TJJe Cure of Luft. Direl1. 4· ~- ?· Direct. f: Com_mandthy Eyu, and . .11 Job 3r. r. mak_.e aCovenaHt with them, that thou ma e I~lutJlk_ d! r 1;· nottJ~mk.. o~ t~mptmg ob;etJs: Sh.ut thefc Wmdows and thou prefervefi thy heart. Gaze not u n i! '"""''•!'"'·- allurmg obj<d. A I"V, hath kmdled that fire of Lull in many a heart that h th d d · h ~ Y c·h L)w tl~?t Hello Its eafier to flop lufi at thefe outward doors than drive it ou: when 1 ·at h 'rh" te · mdr he hrc of wcultl rot lee If h fi: d h' h h , a amte t e cart J>un·iua.; :u.d t ou·can l_lOt o t IS rnuc ' o~ canlt thou do more? An ungoverned eye fetcheth fire to bur~ rcr 1 oveth the foul that lhould have ~overned tr. themthltc.t!l a Wlnton C)e at wm~te.n in Co:~..chl!! as they pa(s by,. and look out at .Windows to l!.:tvt :2 full view of h d h· comm.t no fault, fufleung :1 C\UIOUS eye and a wandermg mind, to Bide and runevery way. pag. I<Jl.• t ~m, an yet t thn tbey Di"a. 5· 9· 7• Direc!t. 5• Ling" not ill thepleafam[nartJ of /uft, if thou feel but the leaf/ beginnings of · • I:'UJt_t Ji_cct, _& m?dici_ra~£Unt pr:tcordia motus, hut quiekJy cajl wattr on the .firjl di[cerHed [park.,, before it br:~~ S1 p1~er mpnmo !Jnune fifte pedem. oHt i1tto a flame. The Amorous Poet can teach you th' 0 'd Opprim~ ~uJ!l_nov~ fuur fubiti mala fcmina morbi : de Rem. Am. If ever delay be dangerous 't · h Fis, v: • -,;r ruus mc:p1ens1re refiliasequus. . 1 IS ere. or delay N;mmorad:uvire5.- Will occafion fuch engagements to fin, that you muttcomeoffat a Cum nmusdl creproporius pu~nemus amori ~ar ~tarer rate. If the meat be undigefii~le, its be~ not look.._ on Flamnnreamparvafp:ufar~{ediraqui. H: ItS _the_n<:Xt befl, not to touehor. tafte If; _bu~ 1f once it go Intcrea taciu:~ ~erpum_invefccra fl_ammx. down, It wtll cofi you ficknefs and pam to get Jt up again; and Et mala rad1ces altiUsarbor :egJt, if you do not, you periCh by it. Direa. 6. 9· 8. Dired. 6. Abh" lafcivuuu immodejl JPmh: As fuch words come from either vain or filthy hearts, and !hew the ab[ence of rhe fear of 9od, fo they tend to make the hearer like the fpeakcr. And 1f thy eares grow but patient and t<cOnC!Ieable to fuch d1fcourfe, tho• hall lofi much of thy inno– cence already. ChriHians mufi abhor the mentioning of fuch filrhy fins, in any other manner, butfucb as tends ro bring the hearers to abhor them. Be not dec'eived ; evil word! currupt good manner!. J Cor. 15· 33• Letnocorruptcommunicati01t proceed 9Ut ofyour mouth, but th,st which if good to the uft of edifyittg, that it may minifter grace to the hearers, and grieve not the holy fpirit of God. Corrupt c.Jmmunication is rotten !linkingcommunication : and none hue Dogs and Crows }Qve Carrion. But Fornicatiun auJ ttll ltncleanne[s and ~.,..At~v•~1 «) inordin~te luft or luxury, let it not ht OHCl named among yuu, M bccomttiJ SaintJ; neither filtbine[J nor foolijh talkJng mr jejl>ing, &c. DireiJ, 7• 9· 9· Dired. 7· Abbor tbe covtriJtg of filthy lu(l'witbhandfomt names to mak.! it tht more acceptable. Their difcourfe is more dangerous that would thus drelS up an ugly lufi, than theirs that fpeak of it in m fly languJge. Thus among the bruitilh party, it goeth under the names of Love, and having a Mijlril, and Courting, and [uch like. But (as one faith thats cited in. Stobeu.s) : It if doobled Luft tlw H commonly called L?ve, and doubled LllVt 11 {larlt. madneji. If filthrnefs w!ll walk abroad, let it go for filthinefs, and appear as it is. Dire{/. g, y. ro. Direct. 8. Avoid the RCilding of FVJmanm and Loveftories: which arc the Library of Vcm" ; or the Devils Books of the Lujl-ful art; to cover over filtbinep with cleanly names, and bewitch the fantafies of fools with fine words: To make men conceive of the ready way to Hell, under the no-– tions and images of Excellency, Beauty, Love, Gallantry: Aod by rcprcfentin~ llrong and amorous pa!Iions, to flir up the fame pa£1ions in the Reader. As he that will needs read a Conjuring Book, is well enough ferved if Devils come about his ears, fo he that will needs read fuch Romances and other Books of the Burning art, it is jufi with God to fuffer an unclean Devil to pofrefs them, and to fuffer them to catch the Feavtr of Lttji, which may not only bum up rhe heart, but caufc: that pernicious dclittJtion in the hr:~in, which is the ordinary fymptome of it·. Direa. 9 _ 9· Il• Dired. 9• .Avoidall wanton S"ge-el•ys and Dancings, which either cover the odioufoefs of luft, vu~ Pmarch. orproduct temptations to it. As God hath hts preacher/ and boly affimblies and exercifes, for the Corn– defP~a.DiJ/. munion of Saints and the fiirring up of Love and holinefs ; fo thcfe arc SJ.tans inflrument» 3°· and affemblies and exercifes, for the communion of jinner1, and for the fiirring up of lull and iilthinefs. They that will go to the Devils Chur<h deferve to be poff'elfed with his Principles, and numbred with his Difciplcs. The ancient Chrillians were very fevere againll the feeing of thefe fPrtl"ula, (hews or plays; efpecially in any of the Clergx- . v· etl 9· 12. Direct. Jo. AvoUJoU tempti1zg unntctjfary orn11mtn11 ,r atti!',.t, and the regarding or gazing Ly~~~~~; r!~· tm themupon oth~r;. It is a procacious luflful detire to feem ~o~ely and amiable, whi~h is the c?m· b,J h;,d'"gh- mon caufeof thiS cxccfs. The Folly or Luft or both, of fajlmnrffsand gawdy Gallants, IS fo confptcu– terno wear ous to all in their affeded drefs, that never d.'d Pride more crofs it felf, than in fuch publications :~r:~~~:;hac- of fuch difgnceful foUy or lujf. They that raJ<~ on thc:m to be advcrfaries to lufi, and yet are careful Dio•yfi 1 u fem when they prefent themfelves to fight, to appear m the moft adorned manner, and do all that Harlots them, /l't blx- can do to make themfelves a fnare to fools, do put the charitable hard to it, whether to believe that Miti '~11 ffii~~~~ it is their tongues or their back! that are the lyer. As Hitrome faith, Thou diferve{t HeU though nane be ~:!,~"" r:r the worfi forthet : fur thou brou,;hteft the poy{on if there had been. any to drin~ it. Let thy apparel '"'Pi""'" ill be fu11cd .not only to thy rani~, but to thydifiafe. If thou be cnclrned to lull, go the more meanly '"·"'Y rbcy clad thy {elf, and gaze not on the ornaments of others. Its folly inde.;d that will be enamoured on fb~·ddfcemtbe the Taylors work : yet this is fo commonJ that its frequently more the apparel than the perfon that me"drf,mrd. enrifcth firll! and homely rags would have prevented the deceit : As the Poet faith [Au[tri,.r cultu: gtmm~ auroq; ttgtfntur Omnia : pars mi1rima tjl ip[a pueUa fui. Ovid. de Rcmed. Am. Direll. l.f• 9· 13· Direct.u. Thin}(. on thy tempting ohje{/ tU it Hwithitt, and M it (hort/y wiU 11ppear rdthout. How or~in~ry i~ i~ for ~hat which y~ucall Beauty to be the portion ?f a fool ; and a fair sk.f.n to cover ·a filly <luld!!h piCvlfh mrnd; and a lout that is enflavcd to the Dml. And as Solomon faith, Prov <"