The .Cure of F~rnicdtion. 39? to praaifr : But the ~ate~ of its gripes now, 3:rc but li"ke the_ playing of the~at wi(h the .m.Gufe, -be– fore the killing gripe IS gtvrn.. Doth no man fee thee? Confcrcncr feetht~ee. And thou arc.a wret~b. indeed jf thou reverence not Confc~cncc more tha~1 man:_ A_s Ghry{oftom_faHh ·[Suppn[t no man ltntJrp t~t crime but bimftlf a;td the woma_n r7z_tl~ n'hDm !Jt duJ. co~niat U ! How wzllJJe bc.:n· the rcbuk$J.qf '?on{ct~ tnct ; when be carricth about wzth hnn_ {o jh.arp .an_d bmer a1t _accufc.~ l f'.lJr no fnau ca.n over-~zm "h_zmfitf., and noman eau avoid the fentwce of ~hu ~~rt r.m_hm hzm : !t u a trzbmtal not _ta be corruptui .wz,th mo.. nt)', mr pcrvcrud bJ'fla.ttery; for tt tJ dzvme, placed m the foul kY G()dlumfclf: 1hcie[tthe Adztl– tercr mwfreleth it, the more be hajlncth .to the perditicm of hU foul.] Dofi t,hou not feel .afen:;Cllce .p1~ within thee! A terrible (cntcnce; tcllmg thee of the wrath .of a Rcw.cngmg God? Blefs Bod.rh'at tt js not yet an irreverjible fe:ntcnce; but fue out t!hy pa.rdon qu1ckly left H cemca-o_rhat. JJ)oft ,rh0~ not fed, that thou art afraid and afhamcd ~o pray or ro_a_ddrels thy [elf to God? Mud~ m6r_e:af:atd to . think of dying, and appearing before h1m> If thy r,n make-(h(c ready ;o fly from hnn now, 1f thou ' kt1cwcfi how, canfi thou look hun 10 t~e fz.~e at lafl; or' canfi thou h_?~C- to ftand :v-1th comfort at .. his bar? Art thou fit to live in H~aven Wtth hnn, that ma]{efi-thy ftlfunht to p__r:ay to hnn '? EvenJ~wfuL Pltrd.r~s Ro~ . procreation ( as 1 fa id before) d?~h blu!h to ~om~ to6_ ne~n to holy exerciH:s: As Cbr:Yfoft:om faith ~:llw~~h~S"~ [Die 1 uo liberil operam dedifti. leg,ttme, _quamv~ cr%men %~ttd. n.on fit, orar~ tttm_en n_on audu--·-. Rridegroom !J2.:!.od fi ab incontaminato lcClo rcforgcnJ t~tnt'J l_ ad orandum .i'lcctiJrre; fjUHm zn ·Dtabolt k{i~jil, ?'r hrwrz- is not _to" hilt Dei nomen audu invocare. J Confc1ence IS a lx.o.tter frwntl ro.thec than thou dofl: 1magmc when :my l1gl:n it would reclaim thee from thy tin; Andwill be a tbarper renetny than thou cann llOW imagine, ifthou 'fllhen_hefirR obey it nor. ··· i B~';~~b ~is I Bride rand anfwmth [Happilr this w:u inOituted to ihew how firiful_ -:J.nd do.mrabl" a1l untawrul than ahd " together i~, feein{f that whichiSJ;.wful :J.nd allowedisnot wi~hout fomeblemtlb and note-of tbaq.te.] , . ~ , 1 .I; :.1 •' > • 9· 2 2 • Dired:. 5· S•ppo[ethou (•w<ft writttn'lipon the door. of.tbe bou[t ?r cha,mbtr wbtrt ~1!0u tntrc]l Dire[/.~~ to fin Whoremongers and Adulmm God mU)lldge: lleb. ·~· '+ And """" rlw,.,. [Mcb fe•telltX'nupiJ1t thy Chamber door, or at leajl upon thy heart. Keep thy eye upon the tcrrii!Je.thrntnings of the dreadful God. Dmft thou fin, when vengeance is at thy back> Will not the thought of Hell-fire quench the fire of luft, or rcftrain thee from thy prefumptuous fin> Daft thou not fay with Jo(ipb, How {haU Gea: 39 . i< I do thY great n;icltfdnrfs attd fin agaiHft GOd? As itis'wrlttCno1 achafi Woman that being tempted by afomicator, wi(hr him tirfi at h:r requeft to ~old his fing~r in t_h~ fire : a~td when h_e rdufed, anlwered him, "'by then foouldl burn m 'fi<U-to fat!1fte·Y'¥? 1~9.asllthy ('!!f,-~•!! I eafi/m overcome tlie fi•met of HeY, than the jl.<mer of luft? . 9· 23· D ireCt. 6. Remember man that Godftandr by : If he were not there, thou couldft not be Dirtll• .Sl there : for in him thou Jiv<ft., and movtft and art : He that mape tlw.He myft ~£,and n~~bit ~e ·the •_ .. , .• light and darkn~, doth fee as well in the dark as iQ the light r.Jf thou imagine that he is ab[tnt or ignorant thou behcveft not that he IS God: for an abfe~t an<;! tg.n£r.Ht God, I~ HO God, Ar1<:C darefl. thou, I fay dareft thou, commit fuch a villany ~nd God behold thee? what that which thoq ;\Youldft be afhamcd a Child !hou)d fee ? which thou wpuld!l not do if a mortal man ftood by ? Dol\ tho11 think thatthy locks, orfecrcfie or darknefs, have dar~enped or (hut out 4o9? .Doll thoU. not 'know that he feeth not only within thy Curtain~, .but within thy heart ' 0 "!hat a hardened ,l~rf h1fi thou that in the fight of God, .thY maker.and thy jlldge,_!'YrJ'!l do fuch wicke.dne!S. A•k thy Con, fcience man, would I do this jf I wer~ to.l!yero l))orrow, and go to God' wo>tld I do,this i( I fa.w God, yea or but an A~~el in the rQQm ?{If not, llloJil~tllhou do it, wh<11 God is as fure there as if thou fawell him? .Q remember man thatb~isa"HolyGod, and hateth uncleannds, and that·he. is aeonfuming fire? Heb. 12· <!P• · , 9· Z+· DireCt. 7· Suppo[t aD the while tf;.t thou fawe~ the Devil opening thet the door, and bri11ging Direll: 'ii thee thy matt, and driving on the match>f!n4 perjwoding tlm to the fm: What if he ~ppeared to thee openly to play his put, as furc as he now playeth it unfeen? would not thy luft be cooled? and would not the Devil cure rhe difcafewhich he harh <:J<cited in th~e? why then daft thou obey him·no;v, when he is as certainly Jhe infiigator as if tholl faweft him? w~y man, haft thou fa little Reafon, that [teing and '"' [tcing will make fo great adifference with tpee ? what if thou wert blind, wouldll thou phy the Fornicator before all the c<>mpany, becaufe thou [<eft them not ? when thotl knowell they are there ? If. '!'~ it••"'.••y thing, thou knoweft God il there: and thou maift [etl b_y the temptationthat Satatf 1S mar. W1lt thou not be ruledby the Laws, unlefs thou {tt tbe King l wilt thou not fear the infection of the Plague unlcfs thou fee it? Ufc thyRrafon for thy foul as well as for thy Body ; and do in the cafe as tho~·wguldll d~ if thou fow the Dtvil tempting thee, anti Chrift for• biding thee. ,. / . 9· 2 5· Direclt. 8. If tho• be •nmarryed m4rr~, if eafier remedies :-"ill not ferve. It is better to Dir!'ll• ~ marry than to bHrn, l Cot. 7· $• It IS Gods Qrdmance pattly for this end. Marria11e U hon 01 trab/e ""d the bed undtjiletl, Heb. 13· 4• It is a refemblance of Chrifts Union with his Chu~h, and is fanCl:ified to believers, Eph. 5· • c.... 7· l'erhaps it may caft thee upon great troubles in the world if thou be unready for that flate (as it is with Apprentices): Forbear then thy fin at eafier rates 0 ; elfe th~ lawful m~ans mull be ufed though it undo thee. Its better thy Body be undone than 'thy foul, rf thoY wdt nccdfl have tt to be one. of the~ : But 1f thou be marryed already thou >rt a monjler and not aman, tf the remcdyp.rcvaJl,not W1th thee : But yet the otber dircc!l:ions may be alfofctvicoable to thee. Fff