See :In txcd• lent Tr•ft· de Divitiis afcri~ bed to Sixt. 3• inBibl. Pat. ( tlougb. ~c~ cuftd of Pela~ gianifm. ) Dire/1. '' What u and is not Worldlinefs , and JVben it reignetiJ. PART VI. 1Jire£tions againft (o1!etoufnefs, or Lo11e of !J?Jches, and againfltvorldly (ares. I Shall fay but little on this fubjetl: now, becaufe I have written a Treatife of it already, called ['the CrHcifying of the World by the Crofi ofChrijl ], in which I have given many Dire/lions ( in the Preface and Treati{t) againfl this fin. _ . 9· r. Direct. r. _Vnderftand well the Nat:tre and hfalignity of th~ fin;. botiJ what it iJ, attdwhy Jt u fo great and pcr:Uour: I fhall here Chew you, I· what Love of Riches IS lawful: 2· 'What iris that is unlawful, and in what this fin of Covetoufoefi or 1Vorldlinefs doth confifl : 3· Wh~:rein the: Malignity or Greatnds of it lyeth: 4· The Signs of it : 5· What Counterfeits of the contrary ver– tue do hide this fin from the eyes ofworldlings : 6. What falfe appearances of it, do caufc many to be fufpelled ofCovetoufiteft unjuflly. L&wfullove of c 9. 2· I. All love of the creature, the world, or riches is not rin : For 1. The works of God are <.:re;uurc~. all Good~ as fuch : and all Goodn.p is amiable. As they arc related to God, and his Power, and Wifdom, and Goodnefs is imprinted on them, fo we mufi: love them, evc.:n for his fake. 2. All lht: impreffionsof the Attributes of God appearing on his wOJks, do make them as a Glafs in .which at this difiance we mufi fee the Creator, and their fwecrnefs is a drop from him, by which his Good..:. nefs and Love is tafied: And fothey were all made to lead us up to God, and help our minds to converfe with him, and kindle the Love of God in our brealls, as a Love·token from our dearc;(t friend : And thus as the means of our communion Wi(h God, the Love of rhem is a duty, and not; a fin. 3• They are naturally the means of fuftaining our bodies, and prcferving life, and health, ·and alacrity: And as fuch, ourfenfitive part hath a Love to them, a.s every Bean 1 l(h to their food :And this Love in it felf is not of moral kind, and is neither a venue nor a vice : till it either be ufed in ob<dience ro our Reafon (and foit is good) or in difobcdiencc to ir, (and fo it is evil. J 4• The creatures are necdfary means to fupport our bodies, while we are doing God the fervice which we owe him in the world: And fo tlley mufi be Loved as a means to his fervice : Though we cannot fay properly that Riches are ordinarily thus necclfary ; 5· The Creatures are necdfary ro futlain our bodies in our joumey toHeav~n, while we are preparing for eternity ; And thus rhey mutt be loved as remote helps to our falvation. And in thefe two laH r~fpects we call ir in our pr3)'CrS {our daily bread]. 6. Rlches may enable us to relieve our needy brethren, and to promote good works for Church or Stare. And thus alfo they may be loved : fo tar as we mull be thankful tOt them, fo far we may Love them; t~or we mufi be7b1111kfisl for nothing bur what is Good. c· r. .- 9• 3· I I. But Worldlinrfi or fmful Lwc aflcichu is, I· When Richu are luvcd, and dcfircd, and .,.h;:.tou n ....s fought more for: the Flejh, than for God or our SalvJtion: even as the matter or means of our world– Phi!. 3 . ,,8,9, ly profperity, that the fiejh may want nothing to plcai'e it and fat istie irs defires. Or that Pridt may J,.1~1. 1. to. have enough wherewith to fupport it felf, by gratifyini? and obliging others, and living at thole Ph•l:.4· 1 1 " 8 rates, and in that fpJendour, as may Chew our Greatnefs, or furrher our Domination over others.. ;r!~~~t ..: 2. And when we·therefore defire them in that proponion which we think mofi . .agreeable to rhefe LJzbour ut to carnal endt, and are not contented with our daily bread, and that pJ;"oportion whtch may fitfhin us ht Ri~b. as paffcngersto Heaven, and tend mol\ to the {(curing of our fouls, and to .the favice of God. So that it is the end by which a finful Love of Riches is principally to be difcerncd; when they arc loved for pride or, as they are the matter of~ worldly c?rporal felicity; .and not prin– cipally for God and his ferv1ce, and fervants, and our fllvatton. And mdc:ed as Sen{ulltlls love rhun, ~~~~ ~ '\\'orldliners 9· 4· JYorldlimfs is either prednminam and fo a certain of death; or elfemortified and in a Cub– when predodued degree, confiflcnt with fome faving grace. TPurldlinefs predcminam as in the Ungodly is m·nm~.• 16 [ 11'1m: mw _:bat have not a lively beli'{ ofthe everl~jling ba~pinc[s, no,· b.tve 1tn~ ~:zidup. th~ir .tre.Jjit~e ~u~.e 4 33~ andhopet inHeaven,{,e the plea[ure.and profpt'rtty of thu .life fo~ that ft!mty n:bzch lJ' brghcjt t;r ~ · tbeir efteem, and dearcjt to tbeir becJrts, and the~~ore love the Z:..tche~ oj the. n:o.rld, or f ull _pro_vifonJ, .;s MauD. 6. J9, the matter and means of tbi1 their ttmporal felLwy ]. JYorldlmefi m a mort1hed per£on, I) LTYbm IJf 10, ~~, 33~ he that bath laid up his trta[ure in Heavtn, andprallicaUy ejfeemeth hi1 cverlajling h.!fl'J~tbove aU tbe ple.J– John6 2 7· [ure and profperiry of the ftefh, ,.md[ukpb jirjftbeKingdomof GfJdar.d bi.t rigbu .JUjHeji, a11d H[ctb bi; Luke 11 ' I!J,. ejfate principal!J f or God and M1 [alvatio11, b.ttb .Yet fome remna11ts &j' ir.ordm,lle dcfire to tbc pr~~l.uke J8. :.:, 0 fptrity .a1td pleajure of the fiefh, andfvme- inordinJtedefire of Riches f ur th.u e11d ; rvhi ..:b )'tt he hantfJ, 13 lamentetb, rEjijfeth, a;rd j:1 fur JUbducth, that it is not prcduminam) a.~ainjf tl't inurc;t 4 God and hit falvation· J. Yet this is agreaL fin, though it bcforgivt"n. §•5· III. 1'he