Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

Sig11r of Pride. and tnrn the Churches upfidedown . ..In Towns and Corporations they are heady and turbulent, to have their wills. In families there fh:tll be no peace, if every rhing may not go their way ? They cannot yield to the judgement of anot\m. Sign 1 6. 9· 67. Sign 16 Proud men are paffiottate andconteutioJM, and cannot put up injuries or foul words: \Vhen a humble man giocth plact to wtath, and avt#gtth 11ot him[elf, nor refijleth evil; but is meek Rom u.19) and patient, forbearing a;td forgiving, and fo heaping coals of tire on his enemies heads: Only by 20 • Pride comctb contention , Prov. 13·10 · Ht that ir of a proud beart ./firrcth up ftrift, Prov. 28. 25 , M.a~lh. 5'· 39· what is their wrath, their fcorns, their railing and endeavouring to vililie thofC that have offend– ~~·b:fi: 'tf 4 . ed them, but rhe foam and vomit of their pride? Proud, baugbty,fcormr is bit name, that dealtth in 2 Per.:... zo. proud rrratb, Prov. 2 I· 24• . Sig• 17· .§· 68. Sign 17·. A proud man is either an .open or a [ecret boaft!r: If he be afhamed rolhew his Pnde by open boojlzng, then he learncth the sktll of fettmg out lumfelf, and makmg known his ex– cellencies in a doff:r and more handfome way; His 'JWP. commendations (hall not teem the ddign of l1is fpeech, but to come in upon the by, or befofe he ~7as aware, as if he thought of ;omething tlfe: or it £hall fcem nccefftuy to fOme other e;td, and a thing that he is unavoidably pur upon, as againfi his will. Or he will take on him to conceal it, but by a ~ranfparcnt vciJ, as fome proud ""omen hide Jam. 3· r. their beauties: Or he will conjoyn the rn~ntion of tome of his infirmities, but .<h::y fhall i e fi.1ch as ~;f,:· 49· 6 · he thinks no marter Of difgrace, but like proud womens beauty·fpots, to fet out the beuer part which 1 C~r:~·l'1 r. they are proud of: But one way or other, either by oJlcntation or infinuation, his work is to make kn0wn all that tendeth to his honour, and to fee that his goodncfs, and wHdom, and grearndS be not u11kuown or unobfc:rvcd : And all becaufe he Jllu!i have mens approbation, the hypocrites re– ward : .He is as buried if he be unknown. Proudand boajffr1 are joyned together, Ram. 1. 30.2 Tim. 3· 2· Tbwd.lf the deceiver, boaftedhimfelf to bt fsmt body, Acts 5· 36. Simon Magus gave ou11h'1 him.fC/f was {ome great 011e, and the people aU gave lw:dto bim from the leaft to tbe greaujf, [ayi11g, thU nun is the great power ofGod, A6l:~ 8.9, IO· Suchlollt thepraife ofmmmore than thepraifoo[God, John 1 z, 43• But the bumble hath learned another kind of language; not aff,Cl:edly but from the tecling of their hearts, to cry out, I am vife: I am unworthy to be called a child ; My fins are more than the htirs of my head : And he harcrh their vanity that by unfeafonable or immoderate commen– dations, endeavour to llir him up to pride, and iO to bring him to be vile indeed, by proclaiming him to be excellent. Much more cloth he abhor to praife hirnfelf, having learned, Prov. 27. 2. Let anotber man praife thee, a1td not thine own mouth ; a firanger, and mt tbine own lips. He praifeth him~ fdfby Workf, and not by Wordt, Prov. 3I· 31. Sign 1 g, §. 69. Sign r8. A proud man lov<lh honourable Names and 1itlrs : as the Phari!Ces to be called Rabbi: Mallh. 23· And yet they may have fo much wit as to pretend, that it is but to promote their fervice for the common good, and not that they are fo weak to care for empry names ; or elfe that they were forced to it, by fome bodies kindnefs without their feeking, and againll their will•. ~· 70. Sig1119• Pride doth ticl(le the heart of fools with content and pleaf#re to hear themfelves apSign 19 • plauded, or fee thernfclves admired by the people, or to hear that they have got a great repuration in the world, or to be flockt after, and cryed up, and have many followers. Herod loveth m hear in ·Aasu. n; commendation of his Oration, It is tbe voice of a_God, a;td not of a man: It is a feall to the proud, to hear that men abroad do magnitie him, or fee that thofe about him do reverence, and love, and honour, and idolize him. Hence hath the Church been filled with buGe &Cl-maflers, cvm of thofe rhat feemed forwarddl in Religion; which was fadly propheficd of by Pa1tl to the Ephejia;u, Ails 20· 29, 30. Two forts of troublers under the name of Pafiors, pnde hath in all Ages thrufl: upon the Church; Vevouri;tg IYolves, and dividi11g Sell·majlerJ: [ For I k,.now thi-1, that pfiel' my df· parturt, jJaU grievoUs {Volves. enter in among you,. n~t [pari11g tbt flock.: Al[o of your own filves jh..1D men arifi:, jpeakjng pmerfe tlmtgt, to draw away difczplet afm I bem. See al[oRom. r6. t6, 17. J 9· 71· Sign 20. Pride maketh men cenforious aud wtcharitable: Tht:y extenuate other mens verrues Sig,1z 20 " and good wotks; and fufpe8 ungroundedly their fincerity: A liulething fcrves to make them thiok or call a man an•bypocrite! Very few are honefi, or ~ncere, or godly, or humble, or faithful., or able, or worthy in their eyes, even among them that are fo mdecd, or that they have caufe to think fo; A flight conjecture or report feemeth enough .t~ all~w them to condemn or defame anothlr• They quickly fee the Mote 111 a Brothers f. ye. Tne1r pndeand fancy can create a thoufand Herericks, or Schifrnaticks, or RypoCritcs, or ungodly ones, that never were fuch but in the Court of their pre~ furnption. Efpcti~lf if t~ .~ake men for th~ir a~verfo:ies, they can cafi them inro the moll odious (hapc, and make tliet'n any•thm.g that the Dev1l Wlll dehre them. But the humble are charitable to otberJ, as confcious Of muCh infirtr~ity in themfdves, which makes them need the tenderntfS of others. They judgc\lte bojj.till they know thcworll, and cenfure not men until they have both evidence to prove it, a.nd a eaU to meddle with them, having learned, Matth. 7· r, 2, 3, 4• Judge ttot thal ye be not juJgoi/. ' Sign 21• ~· 72. Sig>t 21. Pride clbf<iLh mm to bate Reproof: The proud are forward in finding faui<S in others; but love not a plainReprover~f themfelves. Though it be a dury which God himfdf corn– mandeth, Lev. J 9· 1 7• as an exprdlion of love, and con'trary to hatred, yet i r will make a proud man to be your enemy, Prov. J 5· 12. Afc~rmr loveth not mze that reprovetb bim, 1ttither wiU br go 101to tbt wife, Prov. 9· 7• 8. He that reprwetb a [corner gettetb bimfelfjhame; and he that rebuk,.etb a wiclzed ma11, gcttetb himftlf 11 blot: Rtprove not a fi:orner, /ejl be hate thee: R.cbuk..f a wife man, and be will love thee. lt galletb their hearts, and they take thernfelves to be injured, and they will bear you a grudge for it, as if you were their enemy: If they valued or honoured you before, you have loll them