfs. 7· Con- 27 'z.;;. ve1fe nor with it only in a crowd, bur in fecrct, P{a/. 4• 4· S. KcqJ it awake: and keep it among awakening means and company : It will much foontr fall alleep in an 'Ale~houfe, or a Play-houfe, or among the foolif11 and prophane, than at .a lively Sermon, or Pr3.yer, or reverent dlfcourfe of God. If I could but get Confcience awakened to perform its oHice, and pn~ach over all rh iS that I have faid, in fecret, it wo1:11d ferret the Hrpocrite out of his felf-dec~ir. Go Confcience, and fearch that deceitful heart, and fpeak to it in the Name of God: As~ tbar Hypocrite \\'hether Converfion ever made him a new Creature, and whether his foul and all that he hath be entirely devoted unto God? :md whether his hopes and trt:afure be hid up in Heaven, and his hcarr be there? and whether he fubje6t all his worldly interefl to the Will' of God, and the interdl of his foul' and whether his grcatefi work be about his Heart, and ro approve himfelf to God ? and whether he make an impartial diligent enquiry after the truth, with a ddire to receive it at the dearcfl rares? Tell him that a proud felf~flattery may now make him jufl.ifie or extenuate ,liS fins, and rake his formalities ~and lip-fcrvict and abufe of God for true "devotion, and hare every man char would deteCt his hypocrifie, and convert him by bringing In the light : But a light will fhorrly appear to his foul, wluch he fhall not refitt. And then let him fland to his jufiification if he c:tn? and let him then make ic gcod that he gav~ up himfelf in fincerity, fimplicity and felf-denyal to his God. • 9. 30. Pirect. 2 5· Remember that Hypocrifie lyttb mucb in doJth!iug , and in a divided heart a;;d Dil'elf. 2 5· life : See therefore that you ferve God in finglene[t·.of heart, or fimplicity and imegritJ', aJ being bi.-1 alone. Think not of ferving God and Mammon : A derp refcrve at the beart for the ~or!dj wbi!e they feop to give up 11Jem{elvu in Cov~a11t to God, iJ the gr.:nd CIJJraCrer of em H}'pocrite. Live as ~i~:tb. ~~- s. tho{e that haveOne Lord and Mafter that all power Hoopcrh to, and One E11d or Sc·1pe to\\ hieh all Er · 4 ' w' 3 • other are but mean! : and One wurJt of abfolute Neceflity to do? and cmKingdom w reek. tirH, and t,~~ 1 ~. 4:r.. ~ith greatcfi care and di\igmce to make [ure of; and that have your hearcs and faces ftill onew:ry, M.1cth. 6. 4>· and that agree with your [elves in what you think, and fay, and do. ·A double heart, and a double :r. Per.'· 10 • tongue is the fa!hion of the Hypocritt'. Pfa/. 12. 2. t 1im. 3· 8. He hath a heart for the worJd, and Joh. 6 . ~,. pride, and lufi, which mull: feem fornetimes robe lifted up 10 ask tOrgivends, 1ohat he may fin with quietnefs and hope of ia\vatioli: you would not t11ink when you fee him drop his Beads, or lift up his hands and eyes, .and fecm devoutly to fay his ppyers, how latdy he cJme from a Tawrn, er a Whore,or a Lie, or from fcorning at fer·ious godlinefs. As Bi(hop fl.tU faith, He- feemeth to fe'rvc that 1 Tint "· ~. God at Church on Holy-dayes, whum he negleCl:eth at home; aud. b\)i.\'Cth at £he Name of}tfus, and J:tmes .:;. 1 lo fweareth prophanely by the Name ofGod. Remember that there is but one God, one Heaven for us, Hof. :o. 2, one Happinefs, and om Way: And this one is of fuch morn<::nt, as calls tOr all the i\lremion and attention of our fouls, and is enough to fatistie US 1 and fhould be enough ro ·call us off from all tlut F f · would