394 TJ,e Cure of 'Dnmkenmfs. or tcndcrfbnding, and fome of tb2m vomited, and therefore he feared it would poJ{on him: However its poyfon to the foul. Dire{/. 1 3. 9· 88. Direct. 13. Look. foberly upvn a drun~n man, and tbinl;_ wlmlm that be a defirable pligiJt for _a wife m8n t~ p~tt bin!felf i.nto. See h~w ill-fav~urcdly ?e looks, with heavy <'yes, and a thb~ bcrmgrnout~,- flmkmg ~Hh dnnk or vomtt, fhggenng, fallmg, fpewing, bawling, talking like a mad man, pitied b~ w1fc men, hooted at by Boyc:s ; and madly reeling on wwards Hdl. And withal look upon {~me .rr;i[t and [ober man, an? fee. how compofcd and cOmely is his countenance: and gd\ure; how wtfc bts words, how regular Ius aCTions, how calm his mind; envied by the wick.;. ed, but reverenced by all that are impartial. And then bethitlk thee whlch of thefe it is better ea be like. Saith Bafil, Drunl;_tnmjj maku men fi«P like the dead, and wa~ lik_e tl!t fleepinn, It ·turncth aman into a ufdefs, nayfarne, filthy, hurtful, and devouring Bean. b DiJ·el1. 14• ~· 89. Direct. 14· If allthH will not fnve tunt, if thou be but wiL'ing, I can teach thee a cheap rdlraint, and tell thee ofa medicine that is good againfi Drunkennefs and Excefs. Refolve that after every Cup of excc{s thou wilt drink.. a Cup of the juyce ofiYormw~ud, or of C.;r~ttUf, ot Centamy, or Gcr– nzandcr ; at leaf\, as Coon as thou comcll home and groweft w1fer, that th1s !hall be thy penance : And hold on this courfe but a little while, and thy appetite will ra1her choofe to be without the drink._, than to bear the penance. Do not flick at it ; if thy Reafon be not !hang enough for a manly mre, drench thy ftlf like a Beaft, and ufe fuch a cure as thou art capable of: and in rime it may bring thee to be capable of a better. And 1 caq affure thee, a bimr draught is a very cheap re• mrdy to prevent a fin. '; . Dire/1. I 5• §. 90, Direct. I 5· If all this wiU noe firve, I have yet another remedy if thou be but WiUing: Con[tjj thy [elf rtnjit to gmmn thy [elf, and give up thy felf to eh, governmtnt of [ome other: thj Wife, thy Parents, orthy friend: And here rhefe things are to be done. r. Engagt thy Wife, ot Frimd to watch aver thee, ami not to {uffer thee to go ta the Ale·hou[e, nor to drink_ more than iJ pro· Jit•ble to thy htalth. z, Delivtr thy Purfe to them, and l;_eep no money thy[elf. 3· Drink no more at home but what thrygive thee, and leave it to them to judge wbt meafure iJ befl for tlue. 4·1Yhen tbou 'art tempted to go to tht Ale-houfe, ttU tby wife or friend that thty may watch sbee. Even as thou woul~lt call for help if Thieves were robbing thee. 5· Givt leave to thy Wift or fritnd to chargt the Ale– feUers to give thee Ho drink : And go thy [elf when thou arl in thy right mind, and charge them thy felf to give thee none ; and tell them that thou art not thy felf, or in thy right wits when thou de• firefi it. If thefe means feern now too hard to thee, and thou wilt fin on, and venture upon the wrath and curfe of God, and uponHell, rather than thou wilt ufe them, remember hereafter that than wafl damned, becaufe thou wou/Jft be damned , and that thou chofcfl the way to Hdl to fcape rhefe troubles, and take that thou gettefl by it : But do not fay, thou could]! not belp it, for I am fure thou canft d. thi.s if thou wilt. Thou wilt lock thy door againll Thieves : Lock thy mouth alfo again(\ a more dangerous Thief, that would rob thee of thy Reafon and falvaeion. Saith Bajil, If hi< Majler do but box or beat his fervant, he will rNn away from the jlrol(ts ; And wilt tbou not run away from the drink thae would break. thy br4ins and underjlanding l Direel. r6. ~· sn. Direct. 16. But the faving remedy is this : Study the love ofGod in Cbri{l, and tbt ric!Ju of Reai E.pb. 1': Grace, 12nd tbt tterxal glttry promifed to holy fouls, till tho11 be in Love with God, and Htavm, and Ho[i.. - 18. nefs, and haft found [wecttr pleafure than thy exceji, aud then thou wilt need no more DireCiions~ PART V. Tit. t. :Dire8io11r againft Fomication and all Uncleamlefs. 9· I• THough as it is a fin againfl another, Adultery and Fornicati'n is forbid~en in the fe– venth Commandment, and lhould there be handled, ytr as it is ajin againjl our ewn bodies, which !hould be members of Chrijl, and Ttmples of the Holy Ghoft, as I Cor. 6. 15, rS, ISI· So it is here to be handled among the re!\ of the fins of th~ [tn[ts: And I the rather choofe to rake it up here, becaufe what I have faid in the two lafl Titles, againfl Glutto"y and DruJt~mttfs ferve alfo for thH. The fame arguments and convincing queftions, and directions, will almofl all ferve, if you do but change the name of the fin : And as the Reader loveth not needlefs tedioufnefs, fo I am glad of this means to avoid the too often ·naming of fuch an odious filthy fin, yet fomething mofl proper to it mufl be fpoken. And 1.1 !hall !hew the Greatne£; of the fin, and 2. give DireCl:ions for the cure• ... ~· :z 1. There is no fin fo odious, but Love to it, and frtqutnt 1'Jing it , will do much to reconcile the very judgement.to it :· either to think it laR'[Hl, or tol~rable and venial; to think it no fin, or but a lietle jilt, and caGly forgiven. And fo with fome bruti!h perfons it doth in this. But r· It is Reafon enough again!! any fin that it is forbidden by the mofl wife infallible univerfal King of all the world. Thy MaJ:!rl wiU is enough to condemn it, and !hall be enough 10 condemn thofe that are the . f~Ivants. of ic. He hath faid, 'fhoujhall noltommii adulttry. 1 Cor~6. 9, IO· Bt ~ol deceivtd, ~<itber formcatorJ,