Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

Tile Cure of Lying: toHgut of the jl.Jtterer hNrtetb more than the hand of the per[tcuter. And t~i11k not thatany mans Prov. 12. rp.l &reatndS or favour will excufc_ thee or fave thee harrnlefs in thy lyu; for Goa that avengcth them is greater than the greatefl:. Sairh .Auftin ( li. de mc:ndac.) ft.uifquii a~etem. tJft aliquod.gtnltl mm· Jacii, qu-1d prcc~tum 1101t fit putt~verit, decipltt [tmetipfum turpiter, cum hanrftu.m [e t/eceptortm _arbitretur a/iorum, i. e. wiJofver think.! th~t there is any }!Jnd ~f lye tbat ir no fin, h~ decei110h lumfolf fouly, wbilcft he think! him{tlf an homjl- deciever of otbeu. Be· not tbt {crva11t1 of mc;z, if yo~ would be true, I Cor. 7· 23· , . 9· 33• Dired:. 5· Love mt Cove:oufoefs if you woHld not he !yarJ. A lye will feem to a C,ovttr,uJ DirelJ. 6. man an caGe means to procure h1s gain, ro get a good bargam, o.r put otf a crackt cpmrnod1ty for Re~J Pro\·, more than it is worth. Ruperc [Cldttl, impiiH lucri [Nror, & ira pr£ccp!. Sc·n. f:Ii-p. _ He that z.r, 6. loveth money better than God and Confciencc, will for money difpleafe God and Confcicncc, by ~m~~m~ . . §. H· Direct. 7· Ltarn 10 tr•fl God ifyou ,.,ould not bt lyarr. ~or lying i•, the practice of himDirrtl. 7~ that thinks he mutt prov1de and Ch1ft for h1mfclf. Even Abrah:Jm sand Jfaac s equ1vocauon ( fay- Jc[, 1 4 , s. ing their Wives were theirSifiers) and D~vids feigning himfel~ mad, fr~m fome dillrufi in God : They would not have thought 1t neceffuy fo to ililt for thm hvcs, ,f thty had fully truficd God with their Jives. 'Gehezi's Coveroufnefs and lying did both proceed from a wan~ af confidence in God. If a man were confident of Gods ProteltioJt, and that he had better ftand to Gods choke in all things than his own, what ufe could he think he bath for lying, or for any finful iliift' '§. 35• Direct. 8. Be not loo crtdulou! of btJd ~eports, if you would not. bt · /ytJrJ. Malice is fo m1d, Direl1. 8. and fo unconfcionable a fin, and the tongues ot Iflen are commonly {o careh:fs of what they fay, that if you cafily believe evil, you do but eafily believe the Devil, and thereby make your fdves his fervants in divulging malicious lycs. ' You think becaufe they are fpoken by m•ny, and JP;k!n eonjidtntly, you may lawfully believe or report what you hear ! But this is but to think that the Commonntfs of Lyars, and their malice and impuder.ce will warrant you to follow them, even becaufe they are fo bad. Will you buk and bite beca.ufe that Dogs do fo_? If~ man be flung with Temec,ffir– an Adder, you fuo~ld help to cure h1m, and not dehre your felves to fimg hun : [elfifh and inte- mlre de ~.1rr.ffed and maliciour and partial faliious perfons, are fo commonly lyars, and impudent in their !yes, teroen peri.' that it behoveth you if you would not be lyars your fclves, to take heed of reporting any thing they culofum pro?~ fay. Thefe Spiders will weave a Web of the Air,or out of their own bowels. ~:;~;::~.s , volumaies; mu!tiplicertJUC natur'-h Ciur. Ptov. 17. 4. Hof. 1 J· N~h. 3 . [. ,: ~· 36". Direct. 9· Be not ra{h In ffieakJng ;hingJbef,re Y'" have tryed them• . Confider what you fay; Direa; 9· ~d ~now before you fpeak. Is it not ailiame when you have fpoken falily_to come off with faying, I tboug!Jt it had bun true l But why will you fpeak upon tho~tg!Jt, and not flay till you better underfiood the cafe? If the matter re~uired fuch hafie in fpeaking, you thoutd have faid no more than, I thin/tit H fo. Proveall thingr, and then hold that which U go~d,and affirt that which is [rue. S.1ich Ciccro, (de Nat. Dear. J. lo ) Nibil eft temeritate turpi1H, nee quicquJm tam indigHHm Japienti-1 gravi.tatt aut r ri ·: n' c9nftantift, quam aut fal[um [entire, attt quud non [.11i1 cxplorate pcrceptul1~ fit & cogniJrtm fim ttll.l r;n~~~::a: Jubitatione deftndere. Nothi1rg Wmort unfeemly than temeritj: nor any thht(, {o UJtwort!Jy the J!,'tlvity cum aut 'ra·r, or ctrnjlancy of awife man, than either to bold af,;ljhoodor co~tfidently lo Jc[tna thtJt wbiciJ i1 not rtctivul aut incogoira QJ1d kno~nupon [~tjficicnt tryal. ~~~~p~~~;~.· , ' . turpius quam cognitioni affcrtioncm approb:uioritmque pr.~currerc. c?c~~;:":d. ~-~, 9· 37· Direel-. tO· Fo~efee that .Tr'bich iJ li~ tointrap yott in a lJi t~at yo11 may prevwt it. Lef no~ Diretl. ro• the occafion and ternptauon furpnzc you unpreptr;)d. foretight w1ll make the temptation eafie to be overcome, which unforefcen will be too ftrong for you. 9· ?8· Dired". I~· .Gl!t a tender Con]citnce, an~ walJt ar ill the fight amllu.:tri~tg of Qod, and Mont Dire{/~ 11 • that 11 paffin~ to hu ;udgemtnt• . Afeare~ ConfctCllcc dlre venture upon Iyes or. any thing : but rhe Act f· 4 • fear of God ts rhc f0uls prefcrv-attvc. Wnat makes men lyr, but thinking_ they have to do with none 1fa. s-9. lJ· but mtn? Foe they thi~k by a lyt to deceive a ;nan, and hide the·truth ; But if theY. remembred th 1 t Ezck.•J·9.r9. they have moll to do with God, and that he IS always prcfc:nt who Cinnor ~e deceiVed, and that his judgment will bringall fecrer things to light, and detect all their lyes_before all the world, they would not hire a torn and duty Cloak at fo dear a rate, for Co Chort a time. No wondd if men are J;:..ars that fear not Gt:ld, and believe not the day of judgemem. , 9· 39· Dircd-. 12·. 'fo fave othtrJ from ljing '" wtU M your folvu, be [ute to RJ~tc!J againft it ~n v;rtd. I2i y9ur Cbildren,omd.wifelybelp the'!' to {et the tvU of it. ForChildi-en are very prone tp it; and unwife corrt(]ia;t frtghtneth them mto .ryes to favc themfelves, as iridulgence and connivence doth encourage them to it. Make them oft read fuchTcxts as thefe: LeT. 19. r 1.• Yt jhtJU not flea!, nJr deal f.~!fly,nrJr lj•e ont to anothtr. Pfal. I?· 2· He tha~ JPtakJ-th tbe truth from hi1 heatt, &c. Ifa. 63. 8. He Prov. 11 . 1 • f~td,,Jit.rely tbty are my penple; C~uldrtn lbat ~zQ not LJ.e; fo he w.n their Saviour. Job. 8. 4 +· The Hof. <\· 8. D~vtl IS a tyar and th_e father of tt : Rev. 21. Z7· &22·. I 5• Thert 'jhtJlJ in noTPife tnter into it a 1 ry thzHg tb!Jt defileth ---o,.mak.!tb alye-- For Wttbout art dogJ--aJtd whoever lovetb ana m'k"h a lyt. Pfal. 63. II· 'th~ mouth of him tlw JPta~etb lyu jhaO bt flopped. Pfal. 101o 1 t· "#< tb"' f}t.k$th lyu jhaU not larr;y 1n my fight. Prov. 19· 5, 9• A f'!fi witmji jhaU not ht linpriJJijl,.d;, ami