Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

I_ .The Con_tents. licularCburcb n•b,/ivrth fo far ftom it, aJtobe .Q...89. Tf"bat Grjlur(f art jittc_ft in aU tbc p11hlick tmc~pf}b/e of ptrjimJl communion witb them. IYurfl)ip? ib~d. p 843 ~o. TYiut if tht Paflor ard Churcb c.mnot 11grrr, !2.:_66. If a man be injurioujly Jif[ptndtd or Ex· about Jit~ging Pfdlnu, or wbar Vcrfion or Tr:ujl.J.- ''Immunicattd by the Paftor or people, which n>.:1y tim to uje, or timt or pl.1ce of mcctiJtj! 1 &c. ibid• .fhaUhe b.Jvertmcdy? ibid. ~91. l.Yb.Jt i[thf P"]lor rxcommunicau a nia~t. Q_67. Doth prefmce always m1k._e 1# f.Mil~y of the and the ptaplt n·iU uot fr•r~tar bH Commrmi:m,'-41 evil! or fault I of the P.1]lor in Gods Worjhip, or tf thinb.jng him U1Jjujlly o:ccmmunicaud? F· 86o the Church? or In t.vb.d cafes are wt guilty.> ibid. Q:.92. !11ay P rrhnlt Clmrcb, or the greater p.1rt be .Q:. 68. !1 it lawful tu communicate in tht Sa:ramcnt cxcommunic.Jtcd? ibid. r:ri!h wick.fd men? p. 844 Q93· lYh.1t if a Cbtfrcb havt two Paflorl, and one ~ 69. H.Jve aU the memhtrJ of the ChHrcb right txcommunicatt a m.m and the other abf/ve Mrit, to the LordJJ'able, a1:d iJ[uJjw:fion Lawful? n·b;Jt jh:zU tbe Church and the Di§u1tcr dJ? ibid. p. 86, !2.:_70• l1 there any {ucb thing i,z the Church, M a Q94· For rrbt fi,JJ m1y a mm be duryed C'm· ranlt or Cl1ffiJor fp.:cics of Church·rncmbtrJ at mtmion or Ex~·ommunicuud , JYbttbtr for impt· age whJ are nut tobe admitttd totbe L 1rd1 Table nitencein every little fin; Or For great fin rd:f,. but on/1 totbe beari}tg the TJiord, and Prayer, be· out impeni1t1tcc? ibid. trrcen Infant member I aud adult-contirtnt.d onu? Q..9)· Mujl tbe P;Jjlor cx.zmine thepeople b;jvrt f/n p. 845 Sacramtnt ? ibid. £<:..7•· Wbtther a form of Pray" be l>rrfitl' Q 96. lithe S>er~mmt of the Lord! Supper a (onP· S:.t7 • 'Vtrtir.r, OrdiJunu? . p. 86z ~72· Are f ormu 9[ pra;•cr or Prc9cbing in the Q 97· Muji no mau c.1mc to the S,zcramcm tbat i1 Cburcb Larrful? ibid. t uncertain or drmbtjHI t{ tbc fincerity of bU ~itb ~73· Are publick,. formJ of manJ dcvijing or camf andrepmtmm:? ibid. pofinf. Lan'[Hl ? ibid. .Q;,98. ]; it L:uvful or a duty 19 jo)1t obl.;tiom to ~74· /J it larrful taImp(t{ef~rmJ 0!1 the Congrrga· rht S.Jcr.Jment and bow? p. 863 tion Ol"tl·c peofll inpublic~ TYorjhip? p. 848 ~99· I-l!J:v m.zuy Sacr.lm.·ntJ arc there Pppointcd /~y ~75· Is it Lawful to ufe f ornu compo{cdby m<JH CIJrijl? ibicl. anditNpo{tdnotonlyon theplople,buton'zht Pa- ~I OO· I-fowfarUitl:Jwfit!, nudful or u;rl:m:{ul {forJ of the Churcbu l ibid. for a man to ajj1ic1 himfelf by c.·aerna/ pcn.m.:(f £<:_ 76. Doth 110ttbe caUi~tg of a Mixiffcr fo confy/ for pit> p. 864 111 the cxcrcife of bil own minijltrial J!.iftJ, that be .Q_ IOI· Jr it l~trful to obftrve J~atcd timCJ of f~'lmay not liJficiate n-it bout them, 11or mak,.e u[t of i1tg impofrd by NbcrJ, n.•itbvllt c:<rraordiirary occrZotb.-r tltfltJ giftJ injlead of them? l'· 84~ fiunr; And p.JrticHI.Jrl.y, Lent? p. 865 ~ lJ it l:nvfuJ to re&d a Prayer in the Cb~t,ch l .Q:.. • 01. May n•e , ..,.Jtinue in a Cburch rrhrre J~mt P· 850 1 one OrdiJt.;nce o[Cbrijf if rr.;ming; a1 Di]Cipline, Q.:..77· !J it La'fl'{ul tQPray in tbr CJmrch wirhour · Pr.zycr, Prc.Jchiltg or SJcr.tmtntJ, thottgh we Jn 1 't a pnfcribed or prmuditatedform of wordJ l ibid. aU the refl ? p. 266 ~78. JYbetbcr are flt f ormJ of WJrdJ, or free .Q_to3. Mujf the PaflorJ rem 11t fi".·m one Cburcb pra)'iHg thrm tbc bctter way; and n'hat to aNotbrr,wbm ever thr /I]J~if{tate csm 11 ,zndrth arc tbt Commcditict, and IncommoditieJ ll[ eacb ~M, tiN t:,b the R!fbopJ cowra1i{l ir, and ibe Cbtttcb tva)•? p. 851 COI<{cnt not t(! dijmijJ Uf ? A,nd fo of oJber ca[e1 fJf .!2.:.79· lJ it Lanful to furbrur tbe Preaching of _dijflgrecmnu ? p. 86 7 j ome trutbt, upon mant prohjbi•ion that I may .e:_ 104· ] l" PaJfr.r to hU flock,. (or /~f'c; er have liberty to Preacb tbt rcjl ? ya and to proJ.f it L.:nful fa to oblige himfclf; And m.ty bt mife tof orbear them, or to do it f"'r tbe Churcha remove witlnut tbcir Con{tJII ? And {o al[o of'a trace? P· 853 Chucb n;rmber)the [Jme qutjlioJlJ .;re put• .Q_8c. May or muft a Mh:Hlcr filwccd, or forbid to F• 868 Preach tlu: G(fficl, go 011 jliU to Preacb it agai.11{f ~J05.IJ"Jmt many 111t1tprctcMt! at ometohe tht true the Law l P· 854 PajiorJ of a p:znicu/<Jr Church, againjl tacb otbtrs .Q_Sr. May we /,mfuUy J:tcp tbe Lord1 d 1 Y aJ a title, through diffcrtnctt bwvcm ,he !dtgi.;fr,1tr 1 , fa(l? P• 855 tbe OrdaincrJ a'td the fl~clzt. what jhmld tbe £<:_82. Huw fhou/d tiJe Lord! day be /pent i• the peopled,, and whom jlu.uld they adbm to> main? ibid. p. 869 .Q:, 83. May tbr pc,.ple btar a vocal part in IYor- ~ 1 c6. To n·bom dntb it belong to Reform • Corjhip, or do any more tiJJn[a)', Amtn. P· 856 rupzed Cburcb ; To tbe !11.,gijlrateJ, Pu(for1, nr ..Q.:..84. ii it not afin for our Cltrk,..t to maize them· People ? p 869 j(/vu the mouth oftbc ptt~ple, wbo art not 9rdained .Q_ io7. J?bo i-1 to eaU S;•nodJ; PrincCJ, PajiorJ a t\linijlm of c;/;ri/i > p. 857 1'eoplt > ibid. .Q:_ 85. Art rtpctitimJ of tbtflme ,-,IJt'ds in Ch:rrcb· .Q:_roS. To whnm dotb it bdonr. tfl app11i1ft dayc1 pr.:~.~erJ,Iawful? p. 858 · aud AJfemblirt for publick.,. !-lumili.uifln and .Q;_86. lJ it larrful to bow at tbe nameof ]efiti ? 1b.Jnk.fgiving? · p. 870 ibid. .Q:.tc9. Ma_y trot omit Cburcb AJJcmblic; on the £<:_ 87. li it Lanfulto fland up at the Go{pcl aJ we Lord! d>y, if tbe Magif/o·ate fm·bid tbcm > ibid. are appointed? ibid. ~~ JQ, M~tjf n•e obr)' the M.1gi]lrate if be o•dy .~88. lJ itlanful to Jtnrel wbo:t the Decaloguc H f urbid M lf'o,fiJippi11f. God, iH jitcb a place, or read? P· 859 Cottntrt)') or in {rtrb ~IJtn'bcrJ, er tbc like cirwmjlanco?