The comforts of ple<tjitJg God. ----------------~--~ pleafed with nothing, but that which hurts thy felf or others : as a father that is difpleafed with his chi1dren when they d~file or hurc thcmfelves. IO· He is gentle though jul1 in his cenfures of thee; judging.truly but not with unjufl: rigor, nor making your atl:ions worfe than they are. 1 r. He is one that is not fubjcc:t to the pafiions of men, which blind their minds, and carry them to injufiice. 12 • He is one that will not be moved by tale·bearcrs, whifperers or falfc-accufers, nor c:an be per.. verred by any mifinformation. , 9· 6 1 . Contider a\fo the Eenejits of raking up with the PleaGng of God. I· The PleaGng of him is your Happincfs it [df: The matter of pure , and t\JII, and confiant comfcnr, which you may have continually al hand, and no man can take from you. Get this and you have the end ofman: Nothing can bt add~.:d to it, but the perfection of the fame: Which is Heaven it fdf. 9· 6z. z, What abundance of difappointments and vexatious will youlCapc, which tear the very hearts of man~plcafers, and till thei' lives with unprofitable farrows? 9· 63. 3· lt will guide and order yeur 'cares, and ddires, and thoughts, and labours tQ their right and proper end ; and prevent the pcrverting of them, and fpending them in fin and vanity on the creature. 9· 6+· 4· It will make your lives not only to be Divine, but this Divine life to be fweet and ea{y , while you fet light by humane cenfures which would create you prejudice and difficulties ! \Vhen othc:rs glory in wit, and wealth, and f!rength, you would glory in this that you know rhe Jer, 9· q. Lord. 9· 6 5 . 5· As God is above man, thy heart and life is highly ennobled by having fo much relpeCl to God, and rejecting inordinate refpf:Cl: to man: This is indeed to wall\ with God. Signs~ 9· 66. 6. The Cum of ·all graces is contained in this fincere ddirc to pleafe rhy God and cemten~ tednefs jn this Co fn as thou flndefi it auained. Here is faith, and humility, and love, and holy defire, and crufi, and the fear of God concentered. You fonUijie tbe Lord of bojlr bimfilf, and maize IJitn your fear and dread, and Sanctuary, Ifo. 8. 13, I-+· 9· 67. 7· H humane approbation ?e good for you and worth your having, this is the.befi· way to it; for God hath the dJ[pofal of It· If a manJ wayes pleafe the Lord, he makph even hu enemies to be at peace rr:itb him, Prov. 16. 7· Appea{ing their wrath, or refiraining them from intended evil, ·or doing us good by that which they int,pd for hurt. ~· 68. See therefore that yot< live t<pon Godt approbation"'- that whicb you cbicfly jielz, and will foffice yott: which you may difcover by the~c figns. •· You w11l b: moll c.ueful tO und_crr.and th~ Scri– pture to know wl1at doth pl<P[e and difpleafe God. 2' You Will be more car<fu\ m the domg of every'duty, to tit it to thepleaji1tg of God than _3· You will look to your Heart! and not only to your atlio 1 u: To your endi! and thoughts .an·r:Hl~c: mward manner and degree. 4· You will look to fecret dutiet as well as pubhck, and. to that wi~!Ch mrn fee not, as.well as unto tha~ which they fee. 5· You will reverence your conrc_H~nces an~ h~Ve .l_nuc? to do With them, and wJ!l not flight Nonen idothem. when they tell you of Gods dtfpleafure 11 will J-I<JUift you: When they tell you of his ap– n~?us Philofo- probation it will comfort you. 6. Your pleafing men. ~ ;JJ be cb.Jritable for tl~eir good, and pior~ in v d"£ · • order to the pleaftng of God, and not proud and ambzuou; for your honour wnh them, nor unp10us f;~,zq~;'~~~- againfi the p\cafing of God. 7• Whether men be plcafed or difpleafed, or how they judge of you tum pudorem or what they call you, w1ll feem a fimU m.ltter to you ~s t~ your own mterell, m companfon of Gods nm poffit con- judgement. You live not on them. You can bear rheli dtfpleifurc, ccnfures and reproaches, if God :btd.;.~~:~· be but pleafed. Thefe will be your evidences. PART.