Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

• The Contents. Q 20. Am I bound by a CO/ttrall withJut witntfs or lrg•l form? Q.21. M•y an Offi" in a Co"rl of Jufli" be ilought f or money ? Q 22· May a pia" ofMJgijlracy or J udicatnrc be bought? • Q. 2 3. May or.r [<U a Church Benrfi" or OrdtrJ ? Q24. Muy one~.wyO,ders oraRrne{icr? Q 2 5. May l give money tu ServantJ or Offi~.·er) to affi(f ,my Suit l Q z6. :.M.J) 1after give by rray ofgrazitudc to the 1iyhrp, Patron ? &c. Q 27· May a Bifhop or P•ftor tak,_r mot:cy for Srr– mom, StJctamtnts, orqthcr Offico? Q 2 8. May I difoblige aHotbcr of kir promifi made f(J me? Q.29· WiJat ifit be[<c•ndrd by an Oath? QJC· Dvth a pr!Jmife bind, when the cau{e or rc.z· ji;n pr veth a mijlake? Q31· TYb;t if a following accident m.-1}ze it mort to my hurt tban could be forrfcen? Q. 32· Or if it ma~e, it i11juriou.r to a third pir– fin I Q33· Or if a f-Uowing accident ma~tbe P"f.-r– mance a fin? ' Q.34'· Arn I Pottnd to him tJJ.Jt bre~k._etfJo Cove– nant n-itb me l Q.3 5·. M•y I centra[/ to do tiJat, which 1 fore[er lik.,t to btcomr impqjfiblc, before the time of rr· f vrmance? Tit. >· 'Ca[<s ahJut Jti]!i.ce in Buying and Selli~g. p. JZO Q I· Am I bound to endeavour the ~ain of bim that I b~rgain with aJ wcU aJ my own l Q :2· M1y I tak$ mort for my !&hour or good1 tban the wortb, if I can get it ? Q. >· May I ail;. more in the 1\[arfl..rt tha• the worth? · Q 4· How jhaU the worl.h of a Commodity be julgcd of? Q:, ~h· /'11ay I conceal the faultJ, or ma~e a thin~ feem better than it i1, by Jetting the btji fide out~ar:d, adorning, &c. Q 6•.-Jf I waJ deceived, or gave more thaH the wort.b, 1/l ry.l d() fo to repair my lofl? Q. 7· If I forc[<e a cheap11fji of my Commodity (ar by coming in of Sbips, &c.) muj!I teU the b•yrr of it tbat Y,.MOWeth it HOI? Q 8. May I ~tp my Commodity if I forrfet a dearth 1 Q. 9· May one H[t many words in buying and [<Uing? Q., 10· May I buy as 'cheap aJ I c11n, or below the worth? Q:. r r. lt-iay I feU de,;rer ·[ol' amtbeu necl'JfiiJ? ( c.[<s injlanctd in ). Q· 12· May I tak._e advantagt of tht bu)'trs igno– Y3.:ce? Q I l• May I 8rivr 10 gtt a good bargain before amJther? · Q:. J 4· M.1y I buy a thing, or bire a forvant, r:,hich mtcthrr is firjt about, '' eaU amay his Cbap– QI5· Mjry I di[praife anotbers Commodity, to draw the huycr to my own l Q I 6. What to do i>t ca{ts of do"btful equity ? Q. I 7· What if the buyer loft the thi"g bought, be– fore the p.tJ•mcnt? (as, a Horfi dJ•e,&c.) Qi8. If tbe thing bought ( aJ Amber-Chry[r, Jewel.r, &c. ) prMJi ofmucb mure worth ti;.:Jt citbrr p4rty cxpe{ied,~mujf mJre be after paycd? QJ.9. TVhat if the title prove bad whi.cb rPtZJ bi– fir.e unk.!m~·;: ? Q..'20• If tJ chaitge of power! overthrow a title fpe.t- .ddy, wbo mt4ft bear tfu l.Jji ? p. I 20 Ttr. f• Cd{eJ about LMJing and 8Jrrowing• . Q.. ~ •. M.11y one borrow money, wb:~ feeth no prob&– bzl;ty that he jh::JlJ be ::Jble to repay it ? Q 2· P..1.:y one dd::e ll Trade n irh burrorvtd mo– ney, n•hcn fucccfl and rcp:zymrnt if uncertaill ? Q. 3· M ty he tb.Jt c.Jun·t p3y 'hir debtt, retain any thing for hi! f oad .11fd raymcnt? Q4 M~y mie tb.ll bn.Jk,..ctb, fecure cln1t tt~ liil IYzfe and Cbildrm, which 4H /1-IHri,ge he pro– mi{ed, brfore he w,Hin debt? Q. 5· /1/.Jy one brea~eth retain fomewh.:t to • fit up agai11, by CJmp.1undhtg wi1b bis Credi16rJ? Q6. M•y I ill Jtccrf[ity break,_ my day ofpay– tn'CJtt[ Q 7· M•y I borrow of one to k._rep d•y "itb ano– ther? Q. 8. M•y one tbJt 1mb noprob,bility ofPaying tht lajt n1:1n, borrow of Oltt' top 1y anot};u ~ Q9· Ir it larvful'to pledgd,p..wnr or·mort– gagu f~r {ecurity ? Q: 10· /V(ay a forfC'{ture, pledge or mortga1e b'e k,rpt, on Covrn.znf brc:~kiit6, ? , Q 11· M9 I tak,.e tbr promi[< or b,.d of atbird per[on nJ [ecurity for mymomy? · Q..1 2· lJ it la:Pfi~l to lcizd upon ufury, intercft or increafe? .fi?.:.I3· IYbom are we bound tolend't/~ QI4:· I! it lawful to tal{,e mmey on ufury, in focJ; caje1 ar the Lender finnetb in? Q I 5• Dctb HOt contraliing for il certain Jiemm ma~ u/ury thr! mortkHiawful? ·' ··p. 124 Tit. 5· Cafcr ab.ut Lzefory CQntraUt. Q J. Is it lawful lo lay W.lbtr 1 about the truth of our difcourfeJ? . ~2· l1 it lt~wful to l..ty w..zgerr about Horfe-racet, Dog,, Harvk.f, &c. Q3· M.,y tme give money to {te G3mes or AUivi– tiu) Bear-baitin~s,·Piayrs, &c:·4~!1.) Q4. Ir it ·lawf>tl" to pl.ty fotl'-'lnbn)y -at Cards, Dice., Lottery, &c. "'•"· · Q.. 5· Or at Game I, ofAflivity, aJ Bowling, Shoot.. ing) Runni1tg, &c. f Q 6. If tbe loafer prove angry and unwiUixg t() p•y, may I g<t it of him by Lm? p. 12p Tit. 6. Cafes •host loji>fg a>td fi•ding. Q_ I. Muft we fee~ out the lofcr to re/lorr wh# "''find> Q 2· May I take a reward army r.lut,for rtjloring wh..zt· I found? Q.>· May I wifh 10jind any thi>tg in my rwy, or be glad that I find it > Q 4· May I not i{!fp it, ifno owner be found. Q5· If others be pre[ent when I find it, mJy I not conceal, or k.,.erp it to my{elf? Q6.' Who mujl )land 10 the luji of good! tru_ffed to a/father? p. I3C Tit. 7· DirefrionJ to Mtrchants, Fa8ori, 1ravcUers, Ch"plaiilf, tint live amon6 Heathenr, Infide!I or Fapiflr? p. •>• QI· Is it hwf~tl to put onts {rlf or ferv!lnt~, ( c 2 ) [p<Ci•l~