Con)!i[tions for tiJe Drunkard. timf's to ubferve fome Drunkards very fevere againfi the fJme fin in their Children) and very ddi– rous to h9ve thtm fobcr ! But .the rcafon is bccallfe the fnbricty of thtir Children is no tro:~~ ble to tlu.m, nor puts them not to deny the pleafure of thtir appetires, as thtir own fobriety rnuft do. · . ~c,fi. 10. 9· 5'· Jl/ouldj! thouh>vc thy Phyjici011d,unk_ ;.,hen IJC fhortld cu" tlm ef thy ficl(_neff? or thy ~arr)er drunJt zvhen he jhould plead thy caufe l "r tht ]Hd~orbrn hr fl:ould judge it.? H ~or, why wtlr thou be drunken when thou {houldft ferve thy God, and mmd the buimc:fs of rhy foul? lf thou wouldfi not have thy bepotting in an AlchoufC \\hen he £hould be about tby work ; wile thou fit pJtliug·wd prating the:re, whtn thou hafi a thoufand foldgre.Jttr work to do, for thy cverlaH– i11g happindS ~ ~cfl. I I· 9· 52· Q~ell. I I. If MIC do but lame or fPoilc thy Eeajl and mal;! him unfit for tl;;• {ervice would;! tboJt be pleafid witb it.? And wilt thou untie thy ft:lf for the ferviceof God) as if thy work wer'e of ldS concernment th:m thy Beafis ~ ~eft. I2• §.53· (h~elt. I2. Would it plea[e you if your fervanii pou"d aU th>t drinlz in tl;c Chanel? Jf not, 1have before prov::d to thee that it iliould di(pleafe lhce more to pour it into thy belly : for thou wilttind at lafi) that it will hurt thee more? ~e(l. T3· 9· 54· Quell. I3· Wlm rclifh hatb thypleafantliquortbe next day? will itthen be any fwcetcrthan whoHome abfiinenc~? All the d~light is f~ddcnly gone: there is nothing left bur the Jlime in thy guts, and tht Ulcer 10 thy Confc1ence, whtch cannot be cured by all thy Trcafiue, nor pa1Jiated long by all chy pleafure. And canf\ thou value much fo'!hort delights ?As all thy fwcct and merry cups arc no•v no [weerer than if they had been Wormwood; fo alJ the rcfi will quickly come to the fa m~ end andrelilh! AsPl.ttofaid of his flendcr fupper compared ro a Rich mans fCa-fi, Yoursformetf; better to night, but mi1ic wiU be better to morrow: fo thy Confciencc tellerh thee that Temperance and holy obediLncc will be bc:rrer to morrow, and better to Eternity, though gluttony and drunkcnnefs [ecm better Non". ~tjl. I4· 9· 55 Qicll. I4• Doft thou coHjider how dear th'u paycjl for btU ? and brcyc/1 damnation at a barder rate tban [a!vation m;ght be attained at. What j11ame doth it cofi thee? what fick._ne[s is it like to cofi thee ? what painful vomltings or worfc dofi thou undergoc ? How much dofi thou fuJfer in thy efiate? And is Hell wouh all thiS adoe? ~ fi §. 56. ~eft. 1 5• Dojhhou not think.. in thy beart) tbat fober temperate Godly men d<J live a mnre ue • I 5• quiet and comfortable life tl>an th<>U ? (as well as an bonejler and fafir life). If thou do think fo, He is happy- why wilt thou not imitate them? It is as free fo~ thee to choofe as them. If thou think they do elt rhunudetb not; Confider rhat as they have none of rhy forbtdden Cups, fo they have none of thy thi1fi or dejire ~.zflof:~ny after them? Ab!linenceis fwuttr much to them. They have none of rhy fowr belchings or Vo... n~:h~;~~:nd m.itings> nor Chamc, nor danger, nor rhy reckoning to pay : . Th~y have none of thy gripes of Con– barb m~ft. fCJence, and rerronrs under the guilt of fuch a fin ! They ltvc m the Love_ of God and the fore– So:ra.w f:1id, thoughts of Heaven, while thou art in the Alehoufe: And doll thou not thmk in thy Confcience, It '1\'J.S proper that tO a heart that is fuircd and fand:ified thereto, it is not a fweetcr thing to live in rhe Love of Go-!, to c .. ~only than in the love of thy fenfuality ~ Darefi thou fay (whatever thou thinkdt) that God and Heav:n ~~i~gebu~1~borc and Holine(S arc not Co lovdy and tit fo be delighted in, as a Cup of Wine or Ale ? fure thou dartll: that c~me not (ay fo ! If ir were for no more than the different Afpects of Death and Eternity to them and to ~1eerefi wGod thee, I account thy life in the midfi of rhy plcafures) incomparably more {ad than theirs. They look 1 ~ lhhs werfi at Dea1h as at the time of hope, and the day of their dt>1:••erancc, as the Affizcs are to the innocent ~~11• :~.ppyc or pardoned man :o But thou lookeH on Death with rnrour as the end of all thy mirth, as the Guilry Malefactor thinkcrh on the Affizcs : (or elfc with fen~·{nefs or prefumption which is worfe.) They loo\{ unto E1ernity as thdr endkfs unfpeakable felicit 1 And thou darcjl fcarce ferioufly think of it, without the delulory eafe of ttnbclief or of falfe hoJ Thou daref\ not ferioufly look beyond dcarh, 1.mlefs through rheD ...vilscheating fpcdacles. I te! .nee, a fober Godly man would not have thy mern• life (as thou accountcfi it) one day) for all thy wealth,or for any worldly gain? He had rather lye ii1 JJ.i\e, or fir in the Stccks that while, than Drink and Swagger with rhee? Keep thy merriment to thy felf~ for no wife man or good man will be thy partner. If thou were their enemy they would not wilh dm {o much mi(uy as thou choofell. As the 1\ory goeth of a Confeffour that hearing many confefs the fin of Drunkennefs, would needs rry hirnfelf what pleafiue was in it: And having Vomited and Hept it out) the next Drunkard that came to him in Confeffion, he appointed him for Pennancc to be drunk.. azaiJt, and told him, he need no (harper penance. Glu p 6 §.57· Qyef\. 16. How comcth it to p.ji that thy very Pride tkth not cure thy drun~mncfr l Pride ~ • 1 • is fo natural and derp rooted a fin, rhat I dare fay rhou hall not overcome it, if rhou have not over1 Thef. S· 7 • come thy fmfuafity: And is thy Credit no more worth with thee ? wilt thou for a Cup of Drink They d.:tt are be made the talk of the Countrcy, the [corn of the Town) the fport and laughing game: of Boyes, dna.kcn,. ar~ and the piuy of fober perfons ? If rhou be a great man among them, and they dare, nor fpeak it d!u~kcn nuhe ro thy face, and thou heareft not what they fay of thee) yet in private they make bol.d with thy n~g r. name, to t.slii: of thee as of a filthy Beafi ? Canfi thou think that fober men do honour thee ? what honour Jnay accidentally be due to thee from thy place) is another matter; b~t thou takcll a courre to keep t11cm from honouring thee for thy worth; and doll thy worll: to bnng thy rank and into contempt. Its fa id that in Spain a Drunkud is not allowed for a wimefs againH any mm : And fure he is not a credible perlOn. Reg~rd chy reput~tion, it thou 'ardl not ~or thy foul.