Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

The Contents. .Q.. 4• May we befurtthar tl'eare pardoned ? -'2..5· Can an' man pardon jinr againft God, and bowfar? -'2..:. 6. lr fin forf!,ivtn be/ore it be tommitttd? .Q..7. Are tbe Elc{J Pardo>ttd and Juflificd btfore Rrpcntance? .Q..8. Ir Pardon or J•.Pifiwion prrfdl before Dwh' .Q.. 9• Is o11r patdauperfc{J as to aU fins paft ' .Q.. 1 o. M•y Pardon or Juftification be lojl or re· verjid? .Q.. 1 r. Is the p. .,dm of my otl'n fin to bt. Believed ride Divina? and is~~ the mtaning of that Ar~ ticle of tht Creed ? ~ 12· May one i1t •ny kjr.d 7'ruft to hit own Faith and R.rprntance for bis Pardon ? .Q:_r3• lYbat art the CtJ~tfts andConditiont of Pardm ? p.208 Tit. 2. Dircliionl for obtaining Pardon fromGod? p.2C9 . , CHAP. XXXIV. Cafe• anti DireOionr abo•t[tlf-i•dgmg. p; 210 Tit. 1. 'the Cafes. Q. 1. Wbat ore 1he Kea[onr, Vftr and !'fotivtsofSelf-judging I · ~ 2· •~'hat jhould ignorant perfonr d, whrft ca– pacity will mt reach to fo high a J!'OY/{ 111 true [tlf-e;camination and [tlfjudging> .Q..3. How far may a wealt Chrifli•n tal<! tbt judgemcnl of his Paflor or others about ~ir./ince– riJ) and jujtification? Tit. 2· Dirt{Jionr for judging of our AOi,.r. p. 211 Tit. 3· Dire8ionr for judging of our tjlaru, to b,.now whether "'' art ]ujlijiea a)!d in a flatt of lift? p. 212, &c ., . READER, - ------·---------- ---- }