420 Againft Sweari11g, a11d taki11g Godr 'Name irl Vain. open and fwallow thee up? Shall a Worm on Eatth be tofling that holy Name, or fwearing by · 1 prophanely, which a world of Glorious Angels are magnifying? 1 §. '5• 6. Confider that thou art more impious than they that prophane things hallowed and con– fecrated toGod•. Was Btlfoazzar punilhed with the lofs of Kingdom and life,for carouling in the Vdfels of the San~uary? Wouldll thou think him to be prophane, that llJould make a Stable of tho Church, and lhould feed his Swine with tbe Communion Cup> And doll thou not know that the NJmt of God himfelf hath .a higher degree of Holincfs, than .any place or utenlils of his Worfl 1 ip have? and therefore that Jf JS a greater propbant:nc~s to abufc h1s Name, than to abuiC any of 'theft.? Doth not thy tongue then condemn thee of Hypocr1fie, when thou woutdfi exclaim againfi any that lhould rhus prophaue the Church, or font, or Communion Cup, or Table, and yet thy {elf doll ordi– m.rily prophane the very Holy Name of God, and ufe it as .a common Naroe? 9· 16. 7• Confider how unworthily thou requite!! God, for giving thee thy tongue and fpeecl 1• He gave thee thiS noble faculty to honour him by ; And is this thy thanks, to ufe it to dilhonour him by fwcaring and taking his Name in vain? , . 9· 17· 8. Thy infectious breath corrupt<th others: It tendcth to bring God into common contunpr among his own creatures, when they hear his name conremptuoufly fpokcn of. Pf,I >9 •· 9· 18. 9· Thou forgett<ll how tender and jealous God bath !hewed himfdf tO be, of the honour Pf!il. 66. 1.. & of his holy. Name; and what terrible thrcatnings h~ hath denounced againfi the ptophaneners of ir, ~~~: ~ l4·l• and what Judgements he bath executed on th<m, Lev. 19· 12. Ye jhaU nor [wear by my Name fa/fly: If•- 9 .6. & ntztbtr ]hall thou prophallt the Namt ofthy God: I am the ~ord. SoLtv. 18. 21· And ot the Prielis i< h+ &4t.1s, IS fa1d, Lev. 21. 6. 1hty .fha/J be holy untQ tbtir God, ~nd not prr,phant tht Name of their God. So ]er. 34· t6. Lev. 22. 2· & v. 31, 32• 7hrrcfore .fhall )~t :-=-ry commandmtntJ, and do them: I am the L'rd : £ztk·3 6 2 '' Neitlnrjhallyepropbantmy ho~yNt~me, but I allowedamo11g the cbildrm o[ffratl: lam tbt I Kiog. 8. ;~· Lordwhich hallow you. Dtut. z8. sS, 59· If ' it not ob[trvt to doall tht n:ordJ of tbff LllrP that 18, J,9, 19, &art written i1J thif Book.,, that thou mai{t fiar thii ~iOMJ and ft<Jrjul Name, THE L 0 R D THy 9·J, 7· G 0 D, tbtll the Lord wiU mall..< thy plagutJ "" irful, and tlJt plagues of thy [ttd ; Great plague< "S::lm. 7· 1 J. and of long continuance; and fort jic~ntfJes and of long conti,turmct. Worl'hipping God and. trutfing ~:~.\~i 1~J· in hirrlis called, A walkJng in hi1 Name; and caVing upon M1 Name. See Mic. 4• 5• Pfal. 99;6. The Jfs.l6. 8, ;;: place of his publick Worfhip, is called, The place where he P¥tteth or recordttb bi1 Name, Exod.2o. 2 fo: Pf•l. 86.~,,,, D<ut. 12· 5, u, 21. Ifa. 29. 23. They jhaU [•nliifie my Nanle, and [anllifie tht holy o., ufJacob, and & 1 l!-'l• jhaU fear 1he Gvd oJlfrael. lfa. 48. 11· For how jhoHidmy Namt be poUuttdl and I wiU not give my i~nt.I. 3· 8 glory to anothtr. God tdleth Mo[tJ, and Mo[ts tdJe.th Aaronwhen his cwoSons were O.ain, I JJ!il na. 2 • bt foullified in them 1ba1 canlt ni.~h ""'• me, and before aU the ptoplt I wiU bt glorifitd, L<v. 10. 3• So Lev. 24· 10, 14. A m~H that in jiriving with another blafpbtmttJ anr.l curfid, was fto~ttdto tkath. And in the third Commandment, it is t<nible enough that God fai1h, The Lord ,.;u not holdbimg•il•– ltfi that takJth hff Name in vain. 9· 19· ro. Doll thou not ufe to fay the Lords Prayer, and therein, HaUowedbt thy Namt, Matth. Luke Jt, :.. d. 9· And wilt thou prophane that Name which thou prayelt may be Hallowed f Is ir HaUowint it, to. [wear by it and u!C it unrevercntly and vainly in thy common ulk? Or will God endure fuch Hypocrifie as this? or regard fuch Hypocritical prayers? 9· 20• 1 I· Thy cufiomary fwearing is an uncharit~ble accufa1ion of the hearers, as if they were fo incredulous, that theY. would not belitvc a man without an Oath) and fo prophane, that they delight in the prophanation of the Name of God; which is the g•ief of every homfl hearer. 9- .,, 12. Thou accufejltbyfelf as a perfos fiifPe11e4 of lying, and not" bt belitved: for among hone{\ lJ]fD a word is credible without an Oath: Therefore 1f thou were but tak,sn for an honeH man, thy hart wordwould be believed : And by [wearing thou t<lleft all that hear !hte that thou {uppofefr thy fclf to be takeu for a perfon whole word is not to be belicvtd. And what need ball thou to reil this (o openly (0 otherS if it be fo ) • . . 9· 22 , 13.And by fwuring thou declarell the fufp1c10n to be true,and that mdecd thou art not robe believed: fo far art thou from making thy fayings more credible by it. For he that hath fo li!tU: confcience and fear of God, as to fwear prophanely, can hardly be thought a petfon that makes any confcience of a lye. for it is the fame God that is offended by the one as by the other. A fwearer warranteth you to fufpect him for a lyar. 9· 23. 14• Both [wearing and tal(}ng God.J Name in vain are the greater fins, brcaufe you have no llronger a Temptation to them. Commonly they bring'"' hono11r, but {hame: They bring no [tn• fual plea{Hrt to the fenfes, as glultony, and drunkenneji, and uncltanntfs do : And ufually they are committed without any profit, to entice men to them : Youget not the worth of a penny by your fin: fo that it is hard to find what draweth you to i<; or why you do it, uniefs it be tojhtw Go~ that you fear him not, and unlefs you intend to bid defiance ro him , and do that which you think will offend him in meer defpight. So that one would think a very little gra<e might ferve <o ~ cure fuch a fruitkfs fin: And therefore it is a fign of gracelefnefs. . ~· 24· '5· How terribly doll thou draw Gods vengeance upon thy feiP (:•rfing tb;Y {tlfis a beg" ging for vengeance : Propha>te [,.taring is a propbant contemptuous appeal. to the judgement of God> And dare(! thou, even in thy fins, appeal to the Judgemt~t of God I D.oh thou fear •r no more? To this judgement then thou lhalt go! But thou wilt quickly have enough of 1t, and nnd what it was for tlubblc, to appeal to the conj11ming firt, Htb. 12· 29. . : J)irell· 3· §. 2 5· Dtretl: 3· Remtmber Gods prcftnct, and '-!ep hi< ftar upon thy heart, and rtmtmber h1< J•dgtmtnl to r:rbich thou 11r1 hllftening, and 1\etp a tender "mfoitnct, 1nfi a JPt~tch ltp~n th; t~ngue, and · thea