DireEfiollf agaillft Pride. furance call God FaHJ£r, or plead his interefl in Chrifi or in the promifes.?, nor knowcth not if he dye this hour whether he £hall go to Heaven or Hell? Should he be proud that is no readier to dye? and no more 'affured of the pHdon of fin? nor wil\iug~r to appear before the Lord? If one p1ine,d member will m:tke you groJ.n, and walk dejed:edly, though all the rcti: do feel no pain, a foul that ha~h this uuiverf.;l :weak,.nc/1, a weaknefs .(hat is fo jin[1tl and fo d:mgeruuJ, harh CJ.ufc to Le continually humbled to tht: dufi. 9· 92 , Dirtd. _' 1. Loo~ 11poJZ thy gr_e.Jt and manifold fim, wh~c? d_weU i11 thy heart, and I~.Jve bten_DireCt. 1 I. committed in thy life, (md there thw wtlt fee caufe for great humtltatzon. If thy body were full ot Toads and S:::rpents, and thou couldfl fee or feel tht:m cr..lw\ing in thee, wouldll: thou then be proud ? '.Yhy fa many ~(rJtJ are ten thoufand fold worfe, and {hould make thee far viler in thy own cfieem. If thou were pdfdfed with Devils, and knewetl it, wouldI\ thou be pwud ? Why Devils poffd!ing thy body are not fo bad or hurtful to thee, as tin in thy foul. The tight of a fin fhould more rake down thy pride, than the fight of a Devil. Should that m~ be proud thac h~th lived .as thou hall livt:d and finned as thou hall finned, from thy childhood until! now? that hath loH fo much time, and ~bu[cd fo much mercy, and neglected fo much means, and omitted fo many duties eo God and man and been guilty of [o many finful thoughts, and fo many falfe or foolifh words, and hath bro~ ken ;\I thr: Laws of~~? S_ho1.11a.not he be ~eq~ly humbled that h:uh ye~ fa much _ignorance, er- ~if~~~f J/;;– ror, unbelicf, hypocnhe, (cnfual!ty, worldhnds, hard-heartednefs, fecuruy, unchantablene(~, luft, ;..; 1 ar.-: 1 w. envy, malice, impatience and [e!tiOmefs, as is in tl~:e ? Should not thy very Pri1e it idf be m:utcr of :. thy great humiliation, to think chat [o o~ious a ~Ill o.\ould yet fa lfl'JCh prevail? Look rhus on thy leprous dehkd foul, and turn thy very Pnde ag:unH 1t (elf? Know thy fdf, and thou canft not be Proud. . 9· 93· · Dire<l. 12· Look,. alfo to the defirt of aU tby jinr, even unto HrU it filf, and try if tlw wiU Dirrfl. 12· bring thee lozv. Though Pnde came fromHell e.ffetlively, yet Hell obje£J,vely may alford thee a re~ mcdy againU it. Think on the worm that never dyeth, and the tire that never Otlll be quenched, and con1ider wht:cher Pride become that _foul, that harh deferved thefe. Wilt thou be proud in the way to thy damnation >Thou migbtefl better be .proud of thy Chains and Rope when thou art going to the Gallows. Think whetha the rnifcrable fouls in Hell, arc now minding neat and wdl {et attire, or feeking for dominion, honour or prefcrmenr, or contending who {hall be the greatefi, or tlriving for the highefi rooms, OJ fctting out themfclvcs to the admiration and applaufe of men, or quant:Hing with others for undervaluing ordi!honouring them,? Do ·you think there is any place or matter there for fuch works ofPrid1!, wht:n God abafetll tbem? · 9· 94• Direct. 13· Look__ to the d•y of Judgement, whti; aU proud tbou_glJtJ and loo'<.1 jhaU bt tab,yn DireCi. 1 3. dvwn, and to tbe e·ndlefi ml[ery threatned to tbe proud. flunk of that world m wluch your fouls mull: ere long appear, before the Great and Holy God whofr: Prefencc will abafe rhe prouddi: finner. When the Tyrants and Gallants, and Wantons of the Earth, m.tfi wit,l trembling and amazemeut give up their accounts to the rnof\ riglueous Judge of all the ~orld, then where arc their lofty IJoks and 1angu'agc:::? Then where is their glory, and galbnrry, and proud imperious domineering, and their fclnnlul defpiling the humble lowly ones of Chrifi? Would you then think that thi.; is rhe famt: man, that lately could fc-~lrce be ken or fpoken with? that looked fo big, and fwaggered it out in wealth and honour?· Is this he rhJt could noc endure a fcorn, or to be flighrcd or undervalued, or plainly reproved? that mu(( needs have rhe honour and precedency in wit, and ·gre:J.tntfs, and command? Is this the mm that thought he was perfcd: and had no fin; o~ that his fins were fo fmall, as not to need the humiliation, renovation and holy diligence of the Saints? ls this rhc woman rhat fpent half the day in drdling up her felf, and hou(c, and furnirurc, for the view of others, and mult needs be in the neweaor the neatefi fafhion? that was wont to walk in an artificial p::ttc, wirh a wandring eye, in a wanton garb, as if fhe were too good to tread on the c.•nh? Oh the~ how. the cafe will be altered with {uch as thefe? Can y9u believe and conGder bow you mull be judged by God, and yet be Proud? 9 9i· Dired:. 14. Look_ to tbe Devil! tlumfelvts th,rt tempt )'OU to be Proud, a11d. fee n>IJ:Zt Pride Direet. r4: bath brought them to; and rWitmber that a prtJud man if the Image of ihe D{vil, and Prid.e is the Devil! fpeci;l (in. He that ~nvyeth your happinefs, knoweth by hd experien{:e the way ro mifery 1 • and rhercfor~ tempteth you to be proud; that you may come by the fame WJy, JO the f.tme End that he himfelf IS come ro. 1be Angel'.! which kfpt nut their firjf cjlate, but left their OWit h zbitatir:m are reJfrved in ev~rl~Jting chai1tJ under dJrl<._~cjJ, to the judgemem or the gre!lt d.Jy: Judc 6. ~ . 9· 96. D~rect. 1 )· Look wrU upo11 thy felf b.rb body a11d foul, and tbink, whrthrr thJte be a perf<m DireCi. 15: fit fUr Pride. Go~ ~uth pnrpofcly c~othed thine immortal foul, in the courfe attire of corrup[ible fle(h, and placed Jt m fo poor and rumous a Cottage, that it !Tlight be kept fro mpridz: yeJ he made this frail and cormptiblt: body, ~e be aconHitutiv<; put of our very perlOn~, tha~ i~ knowing it, w.e may know our fdves. Some w1ll hJ.ve a dead ,mans skull fiand by them, m,tht1r Studies or Chambers, as an Antidote againH pride. But God hath faHned us yerclo[er to mortaliry; Death dwel- · ft fi Ieth iu our bowels. We are apt to marvel that fo noble a foul (hould be lodged in 1o mean a. body, ~~7:u~ ex= mfiet\g,thoAtq-, ab:tcum SamJo fxpc onerafle lu•o. f..:rcula e_cmmltl.~ cum por.er. t :sure1 vatis • Er mifc-erci: ~~:: ~~~~~i.: emq, fimul ~:rrenu caufam refjJOndtt ~ Kelt ego qu1 Cum S1c2mz, he.u!o fum a( niter6 f::ttus Fortun~m revercnter habe, qu1cunq; repeme Dive> ~b ex1ll progredicre luro. A4a;'· Ji. Efi(,uril~ ..tr "k 2