Fomication a Sin lij;aiizft Sdipiure .ind Naiure. f ornicators , 0 r ik lllterJ nor adulureu, ttor cffcmiwtte, 11or abu[cr1 of tlum{tlver r:vitb mank}Jid- - ·--– jhaU in'1Jcrit the Kiugd11', of God. V. 1 5, r6, 17, 18, 19· Knorv J'f not tbat );our bodia , arethe mcmh~f~ ofCbri{l ? ShaU I then tak,_e the members of Cbrilf, and ma~c tbcm the membtrJ of an li~rlYt? Go.d for ~ bid. TVh;t, KnowJ'~ not th.Jt he which iJ jfl)'fttd t:J 41t IJ.,r/ot iJ o11t bud): f <Jr IJv.o ( .{at rh he) Jh.t.~ bt one jlejh :· Bttt be th.t.t ;, jo)'JICd to the Lord Uone Spirit. Fire [o~nic:uian : every fin tEat a man dl)t~ Uwithout tbe budy : but be that C•Jmniitteth j'odticatioH finitctb ag.tinjl hii o1V1t body. JYbat ! Y7 Hot tiJJt ymr body iJ the "fr!nplc o.£tht Huly GIJrfr which is in )'Oil--· - ( Mark that he fpeaketh, not this to fornicators : for their bodies are not Temples ~f t~e Holy Gho!\ ~: buc to rhem that by hlthY Hereticks in thofe times were teihpted to think foni!CatiOn no great hn ). So Ephd: 5· 3) 4) s,6. But f ornication, and aU UJtclcannefl, 11nd covctouji~eJI_, let it not be cm_ce named among~·ou as btcomcth Dzut. 13 . 27 ; SaintJ : NeitherJfltbi.Jtejs, nor foolijh talking, ftor )tJfzn.l!.---For thu )'l'~uorv, tb.Jt 1ro whoremonger, l'rov. 15 , ,.;. nor tl!fcleanpcrfo~<t, 11or covClOUi man whois aJt id(}l.:Jter; IJatb a11y inberitance in. tbe Ki~tgdrmz Of God: Ll'f Pruv. 5. 3 ,$: HO man deceive yuc with vahi JVordJ; (or becaufe of tliefe thingr comtth the wratb of God, upm tlu chjl- Prov.7.j,6,1l dren of difob~dience: be Jtol ye th~rtf~re p.zrtak,:rs with tb~n~. Gal. 5· 19. Now ~be w~r~ of tbl' .Jlr.fh. artf Prov. ~· .. '~S: manifcft, wlucb are adultrr.v, formcauon, uncleannrfi, lafcwtou[nefJ---ofthe wh1th I teUyou befort, Prov. 11 . j 4 • aJ I b ve aljj told ym in time pajl, that they which d!J fuch tbiW!.f jh.1ll not inherit the Kingdoni t{God. Ecck-f. 1 . 2. 1: 1 Thcfi: 4· 3• For thiJ i1 tbe wiU ofGod; even your j'anfrification, tbdt ye jhoufd abjlaiJt from forni- Gin:·3s: l.f~ cation : that every one of you jho;tld k,_now how topoffrfi his vcffil in fantlificatim and bonoHr, nOt in tht luft. of coJicupifcencr, aJtht Grmila n·bich know not God. Set= al[o .Col. 3· 5, 6•. ~eb. 13. 4· 1-l!~rri.:. age i1 honourable, and tbe bed tmdefiled : but rrl:;..?remongcrs .Jnd adulterers God u>zU ptd;.e. Rev. 21. 8~ The abominable---and wboremmgcrJ--jhJU bJr.Jt their p.1rt in tht lak.£ which burmtb with fire and brim{foHC• Rev. 22• 1 5· For wit!Jout are dogs, and {arccrers, 11nd wiJoremongtrs, and murderers---.:.. ]udc7· Even as Sodom and Gomorrah and tbe CititJ abiJict thtm in lik..t manner, giviltg tbemfclves oveY. to fornication, and going after flrangr: fiejh, art fit f or an tx.;mple fi~Jfering the vengeance of tltrmilfiri. lllull add no more !ell I be t<dious, 9. 3• 2· Brfidct Scripture God bath planttd In nature a JPrcial pttdor and modc}ly to ttjlroin ihi<[r11 : . ., ,, a11d they tb.:t commit it doviolate 1he Law o{Nat1tre, ~~~d fiit .agdinjt a wit~e[t and condrmntt .that. i1 j;;;:~~;~p~dj witbin them. And fcarce any one of them ever commltfeth Jt boldly, qmerly and fearlc::~y, fill tirH Of rhe £;(g/ifrJ. they have hardncd their hearts and {eared their confcicnces and overcome the light of nature, b)' fre:. King quent wilful fi11ning. Nature hideth thi! Obfcene parts, and teacheth man to blulh at the mention of Eth![ba!d a any thing that is beyond the bounds of medcHy. Say not that it is mecr cuftom; for the viriardl ~m~a~o~ :, narure of man is not fo over preci{C, nor the villany of the World fo rare and niodclt, l:iut before gef,~;~ r~~f!ri this day, it had quite banifhed all rethaints of this fin, above mofi others, if they couldhave doni: ·pltimur, Gv~ it, and if God had not written the Law which condcmneth ir; very deep in nature, with alrhoft in~ :i Chr;Ria~is delible Characters. So that in defpight of. the horrid wickcdncfs of the earth, thot1gh mankind l:ie ~" ~~b&'"" alrnofl univerfally inclined to lufi, yet there be univerfally Laws and Cufloms rcfirail1ing it , f<? that q~~a 1 ;;~s except a very few Slvagcs and Cannibals like bcafl:s, there is no NatiM on the earrh where tilchirlcfs .Anglorum ., is not a Onme, and modefiy laycth not feme rebukes upon undeanne[s. Ask no further then for d fprcto rriore Lllw, when thy N.Jtttre it felf is a Law againfl it. And the better any tnln is, the· tnoie doth he ab.: czre~;arum& ., hor the luHs of uncleanncfs. So (hat amoHg SaintJ, birh the Apoftlc, it is not to bt named (that is, ~f~~~~i~i'um '· not withour need and dercfiation) Ephef. 5· 3· & v. I!• For it i1 a jhqm·e even to fl!eak,. of thofi equonimcon;: thingt th.;t are done of tbtm in fecret. And Wheh drunk'cnnefs had uncovered the fl14ffi'e .of No- fuerudirle; vei ah, his Son .is curfed tOr beholding it , and the othtr Sons bleU for their mo~efl otnd te.; ~~~~~u:o~~-i vcrent covermg hun. · ruxurh.ndo &: · adultcr~ndo, omni:l rurpitcr fcrdct, & to:'lfund!it. Epi!f. Btmif Jo. ~d PdtfriJ. S2lv~gus S:~nanen!is EPifcopus~·P:luli 1'· juffu VHi.ta~ ti~nem. ~cdefiar.u~. S~iri~,.Cuinthix & C.arniolz inf!-ituem: Q!u p<>r2tb, fcx o~~mo SacerJ~us qui non e!lCnr co'ncubinarii, irt wbu~ 1\h~. I>rovmn:s JO\Ierm; c~ril. tamcn m:~r;na pars ex Jduir:num dif.:ipliu1 prodiJikt, &e~ G~raWApofqg. pr~ Stnaw Ver.a. p. i6'S.~ Mrechum In :ldt!lter:o di!prebcnfUmnectto: w;u aRom~? la~, 1:.. tab. 9· 4· 3• And that God hath not put this La,;. Into mans ifature without very griat caufe , a:l~eii the lmplicitc belief and fubmiffion due to him, lliould i.iti~tie us, though we knew not the caufcs par.: ticularly, yc:t much of them is: notorious to c6mmon obfcrvation: As that ifGod had not rcflraiited luft by Law1, it woul~ h~ve made the fe'!'ale }ex moft contemptible and nii[trable, t~nd ufid wor[e by 1ist1i than dogs are. ~or tirfi rapes and VIolence would ddlowre them, bccaufe they are too weak to make refi~ance : And 1fthat had been rellrained, yet the ·1"~ of men would have been unfarisfied, aml moll woul~ have grown weary ofthe fame woman whom they had abUfed, and taken another' at leafl w)len lhe grew old they would choo!e a younger, and fo the aged women would be the moll ca– lamitous creatures upon earth : Befidcs that luft is addicted to variety, and groweth weary of the fame ; the faJlingJ out between men and women, and the fickntffe.~ that make their periOnS JefS' .., pleafing, and age and other accidents, would expofe them almofi all to u~rer mifery. And,men woulcl he Law-makers, and therefore would make no Laws for their relief, but what confifted with their' . lulls and ends. So that half the world would have been ruined, had it not been f~r the Laws of ma" trimony, and fuch other as refirain the lulls of inen. · .9· 5• 4· Alfo there would be a confufed mixture in procreation, and no men would well know wnat children are their own: which .is worfe than not to k110W their Lands or Houfes. 11. 6. 5• Hereby alinatt<rJI ajJe{JioH wonld be diminilhed or extinguilhed: As the love offiusb•iu! and Wife, fo the Love between t'athers and Children would be d1ininilhed;