Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

The [ure of Pride. 9· 102· DireGt.2 I. Itud over the charaau which Cbrift him[elf givet_h ?f his true Dlfciplu; and )1JU wiU Dlre[f. 21. fle wiJ,;t great feJfdenyal and humility be reqHire!h in aU. In.yo.ur firit converfion you ~ufi become as Jitdcchildi<n, Matth. r8. 3· lnllead of concendmg for fup<nonty and greatnefS you mull be ambitious of being fervants unto all. Mattb. 23. JJ, & zo. 27· You mufi learn of him to be meek 3.nd lowly of heatt, Matth. I r. 28, 29. and to ltoop to wafh your brethrens feet. John •3· 5• 14. lnttc:ad of revenge or unpeaceable conrending for your right, you mufi.rather obey rhofe that injuri· lulce u. 16~ oully command you, and turn theorher cheek to him that fmiteth you, and let go the reil (O him Mark ro. 44· that hath injurioufly taken fforn you; a.Jld blefs them that curfe you, and pray for them that hurt and Mat·~ 9·35,36. perfecute you, and dcfpightfu!ly ufe you, Matth. 5• 39, 40,Jp, '14• T!tefc -arc the followers of' TJID. •·""' Chrill. §· IOJ· Diretf. 22· Remember horv Pride contradiatth it filf by txpofing you to the h>tred or con- Dirtll• 2%• tempt of aU. All men abhor that Pride in others which they cherifh in themfelvcs. A humblt man is well thought of by all that know him ; and a proud man is the mark of common obloquy. The rich difdain him: the poor envy him ; and all hate him, and many deride him ; This is his fuccds. . §. 104. Direct. 23. Look. ftiU unto that di[mal end, which Pride dcth ttndunto. lr threatneth Apcr Direll. 23• llafie : If God forfake any one among you, and any of you forfake God, his Troth, and your Confcicnces, and be made as LotJ Wife, a monument of his vengeance for a warning unto others, i~ w·ill be thepr.ttd and felfconceited perfon. It maketh all the mercies of God, your duties andparrs, and objettively your v.ery graces, 10 be its food and fewe!. It is a fign you are near (ome drea4ful fall, or heavy judgement: For God hath given you tliis prognollick, LukJ 14· I •· & •· 51· Proo. '5· 25. & r6. 5· I[a. 2· u, 12. An Ahab is fafer when he humbleth himfelf; and an Hezekiah is fall in& when he is lifted up. They are the moll hardned !inners, fcorning 'rtproof, and therefore otdinarily forfaken both·by God and man, and left to their felf-delufion till they peri!h. §· 105· Diretf. 24. Converfe with httmbled and affliatd p<rfonr, and not with proud fecure world- Direll. ·~· ling1. Be much in the houfe of mo11rning, where you may foe the end of aU the living, and bt made better by laying it to heart; and let not your hearts be in the houfe of mirth) Ecclef. 7• 2, 3, 4· De:... light not to converfe with men that be in honour and under(land not, but are like the beaftJ that pe,. rijh; for though they tbink.. of pcrpemating their bou[tJ, and eaU their ltJnds after their own names, yet they abide not in their honour ; _and thH their way is their foUy , though yet their pofterity approve •heir fayingr, Pfal. 49• 20. 12· 13, 14· Conve<fe with penitent humbled fouls, that have feen the odioufnefs of fin, and the wickednefs and deceitfulnefs of the heart, and can tell you by their own feeling what caufe of humiliation is Hill before you I With thefe are you moll fafe. ~ ·ro6. I have.been the larger again£\ PR I DE, as feeing its prevalency in the world, and its mifchievous etfeGts on fouls and families, Church and State, and bccaufc it is not difccrned and re· filled by many as jr ought: I would fain have God dwell in your hearts, and peace in yourfocieties, and fain have you fiand fafi in the hour of temptation, from profperity or adverfity, and fain have affiit.tion eafie to you: But none of this will be without humiliry. I am loth that under rhe mighty 1 Per. f. 6 • hand of God we fhould be unhumbled; even when judgements bid us lay our mouths in the dull. L>m. ~· '9· & The llorms have been long up; the Cedars have fallen: It is the Shrubs, and bending Willows that •. '9· now are likell to fcape. I am loth to fee the prognollicks of wrath upon your fouls, or upon the A~o' l· s. Land. I a~ loth that any of you fhould through Pride be unhumbled for fin, or a!hamea to own j,~;; !: :_– def~tfed godlmefs: or that any !hould rhtOugh Pride be unhumbled for fin, or afhamed to own de- Dan. 5· u. fpiled godlinefs: or that any that have feemed Religious, 010u!d prove feditious, unpeaceable or aCbron.J<· Apofiates: And therefote I befeech you in a fpecial manner, take heed of pride ; be little in your 2 1· ow~dieern : P.raife not one another unfeafonably ; be not offended at plain reproofs : Look to your duties, and then leave your reputations to the will of God. Rebuke pride in your children: Ufe them to mean attire and ernployrnents : Cherifh not that in them which is rnofi natural (now ) and moll pernicious. God dwelleth with the Humble, and will take the Humble to dwell with him lfa. 57· •5· Job 22, 29. Pu• on humhltne[s of mind, meek,.ne[s, long-[t4fering, forbe.ring one another: Col. 3• 12, 13. Beclothedwith humility: Servethe Lord with aU humility ofmind, and be wiUexalt yo11 in due time. AGl:s 20· '!1• 1 Pet. 5• 6, 7• PART VI.