1 Cor. Ll)· G:l1.4 s. tC>liL 5. 'Direftions againft Ff;pocrijie. would divert U"'. A dit·id(dhcHt is a falfe and ftlf-decevinlS hearr. Arc there r.... o Gcds? or is Chrill divided? While you grafp at both ( God and the world) yon will certainly lofe One, and i( is l1ke )OU will lofe bo:h. To have two Godt, twoRules, two L-Jr.,vcm, is ro have no God, no true Rule, n~) [-lc::\Vcn, or haptind~ at a\I. Halt not therc!Ore b~tween two opinions: If God be n.i. J· 1':f. G1 ,d, r 1 bcy hin1 ~nd love him: 11 Heavtn bt H~aven, be fun: it be Ji1H foughr. But if thy Belly be· rhy God, and the World be thy Heaven , then fcrve and feck dKrn, and make thy b...:~t Ol thun. Dircll. 26. 9· 3 I. D: reel'. 26. 1ake herd 6f al/ tbJt jlcjh/y pJlicy, Of craft, and rror/1/)' wifdom, n·biJJ i:J C!J1/tra– ')' t (} the n·ifCl m of tbt 1Vord of God, and T'Pt•ulci dr.1w thee Fom the pl<~ia <~ud 1Jptn heartcdmji wbicb god~y finccri·y requirr:th. Let that which was Puu!J rej?Jcing, be yours, that in fimplicity and godly :. Ccr. 1. u. {incLnt.)', nvt in fhfhi.Y n•ifdom, J:•m bave had yur convcrf.uion in tbe world. ChtiHianity renouncc:til not wlfd om and hondl fdf-pnfctvarion: Bur yet it makLth men plaiu-hearred and haters of crafty fr2t1duknt mind<:, \Vlut is rhc famous hypocriti..:al Religion fupcrad dLd ro Chriliianiry and ca.lkd Pop;.ry, hut that wh:ch P.:~ul fLued in his gcdly jealoufie for the CorintbianJ, lejl aJ the Serpem s,_ p,ui!cd Ev~ by bi1 [:tbtiltJ•, fo tbcir mindJ jhould be corrupted [rMJ the fimp!icity th.u iJ in Chrijl. A '(o,. "·" todokirg, the Ch<i1ii"' fimplici•y of D 0 C T RI NE., D l S C I P L l NE. , W 0 R SH l P and a, 3. C 0 N V ER ::; A T I 0 N, is rhe Hypoc1 ifie ofReligion, and ut lift.. Equivocating. a11d dilhondt 01itts and hidin~, befeLmeth thoCc th..r h.:.vc an ill cmfC, or an ill con[cicnce, or ;m ill Malhr whom rh<y d~re not u u(l; and nor tho(e char have fo good a cJufc and God as Chrillians have. Dircli. 2 7• § 3 2. Din Cl. 2 7· Remcmbtr how much of finccrity confijlrtb i;z firiutt{nrfi~ and bow rr.ucb of HypoJ– The c;z~_ft"s uf crifc cunhfrtb in }Ctu.i~tg, and dtrJming, and trifling in tbe zhiltJ!,J of Grd • .md our faivJt'ion: [te fu~~~~~[~~-~Ythcrcfte 1h.Jt .J' u. k..._up )'Ou: j.,ufl awtk.,e, in .a {eitfibie and ;e:i u1 frame• .Rtad ovtr_ tht: tilry Conli· ~<riGc) a·:e dcratJC·ns ·~h1~.-h 111 the th1rd Part of my S.;wtJ RrjllilJ.ve gwcn ro convmce you of the net·tfli!y uf ~!tating ~nd b<.iq', fuif\ue. s ... c that there be as much in your faith as in your Creed, a~.d as much in yout Jcnfu:ol Rue~ Hrar11 and Li.c1as in your Belirf. Remember that fcemiug and dreaming will not monitic dt'c:p– ~~:~~~~;~~;.;:f 10orcJ llr.c, nor ~~mqucr f~ron~ a1:d [ubtile <nemiLS; nor make. you acnptable to G?d,, nor ~av~ ourw:orcl and ycm fruls lrqn Ins r<.VLngwg jllllKc. Runemberwhat a mad km4 of prophan<.m.fs It IS to JCalt Phmf:oica\ ho- and trifle c.bnl! Ileavw ar.dHdl) and to dally with the great and dreadful God. Scring all theft linefi: Over- tbiilgJ jhall !Jc diffolvcd) nbat m:mmr of per[ 111 ought you tobe in all buly co1tl.lt:r{.Jtion andgodli.neji l ~re.1t 1 fve2 P~t. 3· 1 I . You przy for an obedience anfwuing the pattern of 1hc he~vcnly focitty, wh<n you ~~~i~~1 s~ ;rh!~h !ay [ Thy n·ill Le dvne vn E11rtb a1 it Uin He.;ven. J And will you be fuch HypocritlS as tO pray I hac (annot but you may imitate S.. ints and Angels in the purity and obedience of youf hcuts auJ lives, and when l··o.d .th~ . )OU have done, rake up withjhoVJ, 2r.d Jceming1, :.md foy'ing a fiw word1, and a lildefs Image of \hurch: l~e that Holinefs which you ntVlr had:, yea) and ptrhaps deride <.md per{LCIItt.: in olhos, the very thing: ~{;:r:c~~n~~~ which you daily pray for. 0 h(!nible abufe of the: All·ft:LingGvd! Do you no more believe or flar t!·m owr. :om- his juflict? Wh< n the Apolllc faith, Cial. 6. 7· Ee ;.:ut deceived) G(,d i1 PM moc4td ; he imimar,thch ..r hiuoo :tt.d H}pocrites go abouc to put a fCorn on God by a fo.luck__-rrligion) though it is uol he, bur themfdVLs luc~e :_ The that will rrovemockcd in the (11d. Thty offir God a deaf Nun, or an tmpty Shell or Cask for a :~~~~:;~_dGo Sacrilice. ~n Hypocri!e ditfucth ~rom a true Chrillian, as a Fcnctr from _a Sw/dirr, .He pla~erh his 111 omons, part very fo1tn.l.Hy upon a Sr::~gc With much app!:luf~; bur )'OUmay pcrct1Ve that he IS not tn good wbcbor::-neth j:Zdncfs, by his tr flu)g and formality, and never killing any of his lins. \oVould mtn !hew no more :e~~:e3n1X~~~~· of the grLat c..vtrlafl:ing rna:rers of their oWn prof~ol_l Belief, in any fcrioufncfs of affection or_eudta- "~lti~. vour, than mofi men do, Jf they we~e not Hypocntes ? ·would th<y hate ~nd fcorn men for do.. I.orcl B.;c1n ing bla thar ( md part of that ) \\ hich lbt}'pray and proftfs to do thonfdvts, if 1hey were net Fj}q. . bJpocritu? \Vo to rhc world, b<c<:uff of H} poc_rific! ·wo to the carnal members of the Church! \\'o 'A~ P. c~!~nn.zto Jdol ~hep~Lards, ;:nd the frrming m mina\ !Jfclt fs Ch1 iHians, of whar SLd foLVCr: For Gcd will ~:·gr{~!t'~· 110t b< mock(d. Tl](y are U•nJfiu1tJ; but iris with a 1'.-foclz-Cihijiianity; \\I.de their iOui~ arc: 11rangc Atti/.1, thar ro rbc true (ncun and u[e of ChriiL Thty are BclicNrJ, but with a m"ck_-bcli.cf, dLfcribc:d, ]ames2. hew's .1 Jc· They bclinl' Gcd fhould be loud aLove all, but tll(y lovt him not. T hq. "bt.iiu·~.: thar HoJinlf.i is vourer of bcrtrr d1Jn all1hc plcGfuns of fin:, yu thly cborfo ir nor, but hate it: TiiLY a1c Religious, with a ~~~,&~.wd ft crning vain•Rdig.ion, whid, v.:ill r:ot f~. n.uch as .r.umble th<m,nor bridll. rh~ir tm;guLs,J.:mJ:I.26, yrt Religione Ti":ty ::re n·ife; \\ Jth a _m ck·rvi{tlmn: 1 1-:<r a1c WJ[c LI10l~b~ to prc n: tht!r JJnS tu b.: all i.uvjuL', or rcrfm(ton:-. but vwiill [Hi : And w1£e (110ugh 10 cafi aw2y_ the M<.d!cmc th<~t \\ 0uld hL41 thLm; "-l.d to con· bufq;cleDits fuu the Phyficion, and to anhnr 1he lt:Jm{d{\ Preacher of th<m all, a1.d to le..~ pc fJ.h'Jtion, aud ttJ (uf~;;r~:/~fq; f<cure t!Hmfdvcs a place in Htll, <:.nd k<(p thlrrfdves ignor.:;.m of ~r 'ill rh~y arc thi.'IC. Thr..y ar~ ad fuper!litt• converted, but wirh a mock,.cMt<.njim, which lcavcth them as carnal, and proud, and worldly as be– C'r.em :~dd1· fore:, bting born of \Vaur) but not of the Spirit, and hling ftnfualllill, Juhu ;. 5, 6. ]11de '9· Thty fuJ'--· -(-.. Repent, but with a mcc"'"·rcpem.mcc: Thly Rcpwt) hur thLy "ill nut h.av~ thLir lin, nor coutds :and ~;;~· ."· rr.~IJJ) bewail it, but hate r<proot~ ~nd ex,cufc their tin. Tb~y arc Homj1, bur wid1 a mcck._~o.~m)fy: Though Pf:~l. 7 s 37. they fwear, and curfl, and T<t.Jl, and 11ander, and backbuc, a1.d fcorn at piety it ldt, )'Ct they mlan :. Cor. 7· 11. well, and bavc h(',lft l•rartJ: Tl-:ough lh<.y r<ccive not the Word with ckLp rooting in rhc:ir hLans, but arc abomin~blc :~nd difc}b<ditm, and ro l Vt1 y goGd W< 1!~ nproLatc, they arL bomjf tor .lll rhat, Luk,_r 8. 1 5• 1 it. 1. 16. ThL)' Lo;·c G1d ~h:n·e ult, though dJtylovc nor to rl,u,k or fpeak of him fc~ r:01~lly, httt hatr,; his Holinds a11d Julticr, his 'Word and holy wayes and !CtvJnts, and are fuch as 1 john 1. 6. the Scriprurccallcd"J b.mrJ ofG1,d; ::nd kctp nor his Comm:mrlnltn;s , 1"10r live not tO his glory. & 2. J,•b5 1 ~· They LG7.'C the jtn·amJ ofCod, but thl}' care uot if theworld were 1 id of rhun all, a11d rake chcnl to ~ 4:r:i. 8 • be but a c~my~ny of fdf~<;onc.:til.ed trouhlcfome fellows, and as very hypocrit~'> as rhemfdves; And Mltth. 10 371 the poor Cnnlhans that arc <rutdy ufcd by th<.m) think they a1e neirhcr in g.. IJd }<ul,zcji nor in jt>a#, when