Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

The [ure of Pride. Rnd their life it amonf!. tbt Hnclean, as Elihzt fpeaks Job 36. 14· 1/Jtir bontt are full of the fins of their )'outb, which ftJaU lye dorPn with them in the duft, Job. ~o. 11· . 4 • Is it Eea1~ty that you are proud of? I have told you what hcknefs and death wdl do to that he– fore) Whrn God rtbHk,sth man f or fin, he maku his beauty to confitme ai a moth: [urely ever)' man if vanity, P}al. 39· 11· Read P[ul. 49• 12, 13, 14· And it your beauty would continue, how little good will it do you ? and who but fools do look at the skin of a rational creature, when they would difccrn their worth' A fool, and a flave of lujl and Satan, may be beautiful. ASepuMre may be guilded that hath rottennefs·within: Will you cho~ the fimj! purfe, or the fuYtjll Who hut a child or fool wt!l value h1s Book by,the tinenefs of rh!"'cover, or gu1Idmg of the leaves, and nor by the worth of the matter within ? Ab[alomwas beamiful, and what the better was he? 2 Sam. 1 4 .25· Prov.3t -30· FavouriJdeceitful, and beamyis vain; but a woman thatfeareth the Lotd }he jh•• Ube praifcd. 5 . If it be fine Clothes and gaudy Ornaments that you are proud of, it is a fin fa fooli01 and worfe than childiih, that I fhall give it no other confntation, than to tell you, that ir comradifr· eth it felf, by making the perfon a fcorn and laughing frock to-oth~rs, when their defign was to be more admired; and that an Afsor a Poft may have as tine and cofily attire as you; and that!hortly lfa. 3· you !hall change it for a Winding-iheet. 6. Is it your birrh, and progenitors, and gi:eat friends that you are proud of? Perfonal merits are incomparably more excellent, than this relation to the moft meritorious parents ; much more than a relation to their empty titles. Cain was the Son of Ad.Jm the Father of mankind, andCham of Noah, and.E[att ofJacob, and AbfaJomof David; when a godly Son of a wicked Father is more honourable than th.:y. Your ancefiors are but of the common fiock of finful; and your great friends may poffibly becomeyou( enemies : and it is lictle thac che grcaretl of them can do for you, if God be not your friend. 7• Is ir yam learninJ!,, or rvifdcm, or ability for fpeech or action that you are proud of? Remem– ber that the Devils and many rhat are now in Hell, have far exceeded you in thefe: And that the wif~:r you are indeed, the humbler you will be ; and by pride you confine your ofientation of your ,wifdom: Achitophe!J wifdom which faveth not the owner from perdition, is little caufe of glory– ing. Jer. 8. 8, 9. There were men that boalled of their wifdom, even in the Law of God, who yet '!ere ajhamed and dijfnayed: for they rejefled the 1Yord of the Lord ; and then what wifdom could there ~e ~n them l Therctore thus faith the Lord, Let not the wife marJ glory in hi1 r:,;ifiiom, nor let the migfJ· ty man glory in his might, let not the rich ma1J glory in hit riclus, but let him tl1at gloryeth glory in this, that he underftandttb and k._noweth me, that I am the .Lord, which exercife lovi;zg lzindnt{s, judg~ment and righttwfne[t in the earth: f"' in tbcfe d, I delight, faith the Lord: ]er. 9· 23, 24· Thofe were not unltarned, ofwhom Paul fpeaketh, 1 Cor. I· 20· JYhere i1 the Jl'"i[e l J.f1ure is the Scribi l Where it the DiJPttter of thit world l Hath not God matk foulifh tbt wifdom ofthit world ? 8. Is it [ucctjs in Wars or great undertakings that you are proud of? But by whofe firength did you perfmm it? And how unhappy a fuccefs is that which hindrcrh your luccE[s in the work of your falvation? And how many have been brought down again tO fhame, that have been lifted up in pride of their fucceiTes ? it the applaufe of men that proclaim your excellency that you arc ptoud cif? Alas, how poor a portion is the breath of man? And how mutable are your applauders? that perhaps the next day will turn their tunes, and as much reproach you. Will you be proud of Praife, when it is the De– vils whiftle purpofely to entice you into this perniciousfnare; that he may dellroy you? his ad!lJtgcr . to befeared; tor it deHr.oyeth many: bur not a benefit much to be rejoyced in, mm;:h lefs to be proud of; for few are the bett«:r for it. Titles and applaufC increafe not real worth and vertuc, but puff up many with a mortal tympanic. Io.Is it your grace andgoodnefs or eminency in Religion that you are proud of? This is mofi abfurd ; when predominant Pride is ~ certain fign that you have no favh"g grace at .a,ll ; and fo are proud ofwhat you have not : And if you have it, fo far as you are proud of it you abufe it, con– tradic5t it and defiroy it : For Pride is to Grace, what the Plague or Confumption is to Health. It is Novices that have ltafl grace and knowledge that are aprett to be puft up wich Pride, and there– by to fall into the condemnation of the Devil, 1 7'im. 3· 6. that is, into the like puniilunenr for the like fin. When the Pot boyleth over, that which was in it is loft in the fire. Rife not too high in the efteem of your grate, leH you rife to the lofs of ir. Bt not bigb-minded~ bHtfear, Rom. 11. 20. When you thinl;.J•OU }land, tak,_e lmd lej! you faU, 1 Cor. 10. 12. 9· 98. DireCt 17· Look._ to tbe nature antl tmdtncy of every Grace, and Ordinance, andD1tty; amJ ufe tbtm diligently; for they aR tend. to the dej!rufti011 of p,.;de. Km:vledge difcerncrh the folly and pernicious tendency of Pride, and abundant matter fOr Humiliation: Faitbis the calling o1four pride, and going with empty hungry fouls to Chrill for mercy and fupply : lt !heweth us the moll powerful fight in the world tor the humbling of a foul, even a Crucified Chrifi, and a mofi Holy God, and a glorified lociety,of humble fouls, and a dreadful judgement and damnation for the proud. I might 01tw you rhe fam ..cof every grace and dtlt)', but for being tedious. 9· 99· Dirutl. 18. Look,_' to tb!Jmmbli~g JudgcmmtJ nf God 011 your[elvu and cthers, and turJtthem Dire{!. 1 g, .ell ag1injt your Pride. You will {ure thinK it an un{uitable and un]Cafimable thing for rhe calamitour to b~ r oud. Are you not oft complaining of one thing or other, upon your confciences, your bodies, y 'llC efiares, your names, your reHuions or friends? and yet will you beproud while you com~ plain? l.i the Judgements that have already befallen you, humble you not, il God love you, aud will fave