Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

Deen drawn to fins not to be named? To drink heahhs to rhc Devil, to make'[ God d.J»m me J an .or· dinary by.word. Be noc therefore comp.mions of them. . . 9· 48. Dirrd-.. 2. 1'ak! hfedof ]inning your {elvu inltl blittdJt~Jf nf mind and IJ,mlncji rf he.trt. For· D1rti1 2. fake noc God lcH you be forfaken by him. It is menji1r{Jf<!nof God th:lt ordinarily come eo this dcf- Homtl. ~0• perare degree of fin ; Infomuch that the Book of Homilies thus ddc:ibing them, faith [ 'the tbird :a~t:5:0:it~~ fort he co~L'oh fcorncrr, tb.zt ir, a fort ofmen whlljC heart.! ~refujluffcd rvlth malice, th.Jt they ate 1rot con- beforem my ter.ded 1o dwell in fin, and to lead their liva i;z .zllkJnd of nmkedmfi, bm alfo they docomemn and {corn in NtJwor J\".;.lr, fltbcrJ, aUGodlinef.r, truaReligion, aU bonejfy aud virtue .' Of tbt t!J'O firji flrtt fl[ mw, I n:iU not [ay but P· n5. they may take rcpmtancc and be co1tvcrtcdtmt~God: O(tbc thirdf1rt~ I think.. I may withl)ut danj!,rr of (; 0 d 1 j"dgemcnt pronounce, that mvcr any J•Ct were c~nvertcd t~nto Go~ ~y l{tptnttmcc, but_contim1td jhU in their abomin.tblc wiclt._!dmfl, heaping up 19 tbcmfelvef d~m;uwm tt; atnjt th: d~)' of Gudt znrvitable ju~ge~ mcnt.] Though I take this to be too fcvere,yet it's the Judgement of the Church of England, and terrible to fcorncrs that profc[s t~eir affi:m to it. e . _ §. 4 9. Dirdl:. 3.1'ak,.e heed of fcorning at tlu very circumft.tncu,or moder of n·orfhip which )'OUdijlik..,e: For DireCl. 3· fuch fcornescome fo uear to the worfhip it felf, that the minds_of the heartrs ma_y ea~ly be hence drawn, to di01onour the fuhjlunce for the fake of the derided mode or Clrcurnfiance; and lt plamly favoureth of a bold prophancnC£5 which grave and fobcr Chritlians do abhor .ln the cafe of Idolatr~·, or where the very fubll.mce of the .worfhip is impiOus aOd forbidden, I deny nor b'Jc Eli.Jf m:J\t ( fomctime and with' warinefs; be imitated, who derided Priejl1: But to do thus upon finaller ditftrences in the M~n· ner or cir.wmjfmc£'1 of w0101ip, is the way ro teach men to turn all Religion imo matter of derifion and contcmpr. If you fee about the [ornc cir.Cumfiance of cloathing, ~rna~ent or attendance of his: folt'owers, which )'OU dil1ike or h1dgc ridiculous, !f you look towards h1m Wit~ a fcornful laughter, it wlll not excufe you to ~ay, I laughtd not at thc'.li-ing, but at fl:ch or fuch a r~mg about him: For his prefence lhou1d have refirainCd you from that whtch fermeth to 'be a drridi1tg of him: So here) I knoW . you will fay, it is not at GoQs wor01ip, but at (uch words or gt:Hures of the Minijtcr that I fcorn: But N1cl:mmes •: take h_ecd of d~ll)'i1_1g with holy things;, ~lay '\9t 1 [? nct~r _rh7 confnrni1_1g tire! Give not others occafiorl ~~~m~;~·:\n:t__t~ to dende the.'hmg 1! [elf by. your ~e_n?mg tfie Clr~utnfiances, ·though rhry w~re, unapt ~ Have w~ ~in~~ of lhe not fee~, wlule faC:hom Clmfhaos ratft;_ Jeans, a11d mcknalnes, ~~.d fcorncs agamh e~ch other, how D.!viJ, :md to the prophane and common cnerl)ies of Rcli£,i'Ori;do t;.ake t!i~m up,_ ~nd turn them againft all firiotu gr.d- be n oidcd: linrJ!, r.o ~he trouble_ o~ others, ati~ 1heir OWn damnation? ·A11d we hl~t h:td eXperience in rhde con 7 ~i;~:r.;h~'~ll tenttQ~i tunes, that It JS the .~tClA~;c~ an~- t\lc Prppbane that ar,c apt ~o ~r: thefc fcoffi and_ fcorns againfi Church when the thmgs and pcrfons.rhat tO,cy m;fi!lte; and that fobrr, p~a~eable, JUdtclOlu men, of all t1des do abhor there was no i.t. How unfavoury and prophanc have air,( men thou~ht ir, when they heard fome young and hot- other n_3f!le hraind perfons r~10cking at' ~~e Common-pr'q)•tr by the name. of [Pottage J and at the Surplice by the bur~h~~~~-'~ n~me of [the _whore ~f.1 Ba~lon~ Srn?~k.: J And. ftorri hence tht: fa~e fpirit led r~erh as prOudly and bifc(p:u"~~ s bmerly to dende at Mm1liers, Umvcrltue~, Learnmg, Temples, Tythes, and all the appurrcnJnces Of 'Clch ether ; , wotfhip! Yea at the Lords-l~hy, and ling~ng Pfillms,, and Pr~lching, .and altl10tl Mll the duties of Re- thoug~ by the ligion: For when once men will pretend to Ihive for God, with the fpirit at1d weapons of SJtari and enentt t!uy · the-world, and flefh, there is no flop, till they_ come to the bottom of impiety, and do Satan.r worlt ;:~J:/~,:~~~ly ln Satans way : And fo on the other fide, whtlc fom~ have.: too repro:zchfully fcnrnrd fuch, as Precili- rrnu, ln<l :1. ans or Puritans, who differed from them about the form of Church governmct!t and Ceremonies, the Sea and he[e• rabble of the prophane foon get advantage by it, and turned rhcfe words to fo common and bitter relie. preaches of the godly, fober, peaceable pleople of the L1nd, that Mr. Rob. Bolton laith, [ I am perfwa- . drd there wM never poor perfr~utulTYvrd, Jince malice t~gainjl God /irll ji:izcd 011 the d.nmt~d .Angd.t, and ~~~fs.0;.~;1r~ the gracer of Heaven dwelt zn the heart of man, that pajfed tbrouy,b thr m(lzttbt of .,y f urtr of unregenerate p $3 tnl'n, with more dijlajh'fulnr[t and gnajhing (If teeth, th,m the rz 1mc 9[ doth at thif day: wbiciJ nctrritiJftaHdi~Jg M it iJ now commonly mcam, ar,d ordinarily pro.::~edr from tbc.fplun a':'tffpirjt ofprop!JaJ.tJ· nrf$ and good-frllorrfh_ip, ir an b~no~-trablc nic~nam~, that 1may {0,, nfCbrijfiauity il1td grace:] See more: cited om of h1m, and B1£hop Downam, BlnlOpAbbot, &c. m my Formal Hypocrite. p-ag. 2to. 212, &c. 9· 50. DireCl. 4• Be very fearflll of mal(ing the prr[on1 of tl" Godly cent'mp•ibl<, tbwgh fi.r their re- Direll. 4· al faulu, lcjl the ungDd!_y cafily jlrp thence to the contempt of G dlir.rfi it le!f. For it is caGe to obferve how commonly the vulgar judge of the Dollrine a11d Religion by the PtrfoH thJ.t profelfeth it. If a P(l• pijt or a Senary live a holy life, take heed of making a fcorn of their per{Qns, twtwithlhnding thou ta· ke!l the rite ot ihY derifion from their mifbkcs: For even a mi{la~ing Saint is dearly beloved and ho. ~our~d of God : ~nd where ever Holinefs is, it is the molt gr~at refp!_endent ~nd predom~nant thing ~~ h1m that_ hath It: And therefore ~uts a greater ho?our on h1m, than any m1fl:ake or infirmity can dtlhonour h1~: As the perfon of a Km~ mutt not be d1fhonoured by a reproachful mention of his in~ tirmities, left it n6e& upon his office ; So neither mufl the perfon of a b(lly m:tn, Id\ it rdhd: on his Pi' fi , · Rcligi_on. Not that any mans perf01~ (hould c~cdit_ or fecure his faults, Nn_r rhat we fhould judge of :zs '~<:~~:eh) thlt the faulu or manners by the mtn, mfiead of Judgmg of the men by the1r mamurr : But you mull thou<>hrhey Jie judge of them by that which is predominam: aod fo blame their faultr, as to prcferve the honour of in th~ botmfn their Virtuu and R:cligim, aud of their pcr[onJ for their vir~ttei (Jke. So blame the falls of Noah, ~:. ~~~:h~:t~:= and Lot, a.nd_ DavJd, _and Peter, _as mar ~ake the jilt more odtoiU' but nor fo as may m_ake their per· ~r kin !O H<":z– flmr contempuble, ldl1t make the1r Rt!tgz..m next to be contemned. Mark here the difference bCtwecn ven, :as 1hl'i r - the mentioning of good mens falls by [he Gcdly and by the Vngr:d!J·· The Godly memion them to fple.nlor:ml (:<ccl\, r:cy godly :md gcnercut foul hath mcrt': dcp:nd:tnce on Heaven whence ir com:s, th:m on earth whc:e it ;1bi'e:h. A·good faying ~;:e~e; c~: rnJke •