The :Drunkards Exmfes anfwered; r 11 ptive at bU ,.,;u, z Tiro. 2• 25, 26. As JElian writeth of King Antigonur that' hav·ini grciat~ refped: for Zeno the Philofophcr, he once met him when he was in drink, and embracing him, urgad him tb ~sk of him what he would, and bound himfelf with many Oaths to t~ive it him : Zeno thanked-him, and therequell he made to him was that be Jf>Ould go home a•d 'Vomit. To. t.~ll ·htm that he_fnore :·,::,~ needed to be disburdened of htS dnnk, than he hnnfelf dtd need hB gtfts. •TI\e truth 15; the"g•'od that thou feeltjl the drink do thee is but the. ptefetii ple.jing of i6y' appetite, and tickli~g thy l'ant~fi~ by •0\,•\\. the exhilcratihg vapours: And fo the Glutton and the wheremonger and •evc>y f611flllll wtelOhLwill fay that he feeleth it do him good: But God blefs all fober melij from fueh a good. ~iSo the G'amijltr feel~th the fport do him good; but perhaps he is quickly matle :1 Beggar Ly it. " It :Js ~af<in'an1:I fulth, and not thy appetite or prefent feeling that mull tell thee what a?d how much d.tb thee r.ood.. ·• ' ~· 36. Obj. 2. But I have h,.rd fome Phyjicions fay, thd>·i> 11 wbolfome to-bt Dhln'!(.fotil!tilnrf. . Obj. 2 ; Anfw. None but feme Sot, that had rirll dr~nk away his dill\\ underltanding>; .I"ho~e kilowiPI>hyl Anfw. . licions that have been Drunkards themfehi<S, arid thQy have been apt to plcad.f<'fr•rhti•<JwiTme : ~M'Y one But they quickly killed thcmfelves, and all·their skill eo~Id dor favc ' theit'>liVts from· thd '<:tlilfts o1 beMcdicino!IL their own Beallialitf; even as rhe knowledge and dochme'Of a·wJcktd Ptfoi'<h<lfl 1 wirl not t(.We; his 0 ••nk. foul, if he live contrary to his Profeffion. And what if tho<>:o•1iiiligof a Dlu~kardltiid ·him '(iin1<i good with all the harm! Are there not eafier, fafer, lawfullo? means· enougl>to-do-the fume ,g 00 1} mtbout the harm? ~·is a Bruithimfelf ~n~not •.Phyficion t~at knowet~ n? better remed(lfh•rl this. But thy Confmnce tdleth thee, th1s IS liut a fa!fl: excufe. . • .· '" . .• . , · ~· 3J• Obj. 3• But I wrong no bot{)! in my drinlv tht lmrt t. mj own. ~.,, n . nHl' '' .l Obj. 3; AnfrP• ·No thanks to thee if thou wrong no body: But read ov<r the f6Ifil~i aggra'htibrlS';•and An[w: then ju!lifiej thy felf in this if thou canll. It fe,ems thou makell nothing 6f 'wronging- God lb'"j'lli!O> bedience, But fuppofe it be-no ones hurt but thy own ; doll thou hate thy f<lf ? I; thy .,.j} ·liurt nothing to thee? what doll make nothing of the damning of thy own foul ? who wilt toolt Iavt, if thou hate thy felf? It is the 'a'ggravation t>f this fin, as well as fornication, 1 Cdr. 6. r8."tl)at if is againft your . own bodies, and much more as againfi your 1wn fuulJ. 1 · ~· 38. Obj. 4· Bur1"'"' 'but m<rry, r,;,. not 8runJt.!'n. · I . ., : Obj. 4 : ·. Anfrr>· It were well for you if• God would lland to your names and defin,itlons; and take nond foi A•fw. a !inner that taketh not himfelf for one. There are feveral degrees of drunkcnnels ·fhbrt of the highell degree : And if your Reafon·was not liilliubcd, yet the e'Xcels of dtrn~ only, ~nd tipli(ig ancl gulofity will prove a greater fin than you fuppofe. .. • . n· •. §•39• Obj. 5, Bur I drin1tbut a littlt: but my b,.di< weal!,. and,a little ovtr;turnrth it. Ob'. • Anfw. If jqu know that before hand, you1 are ·the ·more ~hex:cufable, that will not a,vafii ·that, A},!. tneafure which you know you cannot bear;· 'If}'ou knew that lefs poyfon would kill }'<lU'thail another, :rou would bethe more fearful of it, and not ~he lefs. ' ~·40· Obj. 6. But l havr. a tl1irjl upon ,mt, and I tall,.e no mort tioan wiU quench it. Ob' 6 Anfw. So the whoremonger faith, he hath-aluj! upon him;and he taketh no more than Will quench A{[;.' it: And the malicious man that beateth you or undoes you may fay that he hath a PaJ!ion upon him, n • and he takethno more revenge on you than fatis~eth ir. Bur if you add- drzmk..tnnefi to thirft, reacf your doom again, -peut. ~5'· .19· If ic be a natur-al ~?derate th~irfi, mod~ration W11Lfatisfie it: Ifit be Bibd{di'con::: a·di[ta[td thirji,·as tn a Fcaver or Dropfie, the Phyfi<non rnufi d11eet you m rhe Cute: And fmall drink fuetudo :wget U fitter for a thirf\ than firong: But if ir be the thirll of a drunkards ragting appc(ite that harh 4.\'!di[atem. been ufed to b'e pleafed, and therefore is lriath lo be deuycd you are hell quench it up<>n better P,'": d and c:heape1: tetms, tbin the difp1eafing God and damning your fouls, left yo.u find it more troubJe~ ~t':~{en~i~~ (ome in the fhmcs of Hell, to want a drop of water for your tongues, than 1 t woUld have been to bibendo velle· kave bridled a beafity appetite : And 1e£\ ·yon then cry out as LjfimachJH when thirft fo!ced him to fedare, :uque: · yield to the~Scythians, for a little dtink, ~am brevU voluptati-1 gratia, quantum f~JicitatU amifi l For igncmmate-; b•rr> jhort J plraf•re did I lofr; fo grw felictty. Take heed ofreofoni>tg youi fouls into impenitence. ;::,;:,~o~~~ tinguerc: Nam qiiolnatur% :appetitionidatur mo~eratum cfr, at vitiofa & pmer n:Huto..m libido, nullo e1p~ur. A&ajfa. ub. f•p.: Qgel\.. '' Is it not larvfill to Jrinll,. when we are tbirjly, and l(,tion> of 110 harm that it u lif<s to do tlf, ifl:!tJI. i; _ fieing tb~rjl ltUeth 11< what theJlomach nuderh. . . : An(JP• .A beall ~·Y. do fo,.th.'t no higlierfaculty to guide him.- An~ a man may take In the Anfw: confiderauon of hts tlttrll to gunle h!S Reafon m judgmg of the due quanttty and rime' ; but Dot otherwife: Amall n\ull-n<vet drink to pltafe his appetite either againjl Reafon, or wirhottt it f And no man mufi focaptivate his Reafon to fenfe, as to think that · his Appetite is his principal rule or guide herein; nor be fo bruiti!h as to know no otherwife what doth him good or hurt, but by his prefint fetling. Somtlime true Reafon may tell a man, that thirll is a fign that drink is needful to his health, artd then he may take it, Sometime (and commonly with blookiCh people) pleafing a thirll' may hurt their health, and thej'are fo fodlilh thatthey do not know it; either becau(e they arc ignorant of fuch things, c;t 11etauR their appeti'te maketh them unwilling to believe it, till they fed it; and becaufe they Judge ·only by the prefent dfells: fo a man may kill himfelf with ·d 1 inking cold drink in a hear, in ldme' Fcavours~ in a Dropfi'e, a Cough, a Cachexie, &c. And excds doth infenlibly vitiate the blood and heap up matter of many difeafes, which are jncu– rablebefore thefot will'believe that drinking when he was thirlly did him any harm. If really it. willdo no harm, you may drink when you are thirlly (becaufe it will do good ). But if it will' CfXcnch natural heat ami hinder concollioh, and breed difeaf<S through unfeafonableneft, or ill quality, ot ..