Whether to deceive byTrttth be /awful 1 What aLye u ~ and wherein it confifteth ~ 4 t 3 §. 14· ~ell. IO· I1 it lan:ful kYJPcrch to dueit1t tJ11otbir, )'ta, and to iHtcnd it l Supf~fiJJ~ it b,t by ~tejt. IO· trutb? Anfiv. It is 110t a fin 10 ah cafes, to contribute towards anothtr mans errur or niiJl<ikt'• for, 1 , There arc manv cafts in which it is no fin i1t bim tO mifbkc, nor any bm•t !0 him: Ther~lbr~ tO I\Ch 1 3· 6, 1, cuntribmc to rhat' which is ntithlr fi, or hwt,' isof it felf )to fin: ye;!, there arC fome cafts in '"'hieh Lici:um ~;t· 211 (rror ( rhough not as {i.u;;h) may,hc a duty .: As fO think charitably and wtll_ of _an b)'p~crite as r.liqu~n~!o Jong as he feoncth to be jincert. Here if by charitable uports I contribute tb h1g- m1fiake, H ft."tm- r~ ,, ve.it:t:.-. ([h to be bur my dut)'· For as he is bound to believe, fq 1 am bot-tnd to report the beji while ir is ~b v~rb~ rro– probable. 2•. Thue are many caf<.s in which a mans ignorance or l~ilhkc may be: his ye~y great be1~~:·~r~;::·~~~~- 11ctit: His life or cllatc may lye upon ir: and I may know that 1f he underHood tucn or fuch a 1;rcr r.u1·11 mls thing, he would make ufe of it fo his ruine. 3· There are many cafes in which a mms ( itm~cent) :~,u~lito::e~ ,ali– eno~ is necdf:J:ry to the .fafcty of otl~ers, or of r.h.c Commonwealth. 4· It is lawful i~1 fuch ~afes iD ~~:~lsc~~lfi.u~ dece1ve fuch menby AtlwnJ (as an E~temy by Mr!ttary Strata.gem<;! or a Traytor bY. ftg.ns wh1ch he Hoc !n m , 1wi!l tniH1ke.) And rrordi oftrruiJ wh1~h we tore~know he Will m!llake ( not by our fault, but by Jlon eH men– his own) do fcem to be lds quel\ionable, thail alii .n.J which haVe a proper-tendency to deceive.. $· God ri i ''e.l f;JJum him~tlf hath wri.tte.n and f;okm thofc words w_hich he forc-k1~ew that wicked 1.nen w~uld milhke and ~~:~~~~~~ ~:eadeceive then{elves oy : and he hath done thofc wo~ks, an~ ~1veth thofe m~rcu!s wh1ch he knoweth tioc.em a! cri they will turn to a fnare againfi themfelves. And h1s DOimmon or Prerogauve cannot here be pleaded p,xbr-re n4 to txcufc it, if jcwereunholy. And in, this fenfe (astoP~rmitting anl Occ~firmi»f.) iris f&.id, r:mJi, nun::d Ezek. , 4 .g. And if tbe Prophet he deceived, Itht Lord have deceived tbdt Propbet. Yer muft'wc not p.:aat.um think with Pla.to 1 that i.t is lawful to (ye to an enc~y to deceive him: For, 1.1\ll de~eit t~lt is againfl: ~~~~1";~~(;;:i·charity 'of ]ull1cc is finful. 2· And all deceit that IS performed by a lye. As Augufimr: faHh, Thereare m~,ran,lt-m. fomt lyu which arr:_[p,,k/nfor anotlutJ fofety or commodity, n~t i11 malia, but in btJlig,nit_y,aJ the Mtd- Amrf ell{. ' trivtJ to Pharaoh--Thtfc l;•u "'re n}l commrnded in tbem[tlvtJ, but in tbt deceit ( or cb.zrit)•) (Jfr01 fr.l S· · thtm: .J.'br~ that tbu~ I.J.c rvill dcf~rve ( t.hat is, be in t?e way) t~ ~e ~~ l:1jf ddivmd f~onz all l~i ..,g: ~~:iuke :4. 11JCre u aljo a IJ•ing m ;cajl, JPbJcb dccnvctb 110t; hccau[e ht that tt H jpo~cn to, ~non·eth·u to brf;··tt._m 2g, · iit jcafl: : Anrl tiJC[c two firts are not f.zulth[{: but tbt fault is not great: A pcrfl1 m.m mu}f 1tr·& tyt }o!tn 7· S, 10. 1'1 favt IJiJ /lfc-· -But it is larrful to f/mce the truth, tiJm,~h nrrt fpcalzfa!J6•· In Pfal. Ai1d in E,zchirid. h<: faith, [ Mihi non ab{urdmn, &c.J It flemetb not ubjurd tiJ me_tiJit rvrry lye i1 afht: But zt i-s .a great matter or difference, ».'itb rrhdt mind) and in what matf'tlil am!ln lyetiJ. Son:c think aPhylicion · ml.y IJ•e to entice his Patient to take a •Mtdicinc to flvc his Ht?: He may l.twfully dcuive bim by bidin~ a Medicine, and by tmc fpecchu and d.~rJt, which he thinketh will be l~lifundcrllood, but noc by f;ljhood. , y. '5· Q;Jcfi. n. Jk'lmri11 lyrrh the proper vic'r of lying? lJ it in dwivi•g ? or i11[peJkjug fdfl.y? Jler(/. Il• or i1J [peabJng ~ontrary. to tbe thought!? An(n>.lt is the Ag_~ravation of a 6•e, tlut it be an inj~~ti.f!M dcfeit. But die ,;,alignity of thejin doth not conGfi: in the mecr deceit ot anmher ~ans intcll<ct: For (as is (aid.) it may be a great benefit td· many men to be be dcceit:cd; A Patie;.!tJ life may b:: · favcd by it) when his Phyficion tindeth ir ncceff.try tq his taking a ~vtedicine, wh;ch without d'Cceir he wJIJ not takl·. And fo children and weak-headed people muH be ufed : Now fuch a cbaritdb!c deceit aJ Jitcb can be no fin. Thcrtfore the comm~Jt Hature of a l:Ye contilleth not, only, in the purjn{e of de- .0 ceiviHg, but in the fpc.zi{_i;tg fz!py contr.zry to the mind: Elfe it would follow either lhac ;...II deceit is fin, or that all/J'illg or falfe jpeuk,jng is lawful, where the drcdtof another is chat itablc or law!ul : which arc neither of them to be granted. Yet is it not cvny tuttrutb that' is a lye. Some Schoolmrn . difiingui{h between mtnliri (as being contrtt mtntem ire) and mc;td.zcittm dicert, as if t·o uU a l_yc were not alwayes to f;•e, becaufe not Contr.zry to tlxc mind. But then by mend.Jcium they mea.n no more than f•lfum. · §. ,6. I conclude then, that [ A ~Y' iJ th• voluntary aJFrting of a f•lfhood J And the more it tcndeth to the injur)' of another the more it is aggravaz~d; but it is one rhing ro be injuriom, 31 Jd ~1.'h:a: ai-;e another thing to be a lye. When I name [ afaljhood J I mean that whicH is :~pt to dccei1re the be trrr; 15 ? So tllat it is ncceffary to the Bci11g of a l.ye, that it be deceitful, .though the purpofe-nf deceiving -be found only in the more explicitc.: fort of lyu: For falfimz dicitzw ti f.JUtittk: It were not f.zlfo if it were not dr:ccitfsd, or apt to deceive. For an unapt or tigurative exprtfiion which h:uh a right fcnft as ufcd by the lptaker and hearer, is no fal(hood: In one L1nguage a dot~ble negative affirmeth; and in ano~ ther a dtmble negative is a more vthement kjnd of dt:11)'al: and yet neither is to 1.3e called by the orhers tm untruth. By [ affirting J I mean any expidlim that rnaketh the falfl,ood our onm., as diiHnct from a hijlorical narration: Fm it is not lyinj. to rrretJt a lye, as only telling what a1tnther fa id. By [ Vo- . ltmtary J I mean not 0~1ly .that which is done knor:ingly, npo1t aUual will a~d dtlib~ratt chflicc) or coli- ~,7J:'w~~ 1~ fint; but alfo that which IS done ex culpa valumatu, by the fault of the wtll, and JS to be imputed to To! e volrnra~ tbc wi~: For it is of great 1/tccffity tO obfcrve this about every fin, that_whereas we truly f.ty, that rc_:1, nee crit aU fin tJ Voltmtar)r, and no /tMbcr fin tb.Jn Volm:tary) yet by [ Vclzmtary J here is not meant only that Otf~r·men in which js aefuatlv willtd; but all that the trill is guilty of. Jo'or it is true that A~tjlin faith, Ream li~t· nCl:u, gu.Jm non facit nifi re.s rnens: 1ht tongue Unot m.tdt g•ilty but by ~ guilty miud. But then it mult be known, that the ~!iJUIor 1Yill isl{uilty of forbidden Omiffions_ as well as A~iom ; Ahd Co it is a lye or Volunta.ry umrutb, when r_hc mmd and Will do not rdlram the tongue trom it when they ought. As 1: Wh~n a man r:re;b or IS ignorant through JPillful Jloth or negli_gmcc, arrd fo fpeaktth fdlfly when he tlunks 1t true:, th1s IS a culpable falftJood ( .JnJ fo a lye) becau(c·hemigbt have avoided it and did .11ot : And this is the ~arc of. moft falfe 1e:ulurs and !·lcrc~ickJ· So alfO if a m1.n will through p(t!Ji,m, ~uftomt, or ',f'~elr{n~[J, kc l'i~s tongt~c .run before h1s JVUJ, and fpeak faHly for want of conlidr:rJng OI. heedmg what h.e fauh ; tlus ts a Clf.lp;b/e tm~r~tb; and a lye,- and it is Volum~ry, bel•• c>ufe