~·f!· 2· 'Anfw· fk..eres to Con)!ince tiJe 'Drunkards. or <l<ctf!, it is ndth<r your 'thirf! nor your fottifh ignorance of the hurt, that will excufc you from the fin, or prevtnt the Coughs, Ston<, Gout, Colick, Swellings, PalGes, Agues, Feavers or Death which_.it will bring. .. ' <l!!_ell. 2. It it n01 l•wful to drink a ~talth [om11imes whtn it "R>ould bt iU tak,pt to refofi it ., ft) be sncovered while otherr drin~ it? , , .An["'• Dillingui!h be<wecn, J. Drinking meafurably as yo~ need it, .and unmeafurably when you need ot not. 2· Betwe<n the forefecn effects; and domg 1t ordmaroly, or when it will do burr or extraordinarily when it will more prever.t hurt. And fo I conclude. ' z, It is unlawful to drink more than is good for your health, by the provoc~tion of other men. : z. It is nnlawful to do that which tempteth and encourageth others to drink too m~cb. And fo doth ~he cufiome of pledging healths, efpecially when it is taken for a crime to <!eny it. · . 3• Therefore the ordinary pledging or drinking of fuch h<altbs is unlawful, becaufe it is the fi:andalous hardening of others in their fin unto their ruine. 4• But if we fall in among fuch furious Beafis as wo•ld flab a man if he did not drink a health !t is lawful to do it to fave ones life, as it is to give a Thief my Purfe :' Becaufe it is not a thioi ftmpJy evil of it felf to drink that Cup, but by accident, which a greater accident may prepon– derate. ' 5· Thereforeany other AcciJent hdide the faving of your life, which will really p!epondtrate the Hurtful accident, may make it Lawful : As poffibly in fome caC.s and Companies the olfenco given by Jenyiqg_it may be fuch a,s will do more hurt far, than yielding w~uld do, ( As if a malignant compan_y would lay ones Loyalty to the King upon it. ) &e. . 6. ~lHillian prudence therefore ( without carnal complyance ) muLl be alwayts the prefent decider of the cafe, by comparing the good and the evil effeas. 1· To be bare when others lay the honour of the King or Suptriours upon it, is a Ceremony that on the aforefaid reafon may be complyed with. , 8. \Vhcn to avoid agreater evil we arecxtrordinarily put on any fuch Ceremony, it is m.eet thar: we joyn fuch words ( where we have liberty ) as may prevent the fcartdal, or hardenjng ·any prefen1 in fin. 9· And it is a duty to avoid the company whkh will put us upon fuch inconveniences, as far as our Calling will allow us. ' ·""• .I V. ·But becaufe it is the Drunkards btart or A>iD that needs ptr[,.aflon, more than h\s und_erfiandingneeds Dired:ion, I !hall before the Directions yet endeavour his fuller convil/ion, ,if he will but read and confider foberly, ( if ever he be fober ) thefe following ~efiions, and not leave them till he anfwer them to the fatisfaction ofhis own Confcience. ~·f!· t• §. 42- ~efi. r. Dojl thou i(_no,.that thou art a maH J and what a man il l Dofi thou knqw that Reafon dit!<renctth him from a heaL\ that is ruled by Appetite and bath noReafon ? If thou do, let thy Reafon do its office, and do not drown it, or fer the bcafi above jr. ~·~· 2 , §. 43• Qutll. 2• Doft thou btlievt rhat thm il a God that il tht Governour of the wor/J, or not? If nor, tell me how thou camefi to be a man ? And how came thy tongue and palate to ~aftt thy drink or meat, any more than thy finger. Look on thy finger and on thy rongut and thou canfi fee no rea· fon why one !hou!d raf!e and not the othtr ? If thou live in the midfi of fuch a world, which he bath made and daily governeth, and yet believell not that there is a God, thou art fa much worfe already than dmnl(_ or mad, that it is no wonder if thou be a Drunkard. But if thou do btlieve indeed that there is a God, hear further thou fiupid beafi and tremble ! Is he the Governour of Heaven apd Earth, and is he not worthy to be the Governour of thee? Is all the World at his difpofe? and is he not worthy to difpofe of thy throat and appetite ! Are Crowns and Kingdoms, Heaven and Hell at his d;fpofe and will, and is he not worthy to be maller of thy Cup and Company ? wilt thou fay to him by thy practice, Go rule Sun and Moon, and rule all the world, except my Appetite and my Cup? ~tjl. 3• 9· 44• Q:!_ell. 3• Doft the~ vtrily brlieve that .God il pre[tnt rPil~ thte, and fittb anJ b~artrb_ aU that ;. done ana [aid among you l If not, thou behevell not that he IS God ! For he that " ahfent and ignoram, and is not Infinite, Omniprcjint, and OmnifcieHt. is not God : And if God be no.t there, thou ort not thtrt thy felf : For what can uphold thee and continue thy life and breath and ~ein& .1 But if thou believe that God is prefent, darell thou drink on, and dareLl thou before him wa(\e:~hy time, in' prating over aPot with thy Companions? . ~cjl. 4• 9· 45• ~ell. 4· 1tUmt, dojl thou b<licvt that the Holy Scripttttt;. t~ue? If thou do not, no won– J(i 1ane.m.ag- der if thou be a drunk...srd. But 1f thou do, remember that then 1t JS true, that drunlr.._ar:Js jha11 Hot ~?sC:;~~~b~io inherit the Kingdom of God, I Cor. 6. to. An~ then mark what the Scr!p{_ure. fai!h, U2. ., 21• ~· Woe tft, Ingam to the Crown of Pride, to thedru~tk,a!ds of Ephn1m,_ Hah. 2· 15• Woe to btm that g•vttb bU· Nttg~bour1 Rcgembardrink._, that puttt{! thy bottle ro h1m andma~cjl h1m rlr•ni(. alfo: lfa. 5· ll• wpeto the.m that rifeu~ ~aru_m & . tarly in the morning that tht] may foUor» ftrong drink.,, that, continue till night till win~ inflame tht"! ~ ;~:~bd:~~ie- and the Harp, and tbt Viol ~Jnd 1ht t'~Jbrtr tntd the Pipe andWine are in thtir Fe~fts, but l~t)' regard ~~~~~ ute fubditos . . ., (r 1, · r fibi populos ,obib~i!fe j noq1os vetO quos cpporttb:lt mores ~.ttoque .'perditos c.mcndare, temulwti;t ipcrcmen~.a 4 ttlltl ~ec~~· [.rU4flJ tl• c. :~.I. 'f ;! ' ( ·~ •