Tbe Ct4re ofJmrriloU1 ribbald Talk: -~4-· Thofe'that are better qualified than others, with knowledge and utterance, 10 ufe their tongues to cdi'ricarion. Vain fpeech is adouble fin in them. . 5 • Thofe that are noted for l'erfons of jlolinefnnd Religion: For it is fuppofed; that they pray and fpeak much againfi idle talk, and therefore mull not th~mlelves be gutlty of tt.. If a>ry man amongy~" fiemtobe reli.giou1, amJbridleth nut bH tongue, hut dece1ve1h hu vwn btart, thu mans Re/zgton u van:. Jam. r. 26- (See my Sermon on t~at Te"t.) • . . . , · 6. Thofe that arc ignorant, and need mu<h the edtfymg fpeech of others. . 7 Thofe that live among wif~ :nil holy perfons by whom they may be much edified. s: Thofe that are among twatlers, where they know tQey have more uccd to watch their tongu<S, than their Purfes amocgCut-purfes. · 9 , Thofe ( women efpecially) that are naturally addiCled to overmuch talk, who therefore fhould be the more watchful, as knowing their difeafc and danger. 10, Both empty and angry pet~ons,. who cany a continual temptation about them. All thefe jhould be fpecially watchful_ agamfi idle talk, . . · And for the 'time, ,, Spemlly when they are among_thofe that may rec<1ve mofi hurt by tt. 2· And when you aregoing to holy duty, or newly come from tt, &c. Tit. )· Special 1)ire8ions ag~1lft filtHy, ;ibbald, (cttrrilous Talk.. ~37 §• ,, Dire6t r. THe chief DireClion againfi this filthy fin, is General to; get '"t. of a Gracelefs Dird/. i• ftatt, andget abeart tbat feareib God, and tbenyou J.re not be gutlty of fuch tm· pudency : God is not fo defpifed by thofe that fear him. . ~· 2• Dire6l:. 2.· Ceafe not your holy comm~nion with Gcd in bii Worjbip, tfpeciaUy in fecret ;and be not 1lmll• 2' jlran~e to him, and[eld.m with him. And then you dare not fo pollute t~o{e lips, that ufe to fpeak ferioufiy to God. What! talk of lufi and filthinefs with that tongue, that lpake but even now to the mofi Holy God 1 Gods Name and prefcnce will awe you, and cleanfe you, and thew you that his Temple fhould not be fo defiled, and that he l>atb not caUed you to uncltann<fs but to Holinefs; at)d rhat a filthy tongue is unfuitable to the holy praife of God : But while the refi of your life is nothing but a ferving the Devil and the -llefit, no wonder if riboldry feem a tit language for you. · . , ~· 3· Dire&. 3· Clean[e your beaw of vanity andfiithimfi-; and then your tongues wiU be mm clean. Direll. ; • It is avain or unchafie heart that makes an unchafie tongue. ~· 4• Dire6t. 4· Remember t~>bat • ftJame it is to open and proclaim that filtbinefs of thy heart Direll. 4• which tbou migbtjl have concealed. Chrifi tclleth us how to expound thy words, that out of the abu;t.. Luke 6 4f• danee of thy btart, thy mombJPeakJtb. And what needeft thou tell people that it is the rutting-moon with thee 1 and that lufi and tihhinefs arc the inhabitants of thy mind 1 If thou be not fo far pafi all fhame as to commit fornicatiolt in the open Streets , why wilt thou there talk of it. • 1 • ~. 5· Dire6t. )• Remember tfw filthy tall<_ is but the approach to filthy alls. It is but thy breaking Dirtll. S• the (hell of modrjty, that thou maifi ear the kerncll of the Vomiting Nutt. This is the tendency ofit, whether thou intend it, or not. Canflthou be offended with him, that believeth thou do]! that villany . in fecret, which thou talkefl of openly ? or that taketh thee to be prtparing thy felf for a whore 1 If the deed be bad, thy making a jeafl of it canoot be good. ~· 6. DireCl. 6. Remembtr that thou bidjl defiance to godlinefs and bonefty: Corrupt communi'atlon Direll. 6 gritvtt_h the Spirit ofGod, Ephcf._4• 29, 30. Canfi thou expeel that the Holy Ghofi lhould dwell and Ephcf. 4 . ,' 9 , work tn fo filthy .a room, and wtth fuch hlthy company? Duel! thou go pray or read the Scripture, Ephcf. s. 4•. or fpeak of any holy thmg~ wtth thofe ltps that talk of filthy ribaldry 1 Don thou find thy felf lit to go to prayer, after fuch dtfcourfe? Or rather doll thou not allow all that hear thee to think, that thou renouncefi God and Godlmefs, and never ufellany ferious Worthip ofGod at all. And if thou do pretend to Worthip him with that filthy tongue, what canfi thou expe6t in anfwer to thy prayets but a &cngeance worfe thanNadab and AbihH's, Lev. IO· r, 2, 3· ShaiJ fweet waur and bitter com; from tbt fame fountain l Jam. 3· I I. Dofi thou blcfs God and talk filthily with me fame tongue ? and think he will not beavcnged on thy hypucrifie. . · ~· 7· Dire&. 7· Confider bow thou bidj! defiance a/fo to "mmon ci~ility: Thou doll that which civil p· a ~ Heatl>ens would be athamed of: As if thou hadfi a defign to reduce England 10 the CufiomsofC•nnibals '" ' " and SaV".tges in America, that go naked, and arc pafi l11ame• . ~· 8. Direct. 8. Ob[t~e ".'b" {ervice thou d<Jft the Devil, for the corrupting; of otlms ; as if he had Direll. g, htre:d thee to be a Tutor m hts Acaderay, or one of h1s Preachers, to draw the minds of the hearers 1 Cor. 15· JJ4 from modefiy, and prepare thct!' for the Stews. Efpecially people can fcarce have more dangerous Wild-fire• call into their fantafies, than by hearing lotten filthy talk. And wilt thou be one of l"'enzu'sPriefi:s? §. 9• Dire6t. 9· Remtmber bow little nted tbere is of thy endeavour. Is not lull and filthinefs (c) na· Direll. 9• t•rtl, and the llUnds of all unfanchfied and uncleanfed ones fo prone to it, that they r.eed no Tutor nor