Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

The Contents. ~I 52· Tt ir Lawful to {ubftribe or profo{s fuU affiru and con[ent to any reliJ!.iOIU Bonkf befidet tbe ScripturtJ, [teing aD men are [1.1liible ?ibid. l/2_J53• May rre larrfuUy Swear ob1dicnce in aU thinj!,J /aw(Hl and h"nrjf, either to V[HrperJ, or to oNr Lawful Paftors? ibid• £L 1 54· M<~jl aU our Prtacbing bl upon fomt Text of Scripttire? P· 904 ~ 1 55· It not t!Jt Law of Mores abrogated I and the w!Jole OldTe(tament out of dau, and there– Jure not to be Read publick,ly and Preached 1 ibid. .Q,:.. T s6· Muft we believe tiJat Mofes L.Jrv did ever bind other Nations~ or that any other partJ of the Scripture bound tbem or be!ont,td to them~ orthat tbl JuvJ were all God1 vifible Church on tartb ? p.905 ~ •57· Mu1 n>t think, accordingly of the Chri– ftian Churches now, they art only ad· va1zced abcve the rejt of tiJt 1Yorld aJ the JewJ Wfrt 1 but ,101 the onlypeflple that are f:z ved> p. 906 ~~58. Shouldnot Chrijiia1u tak,t up with Scri· pturt wif'/om only, witho<~l jludying Phi!,fopby or other H.e~thms h.;emaxe Learning ? P· 9C7 J!<: '59· If we think, that Script:trt and the Law of Nature are m a1~y point cnutl"adiUory to eacb other, Wbich m:4i be tbe Jland.Jrdby!; hich the uthtr nt<~JI be t'yed ? p. £1C8 Q:_160. May n't not look, that God Jho<~ld yet git·t m mort ·Revelation! of hif wiU, than tlurt art already made i11 Scripture ? ibid. , .Q,_ r6t. !J not a third Rule of the Holy Ghojl, or perfrlJcr Kingdom of Love to be cxpeaed, aJ differmt from tbe Reign of the Creator 4nd Redeemer ? P• 9C9 .Q:.t62. M.1y we not loolz for ~1iracles hereaf ttr? P· 910 .Q;_r63. T1 the Scripture to be tryed by tbe JPi· rit, or the Spirit by the ScriptHfe ? and rvbicb of them i1 te be pre{trred ~ ibid. .Q:, 164. How i1 aprtttndtd PrfJphtt, or Ret•elation to betr)'td? p. 911 .Q.: I 65, l\ftJ~ one be favrd who brlinmh that the Scripture hatb any mijiak_e or errourt, and btliev– ~hMd? ili~ .Q_t66. Who be they th.u give too little to the ScripturtJ, and who too mucb, aJtd wh.1t i1 tbe dangtr fJf eacb cxtream ? p. 9 12 . .Q: 167. l-1.1w j11r dv good men now Preach andpray by the {pirit? P· 913 .Q:. 168. Are mt our tJWJt Rea[o1u, flndiN, me– mory, ftrivingr, Boo~t, Form1, MetbodJ, and Miniftry needleji ? yea a hurtful quwebing or preveming ~f tlu Spirit, and feuing up our own infltad 4 the ffiirits Bfcr<Jtinu ? . P· 914 £L 169. How d01h the Holy Gb.Jjl {et Bijhop1 over the CburcheJ? P• 914 -'L_ 170· Are TempleJ, Fo1111, VtcnfilJ, Church– Land!, much more the Minijlry, holy ? and 1Pb8t reverence i1 due to thrm as holy ~ · .{LIJ!· Wbat ir Sacrilcdge, and what ~//5 P·9•6 ~172. Are aU ReligiouJ priv.;te-mwingi, flrbiddot by R1tltrJ, :mi.J~~:>ful Convtlltic/n, or are a11y[uch urccff,;ry? p. 916 ..Q:_ 173· What particttl<Jr DirttlionJ for ·Order of StuditJ and Boo~;! jhuuld be objirved by you»~; Students n·bo inttnd the Sacred ~finif/,y? P· 917 ~174• What Book,/ jhou!d apoor man choofi that JDr want of money or Time ciJn ha vi or read but few. 7hert are 1hreeCata/r;gwn fit dowlt ( but fomewbt diforderly a1 tiJty came into•my mt– mory. ) !• The [maU1j/ or Pom j/ Library. 2· A poor Library, that bath crmfidrrable AdditionJ to the former. 3· Some more Addition! tu them, fi1r them that can go higher, ff'ith flme additional Notet• . P· 921 TOME