0ieries to con1Jince the Drunkard. - -··--- 9· 5 s. Q!Jefi. '7· D'jl: thort not lovt the firfh it [elf which tlm< fo m~ch ./'."npcrrj1l 11 tr.o" do, why ~rjl:. 17; ""ilr rhon drown ir, and choak it up wirh flegm and hlth? Ask Pn~ll.:1om w?edt~r dru_nkermefs be wholComC. Mark how many drunkards live ro be old : Emwu pvi.·Jf.IJ.:m iS a Proverb: The ficknefs is longer t;;an the fweetnefs of thy cup. If thou fearelt not Hdl, fear the Confum– ption , Gm1t Or Dropfie. . . ~· 59· ~ell. 18. JYbJ' jhouldjl tbou 11ot taltt more plcafore i1t tbt compa11y f.J{ tby famzly, and m f?<!!.rft 1 g, the company of people fearing Gad, that worjhip him in trutb t,f he.trt, find TVJU do thnr bcjt 10 bclp to fave tbct? Canfi thou give any reafon for ir, why fuch cor:npmy Olollld nor be more pleafam tO [hee, than thy pot-companions? and why it (hould not be plea~anrtr to talk of the way wHea:•cn, and. the pardon of fin, and thclo~e ofLhrilt, and ?f ecernal_happm~fs, than ~o pr~te a deal ~f1dlc non-{cr.fe in an Ak-houft:? There JS no Reafon for It but thy hithy mmd, that tS Cuaable to vamty and fin, and unfuitable to all thacs wife and holy. 9· 6o. Q;efi. 19• What if thou .ff,oz.ZdjlJye i11a drtmk$11jitl Wouldfl thou not thy felf take rLy f}·<~f· 1 cafe to be deipcrate or dangerous? Why, it may be Co for o~ght thou ~nowefi: .It hath been ri: care of many a one. But if it be not {o, yet to dye a drunlvrd IS ~s ccrtam dammt1on, as to dye 11t drun~omt{s: If theguilt of the !in be on thee, ic is.all one n·ken. It was. committl'd, w~er~er lard; or long ago? For 11npardomd fin IS moll furcdamnanon : And H IS certamly rmp.zrd'l11cd, tlil 1t be 11u~ ly R cpcntcd of: At>d it is not Reprntcd of if it be not far[Jk..tn: And the. bethink thee hQw thgu wilt review 'fl1'!fe dayes, and what thoughts thou w1lt have then of thy Cups and Company' . 9. 6r. Q:!._efl. 20~ Art thou wiUint to part wit!J thy fin, or art thote 1tot ? Speak man, Art tho1' ~tzft. 20• fPiUi 11 g? It thou be n.or n·illmg, bear witnefs againH thy felf that rhou dofi n?t 1!-rpent o~ it, and that thou art not forgivw Jt, and thcr~fore that thou art at prefeDt a .fhve of the Dev•l, and Jt thou dye fo, as fure to be damned as thou art alive. Bear witnefs, th:H thou wafi not kept ·from grace , and_ conreqoently from Heaven, '1;ainfi thy will ; bur by thy wilful Rrfujjl ot i'; and dm lt was, not becaure thou couldft: not be faved that thou god\ 10 Het! , but becaore thou wouldfl not? Sure even now thou canf\ .not have the face to deny any of this, if thou COflfe(s that thou· art not willing to amend. ~rak..,e thy wiU in {i1t, if Godi wlll mttft be violated, which tendered thee mercy, and commanded thee to accept it ; but be fure that God will have hH wiU jn pu· 11ifhing thee. ' " ·· · , §· 6z, But I fuppofe thou \ViJ.t fay, that thou art willi11g to amend and Jeave thy fin, but th.ou ca 1 ifE. not do it, becau[e Ae01 is frail, . and company is tempting, and God giveth thee nor grace: 1ViUi 11 g thou art, but yet unable: But fiay a little! God will noc {Q let thee carry it, and fmoorh over thy wickedncfs wirh a lye. Thy meaning, if thou tpeak out, is not that thou art willi~tg, prrftmly and heartily willi11g to forfake thy fin, but only that thou wouldjl be williHg, if the tlri11k.. and the Devil did not tempt thee? And fo rhou wilt be wiUing to love God and be Caved, when nothing (hall t<!mpt thee to the contrary ! And wouldfi thou thank thy Wife for fuch a wiliingncJI to forfake a"dultery when 1-M body wiU ttmpt ber to it l or thy. fervant to do thy wor~ when he hath nothing to tempr him tO idlrnefi or neg,lct'll Juclge by tliis what thanks thoo d&rvefi of God for fuch a willing– nefs? But dally nor wirh God, and mock not thy Confcicncr, but fpcak ro rhc quefiion, Art thore willing to give over tl.l)' compaJ.ty, a;1d tipling from tbU day [vrward, or art tlm1 not l Take heed what thou lai'!l: If thou ray, No, God may fay Nay to all thy crycs for mercy in the day of thy mifery and diftrefs. But if Hill thou fay, that thou art n-iL.ing, but not able, 1will convince thee of thy fal01ood. · ·, · · · · · §. 63. ~eft I· 1tU nzt thm, w!Jat force if. ttfid to make thEe fi1t againflt!Jywill? Wall thou car- ~tft: 1; ryed to the Afe·h01{e, or didfl thou go thy [elf> Wail thou gagg'd and drencht? Was it poured-down thy throat by violence? or did{} thou take the Cup and pour it d0wn thy Celf? Who was the man chat held op:n thy mourh, and po.ure_d it in? Nay if it had been rhus, it had not been thy fin; for m) J."PiU, no fin. Or did they fct a Sword or Pitlol to thy breall,' and fo force thee to it? If tbey bad, that had not proved thee unwiUing, but onlY., that tbey forced thee to be u·iYing. And their force is no ex~ cufe. For God threatned Hell, and thou fhooldll have feared that moll. 9· 64. Q!efi. 2. Didjl thou lrrve the Drin~, nr loath it when thouwajl drinbjng it? Didfl thou Love it {;).,if/ 2 ' againlt rhy wiU, when love and wiNingnt{s are all one ? · O<.!!e • • 9· 65. ~efi. 3· Wilt thort (O"bear the ntxt time till thort art carrycd to it, and tiD it is forcibly poured GJ••• a • down with a /,qrn ? Ifnot, confdS it is rhy will. • V<!!O•• 3• ~· 66. Q!efi. 4· Couldft: thort noz forbear, if the J,dge or the King ft:oodby l And canfl thou not {;) .. .a · forbtar when.God ftands by? If thou wilt, thou canft. e><.,!Cp· 4• 9· 67. Q!efl. 5· Couldj1tbou not (urbear, ifthou wcrt Jure to bt put to dwh (or it? If the Law ~if/ · hang'd all Drun.kards, !and the iHangman were at thy baok ? Su_rely thou could{!. And canft thou ue • 5 ' not then forbear 1f thou WJlt, when God bath made it worfe than hanging, and when Death is coming to fetch thee to execution ? 9· 68. Q!efl. 6. Could(l thou HOI forbear it inficf<.nefi, if tby PhJ{Icion rtqrtired it and told the if ,. t?ou drink,_ it will be thy death? 1doubt not but thou cot:tldfi : lf not, thou art ~ery unworch; r 2 o !J!.:!eft. 6~ hve, that can!\ not deny _rhy felf a Cop of drink for the Caving of thy life : And thou art · as unworthy .'o be faved, tf thou wtlt not do that to faverhy foul, which thou wouldfl do to fave thy prefent hfe. ~· 69. Qoe!l. 7· Yea, conldft: thou nnt forbear if it wert brtt to favt the lift of thy Wift ,child or· r.J: if/ · .. Friend, or Neighbour .' If thou kncwefi that forbearing thy forbidden Cup would fave tho life of ;ny «-" ' 7 • Eec one"