.Jgain.ft Idali;;Jng man, or Man,pleafing. 221 ir? If a beggar fiep up into a feac of judicatur~, and there condemn one, and fine_another, will you ffar him, or laugh at him? Who art thou that Judgefi anorher mans fetvant ? To Ius own Maflcr dorh he Hand or fall : Men may llep up into the throne of God, and there prefumc m judge others ac· carding to their interdls and ~affi~ns: but Grd will quickly pull them down, and teach them borer to know their places. How like 1S the common ccnfurc at the world, to the game of boye:s, that will hold an Affize, and mJke a Judge, and try and condemn one another in fport ? And ha\'e we not a greater Judgt to fear? . . 9· 29 . 3. 1t is God only that p:lJTcth the fiual ftntence, from w?o~ there IS no a~peal ~o any other ; <ire -pr. e_,ors. . But from Jmma1te judgcrnmt.thtre lyeth an appeal to God. Thczr Judgement mutt be Judged of by Pvfll!.p.~o· .qt> him: Things {hall not Hand as now men ccn!tue rhut~ : Many a bad caufe is now_j~dgcd f_Ood, MJ.lorl.f. i:J· rhroug,h the Multitude or Greamcfi of th.o(c that favour Jt : And many a good cau.k IS now con- 1 cor. 4 • J. Oemned ; Many a one is taken as a Malefactor bccaufc he obcyeth God and doth h1s duty; Bur all thefe things mull be judged over again, by him that hath denounced a \.Yoc tO them that c~l\ evil If.1. 5. 10, good and good evil ; that put darkncfs for light and light for darknd"S. Ht tb.J.t f;irh to rhe wic~ed . thou art Rig.httoUf, pe1p/ejhall curfe bim, 1rations Jh31J abhor bim: Prov. 2{· 2~· h \Vtre ill with rhc beH of the \nvants of Chrifl, if the judgement of rhe.world moll Hand, \\ ho condemn thLm as fools, and hypocrites, ·and what they lifi : Then the Devils Judgement wou)d lland : Bur he is rhe wi[t m.1.n that God will judge to be wi[t at \a!l; and he only is the happy man th'lt God calls bappy. The erring judgement of a creature is but like an ignorant mans wridng the namlS of f~veral things upon an ApOthecaries boXes; If he write the namrs of Poyfons upon .fome, and of .Anodotes on others, when Theor~en d.1y~ there are no fuch things within them, they arc nor to be eliun~ted ac~ordmg ro tho[e names. How l1~ht ~f Tru,fi different are the names that God and the world do pllt upon rhmgs ana p"rfons now? And how few d'lth n"t file\• now approve of that which God approveth of~ and will juHitic at la(t ? Huw ma11y will God juJge th~ illa(ques heterodox, and wicked, that men judged orthodox, and worrhy of apph.t.1f: ? And how mauy will :~s ~d~~~~ew God judge orthodox and finccrc, that were called Hcreticks and Hypocrites by men? God will not umph\of rhe verifie every word againll his fcrv.mts, which angry men, or contentious difpuuncs fay againli: them. world, hail tO The learning or authority or other advantagts of the conrenders, may now bear down the reafons lb 1JclyanJ and reputations of more wife and righteous tr1en than they) which God will rt!'tore and vindicate at ~ie.~~~~~tsJ::~: la.ft. The namc:s of Lutber, Zuinglim, Calvin and many other excellent fervlnts of the Lord, arc Lord)ww now made odious in the writings and reports of PapiHs, by their impudmt lit:s: But God juJgeth E!J.aJ of'Dur/J. orherwife, with more tighteous judgement. 0 what abundancl! of pnfons and caufcs will be juf\i- ~ hydLtcs arc: tied at the dreadful day of God, which the world condemned? And how many will be there conO\C • demned, that were jul\ified by the world? 0 blelf~d day 1 moll dclirable to rhe juft ! mofi terrible to the wicked and every Hypocrite? How many thing~ will be then f~:t llrair, that now are crooked ? And how many innocents and faints, will then have a rcfurrcCllon of their murdered names, rhat we-re buryed by the world in a heap of l1es, and their enemies never thought of their reviving. 0 look to that final judgement of the Lord, and you will take mens ·cenfures bur as the fhaking0f ·a leaf. 9· 30. 4· It is God only that hath power ro execute his fentcnce, 'to our Happin,fi or Miflry: There is one Lawgiv r that is able to fave and to dulroy, Jam. 4· I 2. If he fay to us, Come ye bleffid, <ve lball be happy though o,vils and men lhould corfe us : For thole rhlt be blc§etb jhaU be blc§cd. If he condemn to hell, the applaufe of the world will ft:tch no man out, nor give: him e11fe: Agreat name on earth, or hiHorirs written in their applaufe, or a guilded monument over their bones, are a poor relief to damned foul~. And the barking of the wicked, and .their fcorns on earth, an: no ·diw minution to the joy or glory of the fouls that fl1ine and triumph with Chrill. It is our Lord rhat bath the i(!ys of death and HeU. Rev. I· t8. Pkaf< him, and you are furc to fcape, though the Pope and all the wicked of the world, fhould thunder out againfi you their moll direful curfcs. Woe ro us if the wicked could execu(e all their malicious cenfurcs! Then how many Slints would bt: in Hell? But if it be God that juf\itie us, how inconfiderable a matter is it, who they arc that condemn us ? Or what be their prctenks > Rom 8. 33. 9··3 r. Direct. 5· Remember that the judgement of 1mi,odly men, Ucorrupted and dirtlled b)l tbe De· v· ti vil: And to be over·rJtltd l~y tbeir ctnjitrCJ, or too mttch to {ear them, U to be ov,r·ruled by tbe Devil, zrt 1 ' 5o and to be afraid of hM cen[uru of I«· And will you honour bim {o much? Alas, it is be rlut puts thofe thoughts into the minds of the ungodly, and rhofe reproachful wvrds into their mouths. To prefer the judgement of a m~Jt before Gods is odious enough, though you did not prefer the Deviii judgement. 9· 32· Dire~. 6. Confider what aJlavery .YOU cb{}ofe, whm yott tlnu m.zk.f your {ch:u the ferva~tts fl[ Dirdl. 6. every ma~, whoje_cen[ures you fear, and whofe approbation yo~ art t~mbitiam nf. 1 Cor. 7· 23· [ Yet at'e b{lught wuh a pncr.: be not ye tbt ferv.mts of men J : that 1s, Dl> not needidly enrhra\1 your felves. Jam. 4 _ 4 • What a task have men-pleakrs? They have as many Mafiers as beholders! No wonder if it t;ke them of( from t~e fcrvice of God: 1-'or the friendjhip of the world is cmnity tfJ Gad: and he that will thus OfJ::n,let ;e be a friend of the world is an enemy to God. They cannot ferve two Matters, God and the world. fupnbus cor.– You kn?w men will co~1demn_ you, if ~ou be true to Gnd: 1f therefore you mutt nc.cds have -the fa- ~~~~7/::1~:;l~a~c:1' vour of men, you mult take It alone Without Gods favour. A man plraf~.r CJnnot be true to God ; pe;ul:ws ; 11 ;um;~;li~~itace: pugnax comen1iOne, ven:ofus & mendJx v:~.nit:~.te : Mn_ f~rc~ a fufpiclofo [im< ri , a pertir 1 ::e vinci, a ae:t~~;01 r:,n·~~iri ; Smc, de Intl ~·c. 8.